Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Stellvia of the Universe

List contains: 26 items, 0.4 hours.
Seasons: 1 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 1
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First Unseen:
Lost Bearings (# 2)

Movie cover for Welcome
Welcome (2003) Airs on 2003-04-02
S1 - E1 of Stellvia of the Universe
Stephen Klancher: October 1, 2003
Movie cover for Lost Bearings
Lost Bearings (8640) Airs on 2003-04-09
S1 - E2 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Sorry
Sorry (2003) Airs on 2003-04-16
S1 - E3 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Good Luck
Good Luck (2003) Airs on 2003-04-23
S1 - E4 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Chance
Chance (2003) Airs on 2003-04-30
S1 - E5 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for I Won't Lose
I Won't Lose (2003) Airs on 2003-05-07
S1 - E6 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for I`m Frustrated
I`m Frustrated (2003) Airs on 2003-05-14
S1 - E7 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Me?
Me? (2003) Airs on 2003-05-21
S1 - E8 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for I`m Heading Out
I`m Heading Out (2003) Airs on 2003-05-28
S1 - E9 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Welcome Back
Welcome Back (2003) Airs on 2003-06-04
S1 - E10 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for The Real You
The Real You (2003) Airs on 2003-06-11
S1 - E11 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Confession
Confession (2003) Airs on 2003-06-18
S1 - E12 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Winter Break
Winter Break (2003) Airs on 2003-06-25
S1 - E13 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Dreams and Reality
Dreams and Reality (2003) Airs on 2003-07-02
S1 - E14 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for I Don't Know
I Don't Know (2003) Airs on 2003-07-09
S1 - E15 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Under Suspicion
Under Suspicion (2003) Airs on 2003-07-16
S1 - E16 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Battle
Battle (2003) Airs on 2003-07-23
S1 - E17 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Distant Voice
Distant Voice (2003) Airs on 2003-07-30
S1 - E18 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Crybaby Hothead
Crybaby Hothead (2003) Airs on 2003-08-06
S1 - E19 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for The Future's to You
The Future's to You (2003) Airs on 2003-08-13
S1 - E20 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Invisible Wall
Invisible Wall (2003) Airs on 2003-08-20
S1 - E21 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Each Separate Path
Each Separate Path (2003) Airs on 2003-08-27
S1 - E22 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for That's Why You Exist
That's Why You Exist (2003) Airs on 2003-09-03
S1 - E23 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Darkness Once More
Darkness Once More (2003) Airs on 2003-09-10
S1 - E24 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for Goodbye
Goodbye (2003) Airs on 2003-09-17
S1 - E25 of Stellvia of the Universe
Movie cover for A Voice of Brilliance
A Voice of Brilliance (2003) Airs on 2003-09-24
S1 - E26 of Stellvia of the Universe

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