Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

List contains: 139 items, 2.3 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 72
...has seen 1.2 hours
...has not seen 1.1 hours
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Most Recent:
Nomad Droids

First Unseen:
Darkness on Umbara (# 73)

Movie cover for Ambush
Ambush (2022) Airs on 2008-10-03
S1 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 10, 2008
Movie cover for Rising Malevolence
Rising Malevolence (2008) Airs on 2008-10-03
S1 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 18, 2008
Movie cover for Shadow of Malevolence
Shadow of Malevolence (2008) Airs on 2008-10-10
S1 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 19, 2008
Movie cover for Destroy Malevolence
Destroy Malevolence (2008) Airs on 2008-10-17
S1 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 24, 2008
Movie cover for Rookies
Rookies (2008) Airs on 2008-10-24
S1 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 22, 2008
Movie cover for Downfall of a Droid
Downfall of a Droid (2008) Airs on 2008-11-07
S1 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 24, 2008
Movie cover for Duel of the Droids
Duel of the Droids (2008) Airs on 2008-11-14
S1 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 24, 2008
Movie cover for Bombad Jedi
Bombad Jedi (2008) Airs on 2008-11-21
S1 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 29, 2008
WhY the hell would the add Jar Jar?
Movie cover for Cloak of Darkness
Cloak of Darkness (2008) Airs on 2008-12-05
S1 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: December 30, 2008
This episode was amazingly cool.
Movie cover for Lair of Grievous
Lair of Grievous (2008) Airs on 2008-12-12
S1 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Dooku Captured
Dooku Captured (2009) Airs on 2009-01-02
S1 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: January 19, 2009
Movie cover for The Gungan General
The Gungan General (2009) Airs on 2009-01-09
S1 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: January 20, 2009
Still managed to be a decent episode, but... Jar Jar is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars. Maybe he's just the worst thing to ever happen.
Movie cover for Jedi Crash
Jedi Crash (2009) Airs on 2009-01-16
S1 - E13 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: January 21, 2009
Anakin stopping that explosion was pretty cool.
Movie cover for Defenders of Peace
Defenders of Peace (2009) Airs on 2009-01-23
S1 - E14 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: February 1, 2009
Those dudes are like Ewoks 2.0.
Movie cover for Trespass
Trespass (2009) Airs on 2009-01-30
S1 - E15 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: February 2, 2009
Cool Snow Trooper combat in this episode. I think the cantina scene from A New Hope had one of these aliens in it.
Movie cover for The Hidden Enemy
The Hidden Enemy (2009) Airs on 2009-02-06
S1 - E16 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: February 19, 2009
Yummy swordplay + more depth on clone characters.
Movie cover for Blue Shadow Virus
Blue Shadow Virus (2009) Airs on 2009-02-13
S1 - E17 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2009
Jar-Jar is just terrible. But fun episode none the less.
Movie cover for Mystery of a Thousand Moons
Mystery of a Thousand Moons (2009) Airs on 2009-02-13
S1 - E18 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2009
The voice actors do not know how to do a good sick-voice. Some nice Anakin Dark Side feeling in this one. Also making me wonder if they will kill Asoka at the end of the series for continuity's sake.
Movie cover for Storm Over Ryloth
Storm Over Ryloth (2009) Airs on 2009-02-27
S1 - E19 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: March 30, 2009
Movie cover for Innocents of Ryloth
Innocents of Ryloth (2009) Airs on 2009-03-06
S1 - E20 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: April 1, 2009
I'm really liking the music throughout this series.
Movie cover for Liberty on Ryloth
Liberty on Ryloth (2009) Airs on 2009-03-13
S1 - E21 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: April 1, 2009
The Twi'lek rebel leader was pretty cool. Nice Windu scenes in this one.
Movie cover for Hostage Crisis
Hostage Crisis (2009) Airs on 2009-03-20
S1 - E22 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: April 3, 2009
Fun episode for the season finale. Cad Bane was pretty cool.
Movie cover for Holocron Heist
Holocron Heist (2009) Airs on 2009-10-02
S2 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 1, 2009
The changeling managed to put up a pretty good lightsaber fight.
Movie cover for Cargo of Doom
Cargo of Doom (2009) Airs on 2009-10-02
S2 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 1, 2009
Cad Bane is cool.
