Stephen Klancher

Recent Overall Year Overview Series Lists

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

List contains: 173 items, 173 hours.
Seasons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 173
...has seen 173 hours
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What You Leave Behind

Movie cover for Emissary
Emissary (1993) Airs on 1993-01-03
S1 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 7, 2012
I forgot how silly the whole prophet and orbs deal was. And a lot of cheesiness all around. A really nice background detail was when they blended the themes from both series as the Enterprise disembarked.
Some scifi technical commentary here... You can't have a being that exists outside of linear time which is also concerned about what a human might do in the future. Doesn't make sense. Also, they way they described the method of moving the station was basically the same as in Mass Effect.
Movie cover for Past Prologue
Past Prologue (1993) Airs on 1993-01-10
S1 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 18, 2012
The Duras sisters! Garak! Bashir in silly-mode!
Movie cover for A Man Alone
A Man Alone (1993) Airs on 1993-01-17
S1 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 12, 2012
Movie cover for Babel
Babel (1993) Airs on 1993-01-24
S1 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 20, 2012
Fun episode, especially between Quark and Odo.
Movie cover for Captive Pursuit
Captive Pursuit (1993) Airs on 1993-01-31
S1 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2012
I thought Tosk was Jem'Hadar when I first saw him... But that seemed a little early in the series for them to appear.
Movie cover for Q-Less
Q-Less (1993) Airs on 1993-02-07
S1 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2012
"You hit me! Picard never hit me!"
Movie cover for Dax
Dax (1993) Airs on 1993-02-14
S1 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 25, 2012
Movie cover for The Passenger
The Passenger (1993) Airs on 1993-02-22
S1 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 25, 2012
Bashir possessed!
Movie cover for Move along Home
Move along Home (1993) Airs on 1993-03-14
S1 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 28, 2012
Cool game.
Movie cover for The Nagus
The Nagus (1993) Airs on 1993-03-21
S1 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 29, 2012
Nagus's voice is kind of annoying, but I like Quark episodes.
Movie cover for Vortex
Vortex (1993) Airs on 1993-04-18
S1 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: March 2, 2012
First direct clue to other Changelings.
Movie cover for Battle Lines
Battle Lines (1993) Airs on 1993-04-25
S1 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 13, 2012
Movie cover for The Storyteller
The Storyteller (1993) Airs on 1993-05-02
S1 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 14, 2012
Oatmeal + Odo = Odomeal.
Movie cover for Progress
Progress (1993) Airs on 1993-05-09
S1 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 15, 2012
I actually liked that pretty well. The old Bajoran was an enjoyable character and they didn't dismiss the conflict with a magical solution. The Federation and Bajor were pretty much the bad guys of the episode, and Major Kira was very conflicted over it.
Movie cover for If Wishes Were Horses
If Wishes Were Horses (1993) Airs on 1993-05-16
S1 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 25, 2012
Silly but fun. Especially Bashir's fantasy version of Dax.
Movie cover for The Forsaken
The Forsaken (1993) Airs on 1993-05-23
S1 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 27, 2012
Lwaxana Troi always reminds me of someone...
Movie cover for Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae (1993) Airs on 1993-05-30
S1 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 28, 2012
Movie cover for Duet
Duet (1993) Airs on 1993-06-13
S1 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 30, 2012
Movie cover for In the Hands of the Prophets
In the Hands of the Prophets (1993) Airs on 1993-06-20
S1 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: June 30, 2012
Movie cover for The Homecoming
The Homecoming (1993) Airs on 1993-09-26
S2 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 2, 2012
Movie cover for The Circle
The Circle (1993) Airs on 1993-10-03
S2 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 3, 2012
Conflict on Bajor is getting more exciting...
Movie cover for The Siege
The Siege (1993) Airs on 1993-10-10
S2 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 4, 2012
Excellent episode! It was exciting and it felt like it managed to let a bunch of characters play up their strengths.
Movie cover for Invasive Procedures
Invasive Procedures (1993) Airs on 1993-10-17
S2 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 5, 2012
Movie cover for Cardassians
Cardassians (1993) Airs on 1993-10-24
S2 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 18, 2012
Garak vs Gul Dukat!
Movie cover for Melora
Melora (1993) Airs on 1993-10-31
S2 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 19, 2012
Movie cover for Rules of Acquisition
Rules of Acquisition (1993) Airs on 1993-11-07
S2 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 20, 2012
Movie cover for Necessary Evil
Necessary Evil (1993) Airs on 1993-11-14
S2 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 21, 2012
Hints of the Dominion!
