Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists


List contains: 20 items, 0.3 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 2
...has seen 0 hours
...has not seen 0.3 hours
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First Unseen:
Lords of War (# 3)

Movie cover for Pilot
Pilot (2014) Airs on 2014-08-13
S1 - E1 of Legends
Stephen Klancher: September 22, 2014
Movie cover for Chemistry
Chemistry (2014) Airs on 2014-08-20
S1 - E2 of Legends
Stephen Klancher: September 22, 2014
Movie cover for Lords of War
Lords of War (2014) Airs on 2014-08-27
S1 - E3 of Legends
Movie cover for Betrayal
Betrayal (2014) Airs on 2014-09-03
S1 - E4 of Legends
Movie cover for Rogue
Rogue (2014) Airs on 2014-09-10
S1 - E5 of Legends
Movie cover for Gauntlet
Gauntlet (2014) Airs on 2014-09-17
S1 - E6 of Legends
Movie cover for Quicksand
Quicksand (2014) Airs on 2014-09-24
S1 - E7 of Legends
Movie cover for Iconoclast
Iconoclast (2014) Airs on 2014-10-01
S1 - E8 of Legends
Movie cover for Wilderness of Mirrors
Wilderness of Mirrors Airs on 2014-10-08
S1 - E9 of Legends
Movie cover for Identity
Identity (2014) Airs on 2014-10-08
S1 - E10 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Dmitry Petrovich
The Legend of Dmitry Petrovich Airs on 2015-11-02
S2 - E1 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Kate Crawford
The Legend of Kate Crawford Airs on 2015-11-09
S2 - E2 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Curtis Ballard
The Legend of Curtis Ballard Airs on 2015-11-23
S2 - E3 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Ilyana Zakayeva
The Legend of Ilyana Zakayeva Airs on 2015-11-30
S2 - E4 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Terrence Graves
The Legend of Terrence Graves Airs on 2015-12-07
S2 - E5 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Tamir Zakayev
The Legend of Tamir Zakayev Airs on 2015-12-14
S2 - E6 of Legends
Movie cover for The Second Legend of Dmitry Petrovich
The Second Legend of Dmitry Petrovich Airs on 2015-12-21
S2 - E7 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Doku Zakayev
The Legend of Doku Zakayev Airs on 2015-12-28
S2 - E8 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Gabi Miskova
The Legend of Gabi Miskova Airs on 2015-12-28
S2 - E9 of Legends
Movie cover for The Legend of Alexei Volkov
The Legend of Alexei Volkov Airs on 2015-12-28
S2 - E10 of Legends

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