Stephen Klancher

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Astonishing X-Men

List contains: 4 items, 0.1 hours.
Seasons: 1 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 1
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Gifted, Episode 2 (# 2)

Movie cover for Gifted
Gifted (2009) Airs on 2009-10-27
S1 - E1 of Astonishing X-Men
Stephen Klancher: August 9, 2011
Not used to motion comics but that was fun. Often it seemed to lead better art, worse motion, but good overall. The Joss Whedon humor shined through.
Movie cover for Gifted, Episode 2
Gifted, Episode 2 Airs on 2012-04-10
S1 - E2 of Astonishing X-Men
Movie cover for Gifted, Episode 3
Gifted, Episode 3 Airs on 2012-08-01
S1 - E3 of Astonishing X-Men
Movie cover for Gifted, Episode 4
Gifted, Episode 4 Airs on 2012-11-01
S1 - E4 of Astonishing X-Men

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