Movie cover for Second Sight
Second Sight (1993) Airs on 1993-11-21
S2 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 24, 2012
Movie cover for Sanctuary
Sanctuary (1993) Airs on 1993-11-28
S2 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 25, 2012
More hints of the Dominion...
Movie cover for Rivals
Rivals (1994) Airs on 1994-01-02
S2 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 27, 2012
Silly but fun.
Movie cover for The Alternate
The Alternate (1994) Airs on 1994-01-09
S2 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 28, 2012
Movie cover for Armageddon Game
Armageddon Game (1994) Airs on 1994-01-30
S2 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 29, 2012
Bashir and O'Brien are a fun pairing for a survival episode.
Movie cover for Whispers
Whispers (1994) Airs on 1994-02-06
S2 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 29, 2012
I love the "everyone is against me" type of story. Worked very well with O'Brien. Surprised they didn't call out the coffee has being important. It seemed like they kept highlighting that he kept ordering the same "double strong, double sweet" coffee over and over in that episode.
Movie cover for Paradise
Paradise (1994) Airs on 1994-02-13
S2 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 30, 2012
Movie cover for Shadowplay
Shadowplay (1994) Airs on 1994-02-20
S2 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 30, 2012
Movie cover for Playing God
Playing God (1994) Airs on 1994-02-27
S2 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: July 31, 2012
I love the singing Klingon chef. And O'Brien asking Cardassian advice for dealing with voles. And Sisko's reaction to the voles. And Quark's demotivational speech. And everything about Dax. Also they caught a micro universe in their engines. All around a very fun episode!
Movie cover for Profit and Loss
Profit and Loss (1994) Airs on 1994-03-20
S2 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 1, 2012
Garak the (almost) assassin...
Movie cover for Blood Oath
Blood Oath (1994) Airs on 1994-03-27
S2 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 6, 2012
Movie cover for The Maquis, Part I
The Maquis, Part I (1994) Airs on 1994-04-24
S2 - E20 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2012
Movie cover for The Maquis, Part II
The Maquis, Part II (1994) Airs on 1994-05-01
S2 - E21 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2012
Movie cover for The Wire
The Wire (1994) Airs on 1994-05-08
S2 - E22 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2012
Movie cover for Crossover
Crossover (1994) Airs on 1994-05-15
S2 - E23 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2012
Mirror universe!
Movie cover for The Collaborator
The Collaborator (1994) Airs on 1994-05-22
S2 - E24 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2012
Eww... Winn is the new Kai?
Movie cover for Tribunal
Tribunal (1994) Airs on 1994-06-05
S2 - E25 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2012
Cardassian courts are awesome.
Movie cover for The Jem'Hadar
The Jem'Hadar (1994) Airs on 1994-06-12
S2 - E26 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 8, 2012
Conflict! Jem'Hadar!
Movie cover for The Search, Part I
The Search, Part I (1994) Airs on 1994-09-26
S3 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 10, 2012
Movie cover for The Search, Part II
The Search, Part II (1994) Airs on 1994-10-03
S3 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 10, 2012
Movie cover for The House of Quark
The House of Quark (1994) Airs on 1994-10-10
S3 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 11, 2012
Quark with Klingons... very fun.
Movie cover for Equilibrium
Equilibrium (1994) Airs on 1994-10-17
S3 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 14, 2012
Movie cover for Second Skin
Second Skin (1994) Airs on 1994-10-24
S3 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 14, 2012
Kira as a Cardassian. An episode I remember and enjoyed.
Movie cover for The Abandoned
The Abandoned (1994) Airs on 1994-10-31
S3 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 16, 2012
Movie cover for Civil Defense
Civil Defense (1994) Airs on 1994-11-07
S3 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 17, 2012
Overall a very fun episode, but... The station is exploding in five minutes, why were they only walking???
Movie cover for Meridian
Meridian (1994) Airs on 1994-11-14
S3 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 20, 2012
Movie cover for Defiant
Defiant (1994) Airs on 1994-11-21
S3 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 21, 2012
As soon as Riker became evil Riker I realized, "oh my god, it's transporter accident Riker!" It's good to know canon like that. Also, his use of the term "tough little ship" was repeated by real Riker in First Contact.
Movie cover for Fascination
Fascination (1994) Airs on 1994-11-28
S3 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 22, 2012
Movie cover for Past Tense, Part I
Past Tense, Part I (1995) Airs on 1995-01-02
S3 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 23, 2012
They fucked up the timeline! 2024 is only 12 years away now...
