Stephen Klancher

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List contains: 13 items, 0.2 hours.
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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 2
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Most Recent:
One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue

First Unseen:
Harmony of the Worlds (# 3)

Movie cover for The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean
The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean (1980) Airs on 1980-09-28
S1 - E1 of Cosmos
Stephen Klancher: November 19, 2009
I had read a little bit of the book (which eclipsed this whole episode), but decided that watching would be more fun. Carl Sagan's voice is very enjoyable and the sincerity he projects when he talks about some of this stuff is incredible. When he tells the story, it's hard not to feel mournful for the knowledge lost in the destruction of the Ancient Library of Alexandria.
Movie cover for One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue
One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue (1980) Airs on 1980-10-05
S1 - E2 of Cosmos
Stephen Klancher: November 24, 2009
Still included in what I read. I like the thought experiment about what kind of life might evolve on a gas giant.
Movie cover for Harmony of the Worlds
Harmony of the Worlds (1980) Airs on 1980-10-12
S1 - E3 of Cosmos
Movie cover for Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell (1980) Airs on 1980-10-19
S1 - E4 of Cosmos
Movie cover for Blues for a Red Planet
Blues for a Red Planet (1980) Airs on 1980-10-26
S1 - E5 of Cosmos
Movie cover for Travellers' Tales
Travellers' Tales (1980) Airs on 1980-11-02
S1 - E6 of Cosmos
Movie cover for The Backbone of Night
The Backbone of Night (1980) Airs on 1980-11-09
S1 - E7 of Cosmos
Movie cover for Journeys in Space and Time
Journeys in Space and Time (1980) Airs on 1980-11-16
S1 - E8 of Cosmos
Movie cover for The Lives of the Stars
The Lives of the Stars (1980) Airs on 1980-11-23
S1 - E9 of Cosmos
Movie cover for The Edge of Forever
The Edge of Forever (1980) Airs on 1980-11-30
S1 - E10 of Cosmos
Movie cover for The Persistence of Memory
The Persistence of Memory (1980) Airs on 1980-12-07
S1 - E11 of Cosmos
Movie cover for Encyclopedia Galactica
Encyclopedia Galactica (1980) Airs on 1980-12-14
S1 - E12 of Cosmos
Movie cover for Who Speaks for Earth?
Who Speaks for Earth? (1980) Airs on 1980-12-21
S1 - E13 of Cosmos

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