Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

The Prisoner

List contains: 6 items, 0.1 hours.
Seasons: 1 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 2
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First Unseen:
Anvil (# 3)

Movie cover for Arrival
Arrival (2009) Airs on 2009-11-15
S1 - E1 of The Prisoner
Stephen Klancher: November 16, 2009
(Episode 1 and 2 shown together)
Movie cover for Harmony
Harmony (2009) Airs on 2009-11-15
S1 - E2 of The Prisoner
Stephen Klancher: November 16, 2009
Dumb. I feel great temptation to start making criticisms and listing flaws, but the list is long and it will make me angry. Brett left in the middle of watching this. I have a very strong instinct to finish watching things, so I finished the episode, but will probably not watch the others. Please don't let anyone watch this and think they've watched The Prisoner.
Movie cover for Anvil
Anvil (2009) Airs on 2009-11-16
S1 - E3 of The Prisoner
Movie cover for Darling
Darling (2009) Airs on 2009-11-16
S1 - E4 of The Prisoner
Movie cover for Schizoid
Schizoid (2009) Airs on 2009-11-17
S1 - E5 of The Prisoner
Movie cover for Checkmate
Checkmate (2009) Airs on 2009-11-17
S1 - E6 of The Prisoner

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