Movie cover for Past Tense, Part II
Past Tense, Part II (1995) Airs on 1995-01-09
S3 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 24, 2012
Movie cover for Life Support
Life Support (1995) Airs on 1995-01-30
S3 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 25, 2012
Movie cover for Heart of Stone
Heart of Stone (1995) Airs on 1995-02-06
S3 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 25, 2012
Movie cover for Destiny
Destiny (1995) Airs on 1995-02-13
S3 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 25, 2012
Movie cover for Prophet Motive
Prophet Motive (1995) Airs on 1995-02-20
S3 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
Movie cover for Visionary
Visionary (1995) Airs on 1995-02-27
S3 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
Future and present O'Brien in unison "I hate temporal mechanics." Also O'Brien is now from a slightly alternate timeline with a few hours of memories that didn't happen in this timeline.
Movie cover for Distant Voices
Distant Voices (1995) Airs on 1995-04-10
S3 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
Very fun survivor horror type episode.
Movie cover for Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass (1995) Airs on 1995-04-17
S3 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
Back in the Mirror Universe!
Movie cover for Improbable Cause
Improbable Cause (1995) Airs on 1995-04-24
S3 - E20 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
Obsidian Order... Garak is back!
Movie cover for The Die Is Cast
The Die Is Cast (1995) Airs on 1995-05-01
S3 - E21 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
War has begun! Cool episode.
Movie cover for Explorers
Explorers (1995) Airs on 1995-05-08
S3 - E22 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2012
First episode after Cardasians and Romulans started a war and Sisko is building a hobby spaceship. Also, he's got the beard but hasn't shaved his head yet. It's a weird middle state.
Movie cover for Family Business
Family Business (1995) Airs on 1995-05-15
S3 - E23 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: August 28, 2012
Ferengi are silly. Better as a side dish than a main course.
Movie cover for Shakaar
Shakaar (1995) Airs on 1995-05-22
S3 - E24 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 3, 2012
Movie cover for Facets
Facets (1995) Airs on 1995-06-12
S3 - E25 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 3, 2012
Movie cover for The Adversary
The Adversary (1995) Airs on 1995-06-19
S3 - E26 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 3, 2012
Movie cover for The Way of the Warrior
The Way of the Warrior (1995) Airs on 1995-10-02
S4 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 3, 2012
Finally, Worf! And the Khitomer Accords have been broken!
Movie cover for The Visitor
The Visitor (1995) Airs on 1995-10-09
S4 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 3, 2012
Movie cover for Hippocratic Oath
Hippocratic Oath (1995) Airs on 1995-10-16
S4 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 4, 2012
Movie cover for Indiscretion
Indiscretion (1995) Airs on 1995-10-23
S4 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 4, 2012
Movie cover for Rejoined
Rejoined (1995) Airs on 1995-10-30
S4 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 5, 2012
Movie cover for Starship Down
Starship Down (1995) Airs on 1995-11-06
S4 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 5, 2012
Some contrived moments, some good ones. James Cromwell can't be a gamma quadrant alien... He's Zefram Cochrane!
Movie cover for Little Green Men
Little Green Men (1995) Airs on 1995-11-13
S4 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 7, 2012
Movie cover for The Sword of Kahless
The Sword of Kahless (1995) Airs on 1995-11-20
S4 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 8, 2012
"It was as if he understood the honor bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand years to be killed with the Sword of Kahless." "I'm sure he was very proud."
Movie cover for Our Man Bashir
Our Man Bashir (1995) Airs on 1995-11-27
S4 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 8, 2012
Movie cover for Homefront
Homefront (1996) Airs on 1996-01-01
S4 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 8, 2012
Martial law on Earth!
Movie cover for Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost (1996) Airs on 1996-01-08
S4 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 9, 2012
Cool episode.
Movie cover for Crossfire
Crossfire (1996) Airs on 1996-01-29
S4 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 11, 2012
Odo smash!
Movie cover for Return to Grace
Return to Grace (1996) Airs on 1996-02-05
S4 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 11, 2012
Gul Dukat is always cool.
Movie cover for Sons of Mogh
Sons of Mogh (1996) Airs on 1996-02-12
S4 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 13, 2012
Movie cover for Bar Association
Bar Association (1996) Airs on 1996-02-19
S4 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 15, 2012
Movie cover for Accession
Accession (1996) Airs on 1996-02-26
S4 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 16, 2012
I love how buddy-buddy O'Brien and Bashir have become.
