Stephen Klancher

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 88
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Bad Timing

Movie cover for Premiere
Premiere (1999) Airs on 1999-03-19
S1 - E1 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 14, 2009
So I'm giving this a try because it has a strong recommendation from Brett. Oh also, he had pointed out it is listed on TVTropes under Sanity Slippage, which just invites me right in. This first episode seemed ok but mostly pretty cheesey. Although Brett, not having seen the first episode, seemed disappointed and says it gets better when they introduce more characters several episodes in.
Movie cover for Exodus from Genesis
Exodus from Genesis (1999) Airs on 1999-03-26
S1 - E2 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 14, 2009
In the first few episodes and already we've got clones and other beings speaking through a main character... excellent. This episode was cool.
Movie cover for Back and Back and Back to the Future
Back and Back and Back to the Future (1999) Airs on 1999-04-02
S1 - E3 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 15, 2009
Totally a Groundhog's Day episode, which is inevitably fun.
Movie cover for Throne for a Loss
Throne for a Loss (1999) Airs on 1999-04-09
S1 - E4 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 14, 2009
I don't care much for Rygel. Understanding, of course, that a Jim Henson production such as Farscape will have puppets, it's still more fun to watch an alien if it is something that can be played by an actual actor. That said, the Cthuhlu-esque ruler inprisoned with Rygel (also a puppet) made for some fun interaction.

The stimulant infused gauntlet was cool and made for some fun character conflict, and the villains who wore them were very cool looking. It was cool to see Zhaan establish with the prisoner that she was "soft but not weak." And they didn't end with some kind of "moral win" as it tends to be framed with drugs. After detoxing he chose to go right back to the gauntlet.
Movie cover for PK Tech Girl
PK Tech Girl (1999) Airs on 1999-04-16
S1 - E5 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 15, 2009
Aww, PK Tech Girl was cute. As she was John's first object of attraction in the series, it was interesting to put some tension between him and Aeryn. Her reaction of lifting the crate overhead with a guttural roar suited her well. Also, the fact that the scavenger aliens spat fire and exploded when shot was pretty amusing.
Movie cover for Thank God It's Friday, Again
Thank God It's Friday, Again (1999) Airs on 1999-04-23
S1 - E6 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 15, 2009
I'm very amused with the title now that I've seen the episode. Finding the dark side of a supposedly utopian planet is always a fun scifi template.
Movie cover for I, E.T.
I, E.T. (1999) Airs on 1999-05-07
S1 - E7 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 14, 2009
So-so, but as I said, my expectations have already been set that "it gets better." I think this episode is misordered, but not in any spoiler or inconsistency kind of way.
Movie cover for That Old Black Magic
That Old Black Magic (1999) Airs on 1999-06-11
S1 - E8 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 15, 2009
Maldis was amusing. At least they finally did something with Crais, but as Brett has suggested, the cooler villain is yet to be introduced.
Movie cover for DNA Mad Scientist
DNA Mad Scientist (1999) Airs on 1999-06-18
S1 - E9 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 18, 2009
I was pleased with myself in the middle of the episode when I realized the mad scientist's name, NamTar, was Rat Man backwards. It's much more obvious when you see it written than when you just hear the name. I would describe his appearance as an S&M version of a Cyberdemon Scientist. Aeryn becoming a Pilot was pretty weird. But the thing that really stood out in this episode is that they didn't explain away the ease with which the characters were willing to betray each other. I thought they were going to say that NamTar injected something in them that made then so pugnacious. Instead it just showed how tenuous of an alliance they all have.
Movie cover for They've Got a Secret
They've Got a Secret (1999) Airs on 1999-06-25
S1 - E10 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 18, 2009
Moya preggers is like wtf? The zillion DRD eyes lighting up was scary. Most of this episode was an excuse for exposition of D'Argo's backstory, which wasn't hugely interesting. I like him in general though. He's like Worf with a gunsword.
Movie cover for Till the Blood Runs Clear
Till the Blood Runs Clear (1999) Airs on 1999-07-09
S1 - E11 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 18, 2009
Wormhole! I'm sure they'll do more with that later. For now it just made for some interesting tension between Aeryn and Crichton. Crichton's alpha male act was played pretty well. The concept of Zhaan's photogasm was hilarious.
Movie cover for The Flax
The Flax (1999) Airs on 1999-07-16
S1 - E12 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 18, 2009
Ah, the inevitable "We're gonna die so let's get it on" plot line. It played well though. The "female of the species" in love with D'Argo was a weird twist. Aliens and gender... I'm sure that could get complicated.
Movie cover for Rhapsody in Blue
Rhapsody in Blue (1999) Airs on 1999-07-23
S1 - E13 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 24, 2009
They're so damn blue. Not a great episode, but still interesting moments.
