Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

12 oz. Mouse

List contains: 32 items, 0.5 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 | 3 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 21
...has seen 0.4 hours
...has not seen 0.2 hours
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Most Recent:
Enter the Sandmouse

First Unseen:
Francis, Cheap & Out of Control (# 22)

Movie cover for Hired
Hired (2005) Airs on 2005-10-17
S1 - E1 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Signals
Signals (2005) Airs on 2005-10-24
S1 - E2 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Rooster
Rooster (2005) Airs on 2005-10-31
S1 - E3 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Spider
Spider (2005) Airs on 2005-11-06
S1 - E4 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Rememorized
Rememorized (2005) Airs on 2005-11-13
S1 - E5 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Spharktasm
Spharktasm (2005) Airs on 2005-11-20
S1 - E6 of 12 oz. Mouse
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
"This is all like some kind of puke dream I can't shake the sweats from... and every time I turn around there's a shark and a clock, and some sort of eyeball thing..."
"Like I've been ripped from somewhere for reasons I don't understand... does anyone else pick that up... that understanding of rippedness?"
"I've got a lot on my mind and a lot of gun in my hand so don't eff this up... and I'm not sure when it's going to go off. [BLAM]"
Movie cover for Adventure Mouse
Adventure Mouse (2005) Airs on 2005-12-31
S1 - E7 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Bowtime
Bowtime (2006) Airs on 2006-09-24
S2 - E1 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Surgery Circus
Surgery Circus (2006) Airs on 2006-10-02
S2 - E2 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Booger Haze
Booger Haze (2006) Airs on 2006-10-08
S2 - E3 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Star Wars VII
Star Wars VII (2006) Airs on 2006-10-26
S2 - E4 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Enjoy the Arm
Enjoy the Arm (2006) Airs on 2006-10-22
S2 - E5 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Auraphull
Auraphull (2006) Airs on 2006-10-30
S2 - E6 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Meat Warrior
Meat Warrior (2006) Airs on 2006-11-06
S2 - E7 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Meaty Dreamy
Meaty Dreamy (2006) Airs on 2006-11-12
S2 - E8 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Corndog Chronicles
Corndog Chronicles (2006) Airs on 2006-11-20
S2 - E9 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Eighteen
Eighteen (2006) Airs on 2006-11-27
S2 - E10 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Pre-Reckoning
Pre-Reckoning (2006) Airs on 2006-12-04
S2 - E11 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Farewell
Farewell (2006) Airs on 2006-12-10
S2 - E12 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Prolegomenon
Prolegomenon (2006) Airs on 2006-12-18
S2 - E13 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Enter the Sandmouse
Enter the Sandmouse (2007) Airs on 2007-05-16
S3 - E1 of 12 oz. Mouse
Stephen Klancher: September 24, 2010
What? Why did that happen? A single episode after the "end" which neither continued what passed for a story in this series, nor was it as random as it could have been. Also only 6 minutes long.
Movie cover for Francis, Cheap & Out of Control
Francis, Cheap & Out of Control Airs on 2020-04-01
S3 - E1 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for First 12
First 12 Airs on 2020-07-21
S3 - E2 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Awaken
Awaken Airs on 2020-07-22
S3 - E3 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Adrift
Adrift Airs on 2020-07-23
S3 - E4 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for You Made This
You Made This Airs on 2020-07-24
S3 - E5 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Because They Could
Because They Could Airs on 2020-07-25
S3 - E6 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Reveal
Reveal Airs on 2020-07-28
S3 - E7 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Prime Time Nursery Rhyme
Prime Time Nursery Rhyme Airs on 2020-07-29
S3 - E8 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Here We Come
Here We Come Airs on 2020-07-30
S3 - E9 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Portal to the Doorway
Portal to the Doorway Airs on 2020-07-31
S3 - E10 of 12 oz. Mouse
Movie cover for Final Beginning
Final Beginning Airs on 2020-08-01
S3 - E11 of 12 oz. Mouse

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