Movie cover for Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement (1996) Airs on 1996-04-08
S4 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 17, 2012
I really enjoyed the unique style in this episode: The characters talked in the present moment directly from their flashback scenes. Star Trek doesn't usually do that kind of thing. Also I was very amused the scene where the persistent joke keeps going: Morn was about to speak but was interrupted by the present-moment characters.
Movie cover for Hard Time
Hard Time (1996) Airs on 1996-04-15
S4 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 17, 2012
This series just loves torturing O'Brien.
Movie cover for Shattered Mirror
Shattered Mirror (1996) Airs on 1996-04-22
S4 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 20, 2012
Movie cover for The Muse
The Muse (1996) Airs on 1996-04-29
S4 - E20 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 22, 2012
Movie cover for For the Cause
For the Cause (1996) Airs on 1996-05-06
S4 - E21 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 23, 2012
Cool stuff going on on all sides.
Movie cover for To the Death
To the Death (1996) Airs on 1996-05-13
S4 - E22 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 26, 2012
Fighting with the Jem'Hadar: good times.
Movie cover for The Quickening
The Quickening (1996) Airs on 1996-05-20
S4 - E23 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: September 27, 2012
Medical badass Bashir
Movie cover for Body Parts
Body Parts (1996) Airs on 1996-06-10
S4 - E24 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 4, 2012
And Quark's heart grew three sizes that day!
Movie cover for Broken Link
Broken Link (1996) Airs on 1996-06-17
S4 - E25 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 6, 2012
Human Odo, changeling Gowron!
Movie cover for Apocalypse Rising
Apocalypse Rising (1996) Airs on 1996-09-30
S5 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 7, 2012
Sisko makes a great Klingon and Gowron, as always, has got the crazy eyes.
Movie cover for The Ship
The Ship (1996) Airs on 1996-10-07
S5 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 9, 2012
Movie cover for Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places (1996) Airs on 1996-10-14
S5 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 10, 2012
Movie cover for Nor the Battle to the Strong
Nor the Battle to the Strong (1996) Airs on 1996-10-21
S5 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 11, 2012
Childhood is over, Jake Sisko.
Movie cover for The Assignment
The Assignment (1996) Airs on 1996-10-28
S5 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 12, 2012
Cool to see Keiko play a different role.
Movie cover for Trials and Tribble-ations
Trials and Tribble-ations (1996) Airs on 1996-11-04
S5 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 19, 2012
A fantastically fun fan service episode!
Movie cover for Let He Who Is without Sin...
Let He Who Is without Sin... (1996) Airs on 1996-11-11
S5 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 20, 2012
Movie cover for Things Past
Things Past (1996) Airs on 1996-11-18
S5 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 23, 2012
Movie cover for The Ascent
The Ascent (1996) Airs on 1996-11-25
S5 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 25, 2012
Movie cover for Rapture
Rapture (1996) Airs on 1996-12-30
S5 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: October 27, 2012
Movie cover for The Darkness and the Light
The Darkness and the Light (1997) Airs on 1997-01-06
S5 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 4, 2012
Movie cover for The Begotten
The Begotten (1997) Airs on 1997-01-27
S5 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 5, 2012
Odo is finally a changeling again!
Movie cover for For the Uniform
For the Uniform (1997) Airs on 1997-02-03
S5 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 6, 2012
I'm surprised they didn't play off the torpedos as a trick or something. Even though they implied that everyone escaped, Sisko did act as the villain.
Movie cover for In Purgatory's Shadow
In Purgatory's Shadow (1997) Airs on 1997-02-10
S5 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 10, 2012
Movie cover for By Inferno's Light
By Inferno's Light (1997) Airs on 1997-02-17
S5 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 10, 2012
Movie cover for Doctor Bashir, I Presume
Doctor Bashir, I Presume (1997) Airs on 1997-02-24
S5 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 11, 2012
Movie cover for A Simple Investigation
A Simple Investigation (1997) Airs on 1997-03-31
S5 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 13, 2012
Movie cover for Business as Usual
Business as Usual (1997) Airs on 1997-04-07
S5 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 15, 2012
Movie cover for Ties of Blood and Water
Ties of Blood and Water (1997) Airs on 1997-04-14
S5 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 16, 2012
Movie cover for Ferengi Love Songs
Ferengi Love Songs (1997) Airs on 1997-04-21
S5 - E20 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 17, 2012
Movie cover for Soldiers of the Empire
Soldiers of the Empire (1997) Airs on 1997-04-28
S5 - E21 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 17, 2012
Movie cover for Children of Time
Children of Time (1997) Airs on 1997-05-05
S5 - E22 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 18, 2012
Movie cover for Blaze of Glory
Blaze of Glory (1997) Airs on 1997-05-12
S5 - E23 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 20, 2012
Movie cover for Empok Nor
Empok Nor (1997) Airs on 1997-05-19
S5 - E24 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 25, 2012
Movie cover for In the Cards
In the Cards (1997) Airs on 1997-06-09
S5 - E25 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 27, 2012
Pretty silly, but then it was amusing too.
