Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists


List contains: 28 items, 0.5 hours.
Seasons: 1 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 27
...has seen 0.5 hours
...has not seen 0 hours
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Most Recent:
Net Slum

First Unseen:
Unison (# 28)

Movie cover for Role Play
Role Play (2002) Airs on 2003-02-01
S1 - E1 of .hack
Movie cover for Guardian
Guardian (2002) Airs on 2002-04-10
S1 - E2 of .hack
Movie cover for Folklore
Folklore (2002) Airs on 2002-04-17
S1 - E3 of .hack
Movie cover for Wanted
Wanted (2002) Airs on 2002-04-24
S1 - E4 of .hack
Movie cover for Captured
Captured (2002) Airs on 2002-05-01
S1 - E5 of .hack
Movie cover for Encounter
Encounter (2002) Airs on 2002-05-08
S1 - E6 of .hack
Movie cover for Reason
Reason (2002) Airs on 2002-05-15
S1 - E7 of .hack
Movie cover for Promise
Promise (2002) Airs on 2002-05-22
S1 - E8 of .hack
Movie cover for Epitaph
Epitaph (2002) Airs on 2002-05-29
S1 - E9 of .hack
Movie cover for Compensation
Compensation (2002) Airs on 2002-06-05
S1 - E10 of .hack
Movie cover for Party
Party (2002) Airs on 2002-06-12
S1 - E11 of .hack
Movie cover for Entanglement
Entanglement (2002) Airs on 2002-06-19
S1 - E12 of .hack
Movie cover for Twilight Eye
Twilight Eye (2002) Airs on 2002-06-26
S1 - E13 of .hack
Movie cover for Castle
Castle (2002) Airs on 2002-07-03
S1 - E14 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 17, 2008
I took a 5 year break in watching this series between episode 13 and 14.
Movie cover for Evidence
Evidence (2002) Airs on 2002-07-10
S1 - E15 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 21, 2008
Movie cover for Depth
Depth (2002) Airs on 2002-07-17
S1 - E16 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 21, 2008
Movie cover for Conflict
Conflict (2002) Airs on 2002-07-24
S1 - E17 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 21, 2008
Movie cover for Declaration
Declaration (2002) Airs on 2002-07-31
S1 - E18 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 21, 2008
Movie cover for Recollection
Recollection (2002) Airs on 2002-08-07
S1 - E19 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 23, 2008
Movie cover for Tempest
Tempest (2002) Airs on 2002-08-14
S1 - E20 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 23, 2008
Movie cover for Despair
Despair (2002) Airs on 2002-08-21
S1 - E21 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 25, 2008
Movie cover for Phantom
Phantom (2002) Airs on 2002-08-28
S1 - E22 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 25, 2008
Movie cover for The Eve
The Eve (2002) Airs on 2002-09-04
S1 - E23 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 27, 2008
Movie cover for Net Slum
Net Slum (2002) Airs on 2002-09-11
S1 - E24 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 30, 2008
Movie cover for Catastrophe
Catastrophe (2002) Airs on 2002-09-18
S1 - E25 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 30, 2008
Movie cover for Return
Return (2002) Airs on 2002-09-25
S1 - E26 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: July 30, 2008
Movie cover for Intermezzo
Intermezzo (2002) Airs on 2022-03-21
S1 - E27 of .hack
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Comment on the whole series:
What a weird anime. No surprise given that it takes place inside an MMO. I mostly just liked the music. It is touted as focusing on characters rather than action, but the story didn't seem to do much. A few of the tracks of music from it are super cool though.
Movie cover for Unison
Unison (2003) Airs on 2022-03-21
S1 - E28 of .hack

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