Movie cover for Jeremiah Crichton
Jeremiah Crichton (1999) Airs on 1999-07-30
S1 - E14 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 24, 2009
I totally called it. First they did the C3P0-god thing with Rygel and then they would have ended up killing him. Crichton recited part of the prophecy as he realized just in time that Rygel could unlock the device and to me it was totally an Indiana Jones-"Penitent man kneels before God"-moment.
Movie cover for Durka Returns
Durka Returns (1999) Airs on 1999-08-13
S1 - E15 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: November 24, 2009
Chiana finally introduced! The way she moves is awesome. Durka was a cool villain.
Movie cover for A Human Reaction
A Human Reaction (1999) Airs on 1999-08-20
S1 - E16 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2009
Ah, another scifi template I love... everything you see you've seen before, so it must be in your mind.
Movie cover for Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass (1999) Airs on 1999-09-10
S1 - E17 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2009
I love when there is a clear visual distinction for representing different concepts. It makes things much less confusing to keep track of. This episode had the red light dimension, the blue sound dimension, and the yellow happy dimension.
Movie cover for A Bug's Life
A Bug's Life (1999) Airs on 1999-09-17
S1 - E18 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2009
Crichton impersonating a Peacekeeper captain is amusing.
Movie cover for Nerve
Nerve (2000) Airs on 2000-01-07
S1 - E19 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2009
Here we are: "I am Scorpius." So... wormhole tech... in his mind.
Movie cover for The Hidden Memory
The Hidden Memory (2000) Airs on 2000-01-14
S1 - E20 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2009
Aww Gilina... Aeryn is quick to go from dying to kicking ass.
Movie cover for Bone to Be Wild
Bone to Be Wild (2000) Airs on 2000-01-21
S1 - E21 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 9, 2009
Ok, so this episode highlights nicely examples of why Brett describes Zhaan as Alien ex Machina. Suddenly she reveals both that she can turn invisible and that she is a plant based lifeform. Though I was very amused by the idea of a calcivore (eats bones, leaves flesh). And I enjoyed the double reversal of which to call the bad guy.
Movie cover for Family Ties
Family Ties (2000) Airs on 2000-01-28
S1 - E22 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 9, 2009
They lit a whole moon on fire! Also, D'Argo can survive at least 15 minutes in the cold vacuum of space...
Movie cover for Mind the Baby
Mind the Baby (2000) Airs on 2000-03-17
S2 - E1 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 9, 2009
Whew, finally got rid of the baby for now.
Movie cover for Vitas Mortis
Vitas Mortis (2000) Airs on 2000-03-24
S2 - E2 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 9, 2009
Kind of a dumb episode.
Movie cover for Taking the Stone
Taking the Stone (2000) Airs on 2000-03-31
S2 - E3 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 12, 2009
Terrible. I just checked and, yes, this is the worst rated episode of the series. I think it's in the running for worst episode of any show. Unfortunately this was the first episode Nick and Grant saw of this series. Any chance they will watch more is probably pretty low now.
Movie cover for Crackers Don't Matter
Crackers Don't Matter (2000) Airs on 2000-04-07
S2 - E4 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 12, 2009
This episode was amazing! I'm very much a fan of insanity plots, and so it begins...
<li>"You're right John, they don't get it... They don't get how crazy they are."
<li>"Shut up, I hate it when villains quote Shakespeare."
<li>"Come John, kill him, then we can go to the beach."
<li>"What? Am I being irrational? Well have a little pain! [shoots D'Argo]"
<li>Scorpy in a Hawaiian shirt: "Kill her... then we'll have pizza. And margarita shooters. NOBODY... has margaritas... with pizza. You're out of your mind John... I know."
<li>"I need you to understand, that CRACKERS DON'T MATTER!"

2010-07-24 - Just watched this with the commentary with Claudia Black (Aeryn) and director Ian Watson. I was really disappointed they talked almost none about the episode. It was more a director and an actor talking about their roles and how they work in different situations. Ok, but not what I wanted. I have a feeling that if Ben Browder were in the commentary, especially with Claudia, it would be a lot more fun.
Movie cover for The Way We Weren't
The Way We Weren't (2000) Airs on 2000-04-14
S2 - E5 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 16, 2009
Some Aeryn backstory in this episode. Not hugely exciting, but enjoyable.
Movie cover for Picture if You Will
Picture if You Will (2000) Airs on 2000-04-21
S2 - E6 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 12, 2009
Maldis is alright. Pales to the insanity of the previous episode though.
Movie cover for Home on the Remains
Home on the Remains (2000) Airs on 2000-06-16
S2 - E7 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 16, 2009
I'm amused that the setting was a carcass bigger than any space station. Zhaan with spores? Whatever.
