Top Mindfuck Movies
Top 10 Mindf**k Movies from

List contains: 27 items, 51.8 hours.

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Stephen Klancher
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The Science of Sleep

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Vanilla Sky (# 6)

Movie cover for Total Recall
Total Recall (1990)
Stephen Klancher: April 5, 2010
This is an awesome movie. I had seen most of it before but bit by bit on tv. Finally watched it all together and liked it even more. See you at the party Richter!
Movie cover for Memento
Memento (2000) Releases on 2000-10-11
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Showing events out of chronological order can range from confusing to really cool. Memento used it in a gimmicky way, but it turned out great.
Movie cover for Fight Club
Fight Club (1999)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
There's so much that is cool about this movie. But mostly the impact of the reveal the first time you watch it. The sort of Sixth-Sense change where you can then rewatch it as an entirely different experience.
Movie cover for A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Movie cover for The Matrix
The Matrix (1999)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
My parents (divorced) got in an argument over this movie. My dad wanted to take me to see it, but my mom, more strict at the time, didn't want it to happen. At some point she finally gave in, but then we had to go see it in the cheaper, crappier theater. It was still amazing, of course. And as Bob can attest, at any given time my dad's house on Mountain Oak probably had the DVD of this or Fifth Element playing. It's too bad they never made any sequels to this. <i>None. Never.</i>
Movie cover for Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky (2001)
Movie cover for Paycheck
Paycheck (2003) Releases on 2003-12-25
Stephen Klancher: December 3, 2003
Movie cover for The Game
The Game (1997)
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2009
Fucking awesome movie. I had seen significant portions on tv long ago and this is an unfortunate movie in which to have spoiled surprises. But it was still great to see the whole thing finally.
Movie cover for Shutter Island
Shutter Island (2010)
Stephen Klancher: February 27, 2010
A lot of elements were over dramatized, like how the music in the beginning sounded like it should be at the climax of a movie... but I really enjoyed it. Later in the movie the sudden music went well with jarring scenes. Fun all around.
Movie cover for The Machinist
The Machinist (2004) Releases on 2004-11-11
Movie cover for Brazil
Brazil (1985)
Movie cover for Dark City
Dark City (1998)
Movie cover for F for Fake
F for Fake (1973) Releases on 1969-12-31
Movie cover for Frailty
Frailty (2001)
Movie cover for Jacob's Ladder
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Movie cover for The Pier
The Pier (1962)
Movie cover for Open Your Eyes
Open Your Eyes (1997)
Movie cover for Saw
Saw (2004) Releases on 2004-10-29
Stephen Klancher: November 13, 2004
Movie cover for Solaris
Solaris (1972)
Movie cover for The Jacket
The Jacket (2005) Releases on 1969-12-31
Movie cover for The Long Kiss Goodnight
The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) Releases on 1996-10-11
Movie cover for The Science of Sleep
The Science of Sleep (2006) Releases on 2006-08-16
Stephen Klancher: December 2, 2011
Fantastic movie! The dreams were outrageous and the blending into reality was engrossing.
Movie cover for The Tenant
The Tenant (1976)
Movie cover for The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects (1995) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I remember thinking this was a really cool movie back when I watched it at Nick's house in high school. To be honest I can't remember much about it now, just the feeling that it was really cool... and seeing Spacey suddenly stop limping...
Movie cover for Twelve Monkeys
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Stephen Klancher: April 25, 2009
That was excellent. Brad Pitt is amazing as a crazy man and I always love Bruce Willis. Everything about the future scenes was so Terry Gilliam, although I was surprised to see no midgets. Time travel and insane prognostications blurring the lines between hallucinations and reality? Yes please.

Also, the creepy distorted "Merry Christmas!" at the end of her message was sampled in a very spooky sounding remix of Mario 64 haunted house music. I never knew what it was from until now, but I have always thought it was one of the most creepy distortions possible.
Movie cover for Waking Life
Waking Life (2001)
Movie cover for Solaris
Solaris (2002)