Stephen Klancher

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Black Lagoon

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Stephen Klancher
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...has seen 0.8 hours
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The Gunslingers

Movie cover for The Black Lagoon
The Black Lagoon (2006) Airs on 2006-04-08
S1 - E1 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2009
Movie cover for Mangrove Heaven
Mangrove Heaven (2006) Airs on 2006-04-15
S1 - E2 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2009
Movie cover for Ring-Ding Ship Chase
Ring-Ding Ship Chase (2006) Airs on 2006-04-22
S1 - E3 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2009
Movie cover for Die Rückkehr des Adlers
Die Rückkehr des Adlers (2006) Airs on 2006-04-29
S1 - E4 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2009
Ooo, cliffhanger... I took a break from this series for more than a month, but it's fun... can't go wrong when Nazis are the villain.
Movie cover for Eagle Hunting and Hunting Eagles
Eagle Hunting and Hunting Eagles (2006) Airs on 2006-05-06
S1 - E5 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 24, 2009
Movie cover for Moonlit Hunting Grounds
Moonlit Hunting Grounds (2006) Airs on 2006-05-13
S1 - E6 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 25, 2009
They looked way too calm taking out everyone on the entire Nazi ship. Fight scenes like that lack the tension that makes them interesting. Though killing the guy who was oh-so-proud of his special gun was pretty funny. I hope they go back to Revy acting unstable, and based on the "next-time" it looks like they will...
Movie cover for Calm Down, Two Men
Calm Down, Two Men (2006) Airs on 2014-05-04
S1 - E7 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 26, 2009
Nice, Rock shows some value and backbone. I really like how the outro music creeps in before the last scenes finish.
Movie cover for Rasta Blasta
Rasta Blasta (2006) Airs on 2014-05-11
S1 - E8 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 26, 2009
Robert the murderous maid?
Movie cover for Maid to Kill
Maid to Kill (2006) Airs on 2014-05-18
S1 - E9 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 26, 2009
That was a great episode. The series finally hit it's stride. Roberta the maid became a total terminator and made a crazy contrast destroying the bar with her shotgun umbrella against the chill music.
Movie cover for The Unstoppable Chambermaid
The Unstoppable Chambermaid (2006) Airs on 2006-06-10
S1 - E10 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: February 26, 2009
Balalaika is like Integra from Hellsing.
Movie cover for Lock 'n Load Revolution
Lock 'n Load Revolution (2006) Airs on 2014-06-01
S1 - E11 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 3, 2009
R- P- G! Chan was pretty cool as was the blade woman he sent to meet Lagoon.
Movie cover for Guerrillas in the Jungle
Guerrillas in the Jungle (2006) Airs on 2006-06-24
S1 - E12 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 4, 2009
Shenhua, the Taiwanese blade chick is awesome; I hope they find a reason to bring her back.
Movie cover for The Vampire Twins Comen
The Vampire Twins Comen (2006) Airs on 2014-06-15
S2 - E1 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 5, 2009
Weird take on vampires.
Movie cover for Bloodsport Fairytale
Bloodsport Fairytale (2006) Airs on 2014-06-22
S2 - E2 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 5, 2009
So, not vampires? Just the ultimate bad childhood?
Movie cover for Swan Song at Dawn
Swan Song at Dawn (2006) Airs on 2014-06-29
S2 - E3 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 6, 2009
Crazy. Different credits to go with the end of the episode. Interesting, although not better than the normal.
Movie cover for Greenback Jane
Greenback Jane (2006) Airs on 2014-07-06
S2 - E4 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 12, 2009
Movie cover for The Roanapur Freakshow Circus
The Roanapur Freakshow Circus (2006) Airs on 2014-07-13
S2 - E5 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 12, 2009
Yes I get it: the city is full of villains. It is villainous. Chock full of villainy. Thanks. Also: Taiwanese blade chick!
Movie cover for Mr. Benny's Good Fortune
Mr. Benny's Good Fortune (2006) Airs on 2014-07-20
S2 - E6 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 14, 2009
Movie cover for Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise
Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise (2006) Airs on 2006-11-14
S2 - E7 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 15, 2009
Very weird to hear so much Japanese accented English in this episode. Since they were in Japan this episode there were parts where I guess they chose a common language of English... I think the characters are based out of Thailand... So even though the audio language of the episodes is primarily Japanese, does that mean they character language is supposed to be Thai? Or maybe Chinese, given that Revy is Chinese-American and based on how they interacted with the Taiwanese blade girl. hmm...
Movie cover for The Succession
The Succession (2006) Airs on 2006-11-21
S2 - E8 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 16, 2009
Cool episode which did a good job of making Balalaika look evil.
Movie cover for Two Father's Little Soldier Girls
Two Father's Little Soldier Girls (2006) Airs on 2006-11-28
S2 - E9 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 17, 2009
About to enter a battle with someone who shares no common language: "It doesn't matter, when the fight starts our bodies will move on their own."
Movie cover for The Dark Tower
The Dark Tower (2006) Airs on 2006-12-05
S2 - E10 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 19, 2009
Mmm, swordplay. Plus the guy sliced an oncoming bullet.
Movie cover for Snow White's Payback
Snow White's Payback (2006) Airs on 2006-12-12
S2 - E11 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 19, 2009
Pretty harsh way to kill someone...
Movie cover for The Gunslingers
The Gunslingers (2006) Airs on 2006-12-19
S2 - E12 of Black Lagoon
Stephen Klancher: March 19, 2009
I always enjoy the sword vs guns motif, implausible as it is.

Balalaika is pretty cool and makes me wonder if the rumors of more episodes might be real...

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