Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Star Trek: The Animated Series

List contains: 22 items, 0.4 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 22
...has seen 0.4 hours
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The Counter-Clock Incident

Movie cover for Beyond the Farthest Star
Beyond the Farthest Star (1973) Airs on 1973-09-08
S1 - E1 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: September 18, 2008
Story actually seems ok. The animation is pretty bad. The voices are good because they are mostly the original cast. But the audio quality of the copies I have is pretty low. At this point I'm not sure if I will watch more or not.
Movie cover for Yesteryear
Yesteryear (1973) Airs on 1973-09-15
S1 - E2 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this whenever it was that I first heard of the animated series because I heard it was a good episode, involved a time paradox, and had become semi-cannon. Spock + time travel = fun!
Movie cover for One of Our Planets Is Missing
One of Our Planets Is Missing (1973) Airs on 1973-09-22
S1 - E3 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: April 28, 2013
Movie cover for The Lorelei Signal
The Lorelei Signal (1973) Airs on 1973-09-29
S1 - E4 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: May 11, 2013
Movie cover for More Tribbles, More Troubles
More Tribbles, More Troubles (1973) Airs on 1973-10-06
S1 - E5 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: May 12, 2013
Movie cover for The Survivor
The Survivor (1973) Airs on 1973-10-13
S1 - E6 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: May 18, 2013
Movie cover for The Infinite Vulcan
The Infinite Vulcan (1973) Airs on 1973-10-20
S1 - E7 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: May 22, 2013
Good trivia to know: on some random planet there is a giant clone of Spock!
Movie cover for The Magicks of Megas-tu
The Magicks of Megas-tu (1973) Airs on 1973-10-27
S1 - E8 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 6, 2013
Kirk-Wizard Battle!
Movie cover for Once Upon a Planet
Once Upon a Planet (1973) Airs on 1973-11-03
S1 - E9 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 6, 2013
Movie cover for Mudd's Passion
Mudd's Passion (1973) Airs on 1973-11-10
S1 - E10 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 10, 2013
Love potions and rock monsters!
Movie cover for The Terratin Incident
The Terratin Incident (1973) Airs on 1973-11-17
S1 - E11 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 10, 2013
Shrinking crew!
Movie cover for The Time Trap
The Time Trap (1973) Airs on 1973-11-24
S1 - E12 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for The Ambergris Element
The Ambergris Element (1973) Airs on 1973-12-01
S1 - E13 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 12, 2013
Movie cover for The Slaver Weapon
The Slaver Weapon (1973) Airs on 1973-12-15
S1 - E14 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for The Eye of the Beholder
The Eye of the Beholder (1974) Airs on 1974-01-05
S1 - E15 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for The Jihad
The Jihad (1974) Airs on 1974-01-12
S1 - E16 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for The Pirates of Orion
The Pirates of Orion (1974) Airs on 1974-09-07
S2 - E1 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for Bem
Bem (1974) Airs on 1974-09-14
S2 - E2 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for The Practical Joker
The Practical Joker (1974) Airs on 1974-09-21
S2 - E3 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2013
Movie cover for Albatross
Albatross (1974) Airs on 1974-09-28
S2 - E4 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 17, 2013
Movie cover for How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (1974) Airs on 1974-10-05
S2 - E5 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 20, 2013
Movie cover for The Counter-Clock Incident
The Counter-Clock Incident (1974) Airs on 1974-10-12
S2 - E6 of Star Trek: The Animated Series
Stephen Klancher: June 20, 2013
Pretty fun episode. Overall I really ended up enjoying this series. Obvious cheesiness, but also some decent stories and a nice continuation of the original series.

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