AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies (2007) (incomplete)'s_100_Years..._100_Movies_(10th_Anniversary_Edition)
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List contains: 17 items, 35.7 hours.

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 15
...has seen 31.1 hours
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Most Recent:
All the President's Men

First Unseen:
Nashville (# 10)

Movie cover for Singin' in the Rain
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Stephen Klancher: November 14, 2008
Ok, I admit a certain penchant for musicals...
Movie cover for City Lights
City Lights (1931)
Stephen Klancher: October 20, 2008
A few lol moments. I'm not very into silent films. I think the main role they should play in modern times is a lesson for filmmakers: You can communicate without saying something directly in dialog.
Movie cover for The Graduate
The Graduate (1967) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: June 18, 2009
That was a damn good movie. Amazing music. Really good cinematography.
Movie cover for The Grapes of Wrath
The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
Stephen Klancher: May 4, 2009
Good acting. I haven't read the book, but I must have seen the first half of the movie at some point in school.
Movie cover for Double Indemnity
Double Indemnity (1944)
Stephen Klancher: September 21, 2008
Movie cover for Annie Hall
Annie Hall (1977) Releases on 1977-04-20
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this while doing other things and I'm never sure if that means I'm not giving something a fair chance, but I didn't care for this movie.
Movie cover for King Kong
King Kong (1933)
Stephen Klancher: December 19, 2009
Boring and repetitive. Most of the movie is this: Girl screams, Kong fights giant lizard, repeat. I can imagine people making a lot of "for it's time"-comments, but I can't agree with someone who says this is a good movie that holds up to modern viewing.
Movie cover for A Streetcar Named Desire
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Stephen Klancher: February 27, 2010
I thought I had only watched clips of this in Mr Ruff's English class, but I guess I had actually seen all of it. I feel repulsed but interested by these characters. I would hate to be around any of them in real life, but they are played well. Stanley is unapologetically the brute, Blanche desperately clinging to the fantasy in her head.
Movie cover for The Deer Hunter
The Deer Hunter (1978)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Whoa, depressing. Good movie though. I downloaded this in high school and watched it with a few friends huddled around a computer at my dad's house in a half-hearted attempt to start a recurring movie night.
Movie cover for Nashville
Nashville (1975)
Movie cover for The African Queen
The African Queen (1951)
Stephen Klancher: April 26, 2010
I wasn't too interested, but Bogart and Hepburn are good enough actors that there was still some fun in watching it. And more weddings should use the line: "I now pronounce you man and wife, now proceed with the execution." Also I have nostalgia for the Disneyland Jungle Cruise which was apparently based on this.
Movie cover for Saving Private Ryan
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Movie cover for All the President's Men
All the President's Men (1976)
Stephen Klancher: September 28, 2010
Exciting through much of it, but then it felt like it ended abruptly.
Movie cover for Titanic
Titanic (1997)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Not a bad movie, but since I was in junior high when this came out, I can only associate it with fawning girls. Though I don't think that was really limited to junior high.
Movie cover for The Sixth Sense
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Probably spoiled for anyone who didn't see it soon after it came out, but a well done twist made this fun. Plus there's the iconic "I see dead people" line.
Movie cover for The Last Picture Show
The Last Picture Show (1971)
Movie cover for Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane (1941)
Stephen Klancher: February 12, 2008
Overrated. Compare to Casablanca because they are both "old movies" (1 year apart) and both always ranked high on movie lists.