Movie cover for Call to Arms
Call to Arms (1997) Airs on 1997-06-16
S5 - E26 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 28, 2012
Very cool episode.
Movie cover for A Time to Stand
A Time to Stand (1997) Airs on 1997-09-29
S6 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 28, 2012
Movie cover for Rocks and Shoals
Rocks and Shoals (1997) Airs on 1997-10-06
S6 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: November 28, 2012
Movie cover for Sons and Daughters
Sons and Daughters (1997) Airs on 1997-10-13
S6 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 5, 2012
Movie cover for Behind the Lines
Behind the Lines (1997) Airs on 1997-10-20
S6 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2012
Oh no, Odo!
Movie cover for Favor the Bold
Favor the Bold (1997) Airs on 1997-10-27
S6 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 7, 2012
Movie cover for Sacrifice of Angels
Sacrifice of Angels (1997) Airs on 1997-11-03
S6 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 7, 2012
Deep Space Nine!
Movie cover for You Are Cordially Invited
You Are Cordially Invited (1997) Airs on 1997-11-10
S6 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 8, 2012
Movie cover for Resurrection
Resurrection (1997) Airs on 1997-11-17
S6 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 9, 2012
Kira's mirror character is pretty fun.
Movie cover for Statistical Probabilities
Statistical Probabilities (1997) Airs on 1997-11-24
S6 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 8, 2012
Movie cover for The Magnificent Ferengi
The Magnificent Ferengi (1998) Airs on 1998-01-01
S6 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 10, 2012
Movie cover for Waltz
Waltz (1998) Airs on 1998-01-08
S6 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 11, 2012
Movie cover for Who Mourns for Morn?
Who Mourns for Morn? (1998) Airs on 1998-02-04
S6 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 13, 2012
Movie cover for Far Beyond the Stars
Far Beyond the Stars (1998) Airs on 1998-02-11
S6 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 16, 2012
"You are the dreamer... and the dream." Really enjoyed this episode. Especially Quark and Odo out of costume.
Movie cover for One Little Ship
One Little Ship (1998) Airs on 1998-02-18
S6 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 27, 2012
Movie cover for Honor Among Thieves
Honor Among Thieves (1998) Airs on 1998-02-25
S6 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 28, 2012
I love O'Brien episodes.
Movie cover for Change of Heart
Change of Heart (1998) Airs on 1998-03-04
S6 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 30, 2012
Awww Worf loves Jadzia
Movie cover for Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Wrongs Darker than Death or Night (1998) Airs on 1998-04-01
S6 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 30, 2012
Movie cover for Inquisition
Inquisition (1998) Airs on 1998-04-08
S6 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: December 31, 2012
Movie cover for In the Pale Moonlight
In the Pale Moonlight (1998) Airs on 1998-04-15
S6 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2013
Pretty cool episode... also, it's fake:
Movie cover for His Way
His Way (1998) Airs on 1998-04-22
S6 - E20 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 2, 2013
Awwwww... Though c'mon... security implications of a holosuite character who can communicate at will via external comms and transfer himself into other holosuites at will?
Movie cover for The Reckoning
The Reckoning (1998) Airs on 1998-04-29
S6 - E21 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2013
Movie cover for Valiant
Valiant (1998) Airs on 1998-05-06
S6 - E22 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2013
Movie cover for Profit and Lace
Profit and Lace (1998) Airs on 1998-05-13
S6 - E23 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2013
Pushing the bounds of silly.
Movie cover for Time's Orphan
Time's Orphan (1998) Airs on 1998-05-20
S6 - E24 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2013
Another very silly one: "I am a Klingon warrior, and a Starfleet officer. I've piloted starships through Dominion minefields; I've stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size; I courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things, I can make this child go to sleep!"
