The Lonely View is Bob's map released around the same time I released Complex. It was submitted to FilePlanet with the description, "This is an interesting map with some cool, fast jumps, and an nifty little cage of death with a lonely view." The title is taken from the clip of RHCP's Scar Tissue that places when you get launched into the aforementioned cage of death. I think we were both pretty much listening to the Californication CD on repeat back when we were making Quake 3 maps in 2000.
Visor's Arena is Bob's second map released a few months later. The original readme describes it as "A kind of platforms type of level with a swimming pool."
After downloading my Complex map, a member of the then-titled Madness mod asked me to do a map about an "clone of Doom"-character they created named Kain. Kain's Domain is the beginning of that map. I had made more, but some problem with the map editor caused me to lose a bunch of work. Already having low interest, that was enough to give them the small part of the map that still existed, and then quit.
The zip of other Quake 3 maps has the start to mapping my mom's house, the floor plan of Izlude (as mentioned in the Prontera project), and the start of Goldeneye's Runway level.
The Lonely View
Visor's Arena
Kain's Domain