Top 10 New Cult Movies (Reader's Picks)
Top Reader Picks for Cult Movies from Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were mentioned as one.

List contains: 11 items, 18.5 hours.

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Stephen Klancher
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The Room (# 2)

Movie cover for The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski (1998) Releases on 1998-02-15
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Brett introduced me to Lebowski and I have since watched it many times. Love it.
Movie cover for The Room
The Room (2003)
Movie cover for Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead (2004) Releases on 2004-09-24
Stephen Klancher: October 2, 2004
Movie cover for Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Stephen Klancher: March 16, 2011
Moments where it seemed a bit slow, but mostly hilarious.
Movie cover for Super Troopers
Super Troopers (2001)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this first year of college while playing Counter Strike, so I don't remember it quite as well as if I were paying attention. Though it was full of fun shenanigans...
Movie cover for Idiocracy
Idiocracy (2006) Releases on 2007-01-25
Stephen Klancher: June 3, 2012
Some amusing moments, but only barely enough to be tolerable.
Movie cover for SLC Punk!
SLC Punk! (1998)
Movie cover for Eagle vs Shark
Eagle vs Shark (2007)
Movie cover for Repo! The Genetic Opera
Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)
Stephen Klancher: September 27, 2010
That was quite fun. Watching this I felt like it was a rough cut of something that could be great. Like if they just edited more and reworked some of the songs it wouldn't have failed so hard at the box office.
Movie cover for Doomsday
Doomsday (2008)
Movie cover for Grandma's Boy
Grandma's Boy (2006) Releases on 2006-01-06
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2006
I loved this movie. One of very few movies I went to see a second time in the theater.