Movie cover for The Sound of Her Voice
The Sound of Her Voice (1998) Airs on 1998-06-10
S6 - E25 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 8, 2013
Movie cover for Tears of the Prophets
Tears of the Prophets (1998) Airs on 1998-06-17
S6 - E26 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 9, 2013
She died an ignoble death.
Movie cover for Image in the Sand
Image in the Sand (1998) Airs on 1998-09-30
S7 - E1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 10, 2013
Dax is a now a whole new cute girl.
Movie cover for Shadows and Symbols
Shadows and Symbols (1998) Airs on 1998-10-07
S7 - E2 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 10, 2013
Cool episode with a lot going on but... The prophets arranged Sisko's birth? Whaaaat?
Movie cover for Afterimage
Afterimage (1998) Airs on 1998-10-14
S7 - E3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 12, 2013
Movie cover for Take Me out to the Holosuite
Take Me out to the Holosuite (1998) Airs on 1998-10-21
S7 - E4 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 13, 2013
Seeing characters in an entirely different setting is enough fun to outweigh the silliness.
Movie cover for Chrysalis
Chrysalis (1998) Airs on 1998-10-28
S7 - E5 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 13, 2013
Movie cover for Treachery, Faith and the Great River
Treachery, Faith and the Great River (1998) Airs on 1998-11-02
S7 - E6 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 13, 2013
Movie cover for Once More Unto the Breach
Once More Unto the Breach (1998) Airs on 1998-11-11
S7 - E7 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 13, 2013
Movie cover for The Siege of AR-558
The Siege of AR-558 (1998) Airs on 1998-11-18
S7 - E8 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 15, 2013
That was pretty brutal for Star Trek.
Movie cover for Covenant
Covenant (1998) Airs on 1998-11-25
S7 - E9 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 17, 2013
Movie cover for It's Only a Paper Moon
It's Only a Paper Moon (1998) Airs on 1998-12-30
S7 - E10 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 17, 2013
Star Trek takes on veteran's PTSD of one of the regular characters. I like how they've been using the recurring hologram character Vic Fontaine to give the characters a whole new setting and buddy-character.
Movie cover for Prodigal Daughter
Prodigal Daughter (1999) Airs on 1999-01-06
S7 - E11 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 21, 2013
Movie cover for The Emperor's New Cloak
The Emperor's New Cloak (1999) Airs on 1999-02-03
S7 - E12 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 24, 2013
Movie cover for Field of Fire
Field of Fire (1999) Airs on 1999-02-10
S7 - E13 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 24, 2013
Movie cover for Chimera
Chimera (1999) Airs on 1999-02-17
S7 - E14 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 24, 2013
Movie cover for Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang
Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang (1999) Airs on 1999-02-24
S7 - E15 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 25, 2013
Movie cover for Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges (1999) Airs on 1999-03-03
S7 - E16 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 25, 2013
Movie cover for Penumbra
Penumbra (1999) Airs on 1999-04-07
S7 - E17 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 26, 2013
Movie cover for 'Til Death Do Us Part
'Til Death Do Us Part (1999) Airs on 1999-04-14
S7 - E18 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 26, 2013
Movie cover for Strange Bedfellows
Strange Bedfellows (1999) Airs on 1999-04-21
S7 - E19 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 27, 2013
Movie cover for The Changing Face of Evil
The Changing Face of Evil (1999) Airs on 1999-04-28
S7 - E20 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 27, 2013
Movie cover for When It Rains...
When It Rains... (1999) Airs on 1999-05-05
S7 - E21 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 27, 2013
Movie cover for Tacking into the Wind
Tacking into the Wind (1999) Airs on 1999-05-12
S7 - E22 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 29, 2013
The House of Martok is badass! Down with crazy-eyes Gowron.
Movie cover for Extreme Measures
Extreme Measures (1999) Airs on 1999-05-19
S7 - E23 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: January 30, 2013
Ever series needs a going-into-a-character's-mind episode.
Movie cover for The Dogs of War
The Dogs of War (1999) Airs on 1999-05-26
S7 - E24 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 2, 2013
Movie cover for What You Leave Behind
What You Leave Behind (1999) Airs on 1999-06-02
S7 - E25 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Stephen Klancher: February 2, 2013
A very satisfying end to a great series. Big space battles and wrapping up all the relationships and friendships. Damar became a pretty solid character. I enjoyed the flashbacks at the end but was really surprised they didn't include Jadzia.

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