Movie cover for Children of the Force
Children of the Force (2009) Airs on 2009-10-09
S2 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 3, 2009
Cool episode with a lot going on. Anakin's first visit to Mustafar. The "Take us to the holocron" scene was cool. Made the Jedi look pretty creepy though.
Movie cover for Senate Spy
Senate Spy (2009) Airs on 2009-10-17
S2 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Looks like I forgot to mark that I had seen this one... Seems like I remember it being good...
Movie cover for Landing at Point Rain
Landing at Point Rain (2009) Airs on 2009-11-04
S2 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 1, 2010
Wow, I haven't watched any of this in almost exactly a year and I forgot how incredibly fun it is. And totally well suited to watching on a big projector with good speakers.
Movie cover for Weapons Factory
Weapons Factory (2009) Airs on 2009-11-13
S2 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 2, 2010
Movie cover for Legacy of Terror
Legacy of Terror (2009) Airs on 2009-11-20
S2 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 4, 2010
Movie cover for Brain Invaders
Brain Invaders (2009) Airs on 2009-12-04
S2 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 10, 2010
Ahsoka vs possessed Bariss was pretty fun to watch. The way Ahsoke holds her lightsaber always makes the fights look cool.
Movie cover for Grievous Intrigue
Grievous Intrigue (2010) Airs on 2010-01-01
S2 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 19, 2010
Cool saber fights with Grievous.
Movie cover for The Deserter
The Deserter (2010) Airs on 2010-01-01
S2 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 19, 2010
Very cool to see a clone trooper with a clone deserter... though I was hoping it would be one from the RC books.
Movie cover for Lightsaber Lost
Lightsaber Lost (2010) Airs on 2010-01-22
S2 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
Started as kind of a childish Ahsoka episode, but at least it had good chase scenes.
Movie cover for The Mandalore Plot
The Mandalore Plot (2010) Airs on 2010-01-29
S2 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
I was confused while watching this because it had major differences with how the Mandalorians were shown during the Republic Commando books that take place around the same time. I am very disappointed to hear see a response on the author's website ( that Lucasfilm decided to involve Mandalorians in this series in ways that conflict with what she wrote... and has lead to the end of her Star Wars writing. Unfortunate.
Movie cover for Voyage of Temptation
Voyage of Temptation (2010) Airs on 2010-02-05
S2 - E13 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
I'm annoyed about this alternate, but canonical Mandalore.
Movie cover for Duchess of Mandalore
Duchess of Mandalore (2010) Airs on 2010-02-12
S2 - E14 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
Either way, at least we get to watch some Mandalorian combat.
Movie cover for Senate Murders
Senate Murders (2010) Airs on 2010-03-05
S2 - E15 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
Never trust a Rodian. That's why HAN SHOT FIRST.
Movie cover for Cat and Mouse
Cat and Mouse (2010) Airs on 2010-03-26
S2 - E16 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
Cloaking device? What are they Romulans now?
Movie cover for Bounty Hunters
Bounty Hunters (2010) Airs on 2010-04-02
S2 - E17 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 21, 2010
Raiden-shield-hat-bounty-hunter was very cool. Also, this exchange between Anakin and Obi-wan: "I don't know why you ask my opinion, you never want to do things my way." "Well, we crashed the ship your way..."
Movie cover for The Zillo Beast
The Zillo Beast (2010) Airs on 2010-04-09
S2 - E18 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2010
The dread Zillo Beast slept in R'Lyeh... until they bombed it awake. That thing was pretty cool. I'm sure that taking it to Coruscant is a wonderful idea. No damage it could do there if it got loose right?
Movie cover for The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
The Zillo Beast Strikes Back (2010) Airs on 2010-04-16
S2 - E19 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 21, 2010
Zillo vs Coruscant was very cool.
Movie cover for Death Trap
Death Trap (2010) Airs on 2010-04-23
S2 - E20 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 21, 2010
Kid Boba... kinda cool. I'd rather see Kal Skirata show up, but clearly that won't happen.
Movie cover for R2 Come Home
R2 Come Home (2010) Airs on 2010-04-30
S2 - E21 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 21, 2010
Bossk working with kid Boba... This episode reminds me of the idea someone mentioned that Star Wars is the tale of the droids and the incredible events that happen around them.
