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Stephen Klancher
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Movie cover for Tea and Sympathy
Tea and Sympathy (1956) Releases on 1957-05-20
Movie cover for Inception
Inception (2010) Releases on 2010-07-16
Stephen Klancher: July 17, 2010
Dreams within dreams... there was never a chance I wouldn't like this movie. It was incredibly fun.
Movie cover for Childrens Hospital
Childrens Hospital (2008) Releases on 2010-08-07
Movie cover for Shutter Island
Shutter Island (2010)
Stephen Klancher: February 27, 2010
A lot of elements were over dramatized, like how the music in the beginning sounded like it should be at the climax of a movie... but I really enjoyed it. Later in the movie the sudden music went well with jarring scenes. Fun all around.
Movie cover for The Other Guys
The Other Guys (2010)
Stephen Klancher: August 6, 2010
Freakin hilarious. I expected good things from Will Ferrell, but Mark Wahlberg, Michael Keaton, and pretty much all the side characters were excellent in this too. So damn funny.
Movie cover for The Social Network
The Social Network (2010) Releases on 2010-10-01
Stephen Klancher: October 2, 2010
A movie about Facebook could have been stupid... but this wasn't. It was well done and fun to watch.
Movie cover for Modern Family
Modern Family (2009) Releases on 2009-08-12
Movie cover for Departures
Departures (2008) Releases on 2008-09-13
Movie cover for On Native Soil
On Native Soil (2005) Releases on 1969-12-31
Movie cover for The Slap
The Slap (2011) Releases on 2016-04-24
Movie cover for 50/50
50/50 (2011) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: September 30, 2011
That managed a pretty rare balance between emotion and comedy. Actors I enjoy as well.
Movie cover for Arbitrage
Arbitrage (2012) Releases on 2012-09-14
Movie cover for Citizen Cohn
Citizen Cohn (1992) Releases on 1992-08-22
Movie cover for Treeless Mountain
Treeless Mountain (2008) Releases on 0000-00-00
Movie cover for Stories We Tell
Stories We Tell (2012) Releases on 2012-08-29
Movie cover for Das weisse Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte
Das weisse Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (2009)