Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Tron: Uprising

List contains: 21 items, 0.4 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 2
...has seen 0 hours
...has not seen 0.3 hours
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Most Recent:
The Renegade, Part 1

First Unseen:
Blackout (# 3)

Movie cover for The Renegade, Part 1
The Renegade, Part 1 Airs on 2012-06-07
S1 - E1 of Tron: Uprising
Stephen Klancher: July 1, 2013
Movie cover for Beck's Beginning
Beck's Beginning (2012) Airs on 2012-05-20
S1 - E1 of Tron: Uprising
Stephen Klancher: June 17, 2012
Greetings programs! Chanced upon this while looking for something else. Pretty cool style and they use some of the same music which I love.
Movie cover for Blackout
Blackout Airs on 2012-06-14
S1 - E3 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Identity
Identity Airs on 2012-06-21
S1 - E4 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Isolated
Isolated Airs on 2012-06-28
S1 - E5 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Price of Power
Price of Power Airs on 2012-07-05
S1 - E6 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for The Reward
The Reward Airs on 2012-07-12
S1 - E7 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Scars, Part 1
Scars, Part 1 Airs on 2012-10-19
S1 - E8 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Scars, Part 2
Scars, Part 2 Airs on 2012-10-26
S1 - E9 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Grounded
Grounded Airs on 2012-11-02
S1 - E10 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for We Both Know How This Ends
We Both Know How This Ends Airs on 2012-12-03
S1 - E11 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for The Stranger
The Stranger Airs on 2012-11-16
S1 - E12 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Tagged
Tagged Airs on 2012-11-30
S1 - E13 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for State of Mind
State of Mind Airs on 2012-12-24
S1 - E14 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Welcome Home
Welcome Home Airs on 2012-12-30
S1 - E15 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Rendezvous
Rendezvous Airs on 2013-01-07
S1 - E16 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for No Bounds
No Bounds Airs on 2013-01-13
S1 - E17 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Terminal
Terminal Airs on 2013-01-20
S1 - E18 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Terminal
Terminal Airs on 2013-01-28
S1 - E19 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for You've Got a Grid Bug Problemn (unaired)
You've Got a Grid Bug Problemn (unaired) Airs on 2013-01-01
S2 - E1 of Tron: Uprising
Movie cover for Paige is Turned
Paige is Turned Airs on 2013-02-01
S2 - E5 of Tron: Uprising

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