Movie cover for Lethal Trackdown
Lethal Trackdown (2010) Airs on 2010-04-30
S2 - E22 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: November 21, 2010
Interesting... Bob'ika in the hands of the Republic.
Movie cover for Clone Cadets
Clone Cadets (2010) Airs on 2010-09-17
S3 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for ARC Troopers
ARC Troopers (2010) Airs on 2010-09-17
S3 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Supply Lines
Supply Lines (2010) Airs on 2010-09-24
S3 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Sphere of Influence
Sphere of Influence (2010) Airs on 2010-10-01
S3 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Corruption
Corruption (2010) Airs on 2010-10-08
S3 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for The Academy
The Academy (2010) Airs on 2010-10-15
S3 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Assassin
Assassin (2010) Airs on 2010-10-22
S3 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Evil Plans
Evil Plans (2010) Airs on 2010-11-05
S3 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Hunt for Ziro
Hunt for Ziro (2010) Airs on 2010-11-12
S3 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Heroes on Both Sides
Heroes on Both Sides (2010) Airs on 2010-11-19
S3 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Pursuit of Peace
Pursuit of Peace (2010) Airs on 2010-12-03
S3 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2011
Movie cover for Nightsisters
Nightsisters (2011) Airs on 2011-01-07
S3 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: June 22, 2011
The whole Nightsisters arc has been pretty awesome. Great visuals and voice effects. The fight against Doku: Poisoned, in pajamas, eyes closed, fighting three invisible force sensitive assassins... No problem.
Movie cover for Monster
Monster (2011) Airs on 2011-01-14
S3 - E13 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: June 22, 2011
Movie cover for Witches of the Mist
Witches of the Mist (2011) Airs on 2011-01-21
S3 - E14 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: June 22, 2011
Movie cover for Overlords
Overlords (2011) Airs on 2011-01-28
S3 - E15 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: June 22, 2011
Movie cover for Altar of Mortis
Altar of Mortis (2011) Airs on 2011-02-04
S3 - E16 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for Ghosts of Mortis
Ghosts of Mortis (2011) Airs on 2011-02-11
S3 - E17 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for The Citadel
The Citadel (2011) Airs on 2011-02-11
S3 - E18 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for Counterattack
Counterattack (2011) Airs on 2011-03-04
S3 - E19 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for Citadel Rescue
Citadel Rescue (2011) Airs on 2011-03-11
S3 - E20 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for Padawan Lost
Padawan Lost (2011) Airs on 2011-04-01
S3 - E21 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for Wookiee Hunt
Wookiee Hunt (2011) Airs on 2011-04-01
S3 - E22 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: July 16, 2011
Movie cover for Water War
Water War (2011) Airs on 2011-09-16
S4 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: October 17, 2014
Movie cover for Gungan Attack
Gungan Attack (2011) Airs on 2011-09-16
S4 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: October 18, 2014
Movie cover for Prisoners
Prisoners (2011) Airs on 2011-09-23
S4 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: October 18, 2014
Movie cover for Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior (2011) Airs on 2011-09-30
S4 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: October 19, 2014
Movie cover for Mercy Mission
Mercy Mission (2011) Airs on 2011-10-07
S4 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: October 19, 2014
Movie cover for Nomad Droids
Nomad Droids (2011) Airs on 2011-10-14
S4 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Stephen Klancher: October 19, 2014
Movie cover for Darkness on Umbara
Darkness on Umbara (2011) Airs on 2011-10-28
S4 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The General
The General (2011) Airs on 2011-11-04
S4 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Plan of Dissent
Plan of Dissent (2011) Airs on 2011-11-11
S4 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Carnage of Krell
Carnage of Krell (2011) Airs on 2011-11-18
S4 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Kidnapped
Kidnapped (2011) Airs on 2011-11-25
S4 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Slaves of the Republic
Slaves of the Republic (2011) Airs on 2011-12-02
S4 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Escape from Kadavo
Escape from Kadavo (2012) Airs on 2012-01-06
S4 - E13 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A Friend in Need
A Friend in Need (2012) Airs on 2012-01-13
S4 - E14 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Deception
Deception (2012) Airs on 2012-01-20
S4 - E15 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Friends and Enemies
Friends and Enemies (2012) Airs on 2012-01-27
S4 - E16 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Box
The Box Airs on 2012-02-03
S4 - E17 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Crisis on Naboo
Crisis on Naboo Airs on 2012-02-10
S4 - E18 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Massacre
Massacre Airs on 2012-02-24
S4 - E19 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Bounty
Bounty Airs on 2012-03-02
