Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Important Things With Demetri Martin

List contains: 17 items, 6.5 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 5
...has seen 1.9 hours
...has not seen 4.6 hours
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First Unseen:
Coolness (# 6)

Movie cover for Timing
Timing (8640) Airs on 2009-02-11
S1 - E1 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2009
He's a pretty funny dude. Very enjoyable.
Movie cover for Power
Power (2009) Airs on 2009-02-18
S1 - E2 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Stephen Klancher: April 27, 2009
Holy War as a means to kill rats...
Movie cover for Brains
Brains (2009) Airs on 2009-02-25
S1 - E3 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Stephen Klancher: June 2, 2009
"Second idea... just firin' them out... Kill him!"
Movie cover for Chairs
Chairs (2009) Airs on 2009-03-04
S1 - E4 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Stephen Klancher: August 11, 2009
Choosing either chair will land you in 1984's room 101. Also, "That's the closest that balls of any species have been to my face."
Movie cover for Safety
Safety (2009) Airs on 2009-03-11
S1 - E5 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Stephen Klancher: October 24, 2009
Bill Pullman is the world's most forgettable actor. Do not use him as your safe word. Also "Witches hate lamb's blood; They're actually allergic to it. That is how you prevent the witch from casting the spell that makes the woman pregnant."
Movie cover for Coolness
Coolness (2009) Airs on 2009-03-18
S1 - E6 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Games
Games (2009) Airs on 2009-03-25
S1 - E7 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Attention
Attention (2010) Airs on 2010-02-04
S2 - E1 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Ability
Ability (2010) Airs on 2010-02-11
S2 - E2 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Strategy
Strategy (2010) Airs on 2010-02-18
S2 - E3 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Money
Money Airs on 2010-02-25
S2 - E4 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for 2
2 (2010) Airs on 2010-03-11
S2 - E5 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for 2, Too
2, Too Airs on 2023-02-15
S2 - E6 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Lines
Lines (2010) Airs on 2010-03-26
S2 - E7 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Nature
Nature (2010) Airs on 2010-04-02
S2 - E8 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Space
Space (2010) Airs on 2010-04-08
S2 - E9 of Important Things With Demetri Martin
Movie cover for Control
Control (2010) Airs on 2010-04-15
S2 - E10 of Important Things With Demetri Martin

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