Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

List contains: 24 items, 0.4 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 | 3 |

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Stephen Klancher
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The Origin of the Spider-Friends

Movie cover for The Triumph of the Green Goblin
The Triumph of the Green Goblin (1981) Airs on 1981-09-12
S1 - E1 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Crime of All Centuries
The Crime of All Centuries Airs on 1981-09-19
S1 - E2 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Fantastic Mr. Frump!
The Fantastic Mr. Frump! Airs on 1981-09-26
S1 - E3 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Sunfire
Sunfire Airs on 1981-10-03
S1 - E4 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Swarm
Swarm Airs on 1981-10-10
S1 - E5 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for 7 Little Superheroes
7 Little Superheroes Airs on 1981-10-17
S1 - E6 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Video-Man
Video-Man Airs on 1981-10-24
S1 - E7 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Prison Plot
The Prison Plot Airs on 1981-10-31
S1 - E8 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Spidey Goes Hollywood
Spidey Goes Hollywood Airs on 1981-11-07
S1 - E9 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Vengeance of Loki!
The Vengeance of Loki! Airs on 1981-11-14
S1 - E10 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Knights and Demons
Knights and Demons Airs on 1981-11-21
S1 - E11 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Pawns of the Kingpin
Pawns of the Kingpin Airs on 1981-11-28
S1 - E12 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Quest of the Red Skull
The Quest of the Red Skull Airs on 1981-12-05
S1 - E13 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Origin of the Iceman
The Origin of the Iceman Airs on 1982-09-18
S2 - E1 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for A Fire-Star is Born
A Fire-Star is Born Airs on 1982-09-25
S2 - E2 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Along Came Spidey
Along Came Spidey Airs on 1982-10-02
S2 - E3 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Spider-Man Unmasked!
Spider-Man Unmasked! Airs on 1983-09-17
S3 - E1 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Bride of Dracula!
The Bride of Dracula! Airs on 1983-09-24
S3 - E2 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Education of a Superhero
The Education of a Superhero Airs on 1983-10-01
S3 - E3 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Attack of the Arachnoid
Attack of the Arachnoid Airs on 1983-10-08
S3 - E4 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The Origin of the Spider-Friends
The Origin of the Spider-Friends (1983) Airs on 1983-10-15
S3 - E5 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Stephen Klancher: December 11, 2014
Movie cover for Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow
Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow Airs on 1983-10-22
S3 - E6 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for The X-Men Adventure
The X-Men Adventure Airs on 1983-10-29
S3 - E7 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
Movie cover for Mission: Save the Guardstar
Mission: Save the Guardstar Airs on 1983-11-05
S3 - E8 of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

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