S4 - E20 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Brothers
Brothers Airs on 2012-03-09
S4 - E21 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Revenge
Revenge Airs on 2012-03-16
S4 - E22 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Revival
Revival Airs on 2012-09-29
S5 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A War on Two Fronts
A War on Two Fronts Airs on 2012-10-06
S5 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Front Runners
Front Runners Airs on 2012-10-13
S5 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Soft War
The Soft War Airs on 2012-10-20
S5 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Tipping Points
Tipping Points Airs on 2012-10-27
S5 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Gathering
The Gathering Airs on 2012-11-03
S5 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A Test of Strength
A Test of Strength Airs on 2012-11-10
S5 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Bound for Rescue
Bound for Rescue Airs on 2012-11-17
S5 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A Necessary Bond
A Necessary Bond Airs on 2012-11-24
S5 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Secret Weapons
Secret Weapons Airs on 2012-12-01
S5 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A Sunny Day in the Void
A Sunny Day in the Void (2012) Airs on 2012-12-08
S5 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Missing in Action
Missing in Action Airs on 2013-01-05
S5 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Point of No Return
Point of No Return Airs on 2013-01-12
S5 - E13 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Eminence
Eminence (2013) Airs on 2013-01-19
S5 - E14 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Shades of Reason
Shades of Reason Airs on 2013-01-26
S5 - E15 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Lawless
The Lawless Airs on 2013-02-02
S5 - E16 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Sabotage
Sabotage Airs on 2013-02-09
S5 - E17 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
The Jedi Who Knew Too Much Airs on 2013-02-16
S5 - E18 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for To Catch a Jedi
To Catch a Jedi Airs on 2013-02-23
S5 - E19 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Wrong Jedi
The Wrong Jedi Airs on 2013-03-02
S5 - E20 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Unknown
The Unknown Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Conspiracy
Conspiracy Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Fugitive
Fugitive Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Orders
Orders Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for An Old Friend
An Old Friend Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Rise of Clovis
The Rise of Clovis Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Crisis at the Heart
Crisis at the Heart Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Disappeared, Part 1
The Disappeared, Part 1 Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Disappeared, Part 2
The Disappeared, Part 2 Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Lost One
The Lost One Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Voices
Voices Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Destiny
Destiny Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Sacrifice
Sacrifice Airs on 2014-03-07
S6 - E13 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for TBA
TBA (2014) Airs on 2014-09-25
S7 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch Airs on 2020-02-21
S7 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch Airs on 2020-02-21
S7 - E1 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A Distant Echo
A Distant Echo Airs on 2020-02-28
S7 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for A Distant Echo
A Distant Echo Airs on 2020-01-26
S7 - E2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for On the Wings of Keeradaks
On the Wings of Keeradaks (2015) Airs on 2020-03-06
S7 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for On the Wings of Keeradaks
On the Wings of Keeradaks Airs on 2020-01-26
S7 - E3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for In Search of the Crystal
In Search of the Crystal
S7 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Unfinished Business
Unfinished Business Airs on 2020-03-13
S7 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Unfinished Business
Unfinished Business Airs on 2020-01-26
S7 - E4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Gone With a Trace
Gone With a Trace Airs on 2020-03-20
S7 - E5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Deal No Deal
Deal No Deal Airs on 2020-03-27
S7 - E6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Dangerous Debt
Dangerous Debt Airs on 2020-04-03
S7 - E7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Together Again
Together Again Airs on 2020-04-10
S7 - E8 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Old Friends Not Forgotten
Old Friends Not Forgotten Airs on 2020-04-17
S7 - E9 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for The Phantom Apprentice
The Phantom Apprentice Airs on 2020-04-24
S7 - E10 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Shattered
Shattered Airs on 2020-05-01
S7 - E11 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Movie cover for Victory and Death
Victory and Death Airs on 2020-05-04
S7 - E12 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Watched an episode not known by IMDb?