Movie cover for Dream a Little Dream
Dream a Little Dream (2000) Airs on 2000-06-23
S2 - E8 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 17, 2009
A silly take on a lawyer planet, but less of "this is what would logically follow as the majority of the population became lawyers" and more of "people don't like lawyers and now there are lots of them, scary!"
Movie cover for Out of Their Minds
Out of Their Minds (2000) Airs on 2000-07-07
S2 - E9 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 16, 2009
A very fun episode using a standard scifi story. The characters switched bodies and it was really fun to watch them each act with each other's physical mannerisms and speak with each other's choice of words.
Movie cover for My Three Crichtons
My Three Crichtons (2000) Airs on 2000-07-14
S2 - E10 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 17, 2009
Ah! More and less evolved Crichtons!
Movie cover for Look at the Princess - A Kiss is But a Kiss (1)
Look at the Princess - A Kiss is But a Kiss (1) (2000) Airs on 2000-07-21
S2 - E11 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 19, 2009
Just looking at the episode list and seeing several three-part episodes is exciting. I swear the intro is slowly evolving. I don't want to search if that is true or not... I'm enjoying my perception too much to find that it might not be true. The tension between John and Aeryn is fun. The Scarran is a cool enemy. The 80 year statue thing is pretty funny. The moment Scorpius showed up and trigged flashbacks for John was pretty cool.
Movie cover for Look at the Princess - I Do, I Think (2)
Look at the Princess - I Do, I Think (2) (2000) Airs on 2000-07-28
S2 - E12 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 19, 2009
Ooo, Peace Keeper spy. The Moya creator thing is dumb so far. The scene on the transport with ro-NA and Lt. Braca was very awesome. Scorpy's in his head! As Brett commented, both John's intended and actual statue poses were pretty funny.
Movie cover for Look at the Princess - The Maltese Crichton (3)
Look at the Princess - The Maltese Crichton (3) (2000) Airs on 2000-08-04
S2 - E13 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 20, 2009
The explanation of Scorpy's half Scarran half Sebastian decent as the reason for the rods in his head is amazing.
"Please tell me the rumors are true... tell me your search for thermic consistency is tormentful!"
"How Batman was that!?"
Movie cover for Beware of Dog
Beware of Dog (2000) Airs on 2000-08-11
S2 - E14 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 20, 2009
Not a very interesting episode except for the background signs of Crichton continuing to slip. That and the visual of Bug-Rygel.
Movie cover for Won't Get Fooled Again
Won't Get Fooled Again (2000) Airs on 2000-08-18
S2 - E15 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 20, 2009
Words fail me, but this was just amazing. "Your mind is about to crack, and I cannot allow that. I was here first!"
Movie cover for The Locket
The Locket (2000) Airs on 2000-08-25
S2 - E16 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 20, 2009
Next on Lifetime: The story of Aeryn and Crichton growing old together.
Movie cover for The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth (2000) Airs on 2000-09-08
S2 - E17 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 20, 2009
Multiple perspectives on the same story is an interesting idea, although the execution was only average. Still fun with characters I enjoy of course.
Movie cover for A Clockwork Nebari
A Clockwork Nebari (2000) Airs on 2000-09-15
S2 - E18 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 29, 2009
Interesting to see more Nebari and Chiana's brother. I'm very amused that Crichton's impression of being mind cleansed is to act like a total stoner.
Movie cover for Liars, Guns and Money - A Not So Simple Plan (1)
Liars, Guns and Money - A Not So Simple Plan (1) (2001) Airs on 2000-12-04
S2 - E19 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 29, 2009
Oh man, real Scorpy is back. And left to die... I'm sure it'll all work out fine. Totally fine.
Movie cover for Liars, Guns and Money - With Friends Like These... (2)
Liars, Guns and Money - With Friends Like These... (2) (2001) Airs on 2000-12-11
S2 - E20 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 31, 2009
"Our money is alive!" I like Scorpius's description of the cooling rods in his head: "The sensation is... more complicated than pain." Seeing enemies from many of the previous episodes was cool, especially Durka and Rygel's joy in carrying his head. The concern in D'Argo's voice and Aeryn's face as they realize why Scorpius let Jothee go...
Movie cover for Liars, Guns and Money - Plan B (3)
Liars, Guns and Money - Plan B (3) (2001) Airs on 2000-12-18
S2 - E21 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 31, 2009
Oh man, real Scorpy and Neural clone both in Crichton's head. Natira was a cool villian. Some of the firefights were hard to watch because they kept doing full screen flashes, but this actually made the fight in the dark even cooler. The standoff where Crichton couldn't make himself run from Scorpius was cool. "Aeryn... I'm gonna, uh... go to Scorpius..." Brutal ending scene.
Movie cover for Die Me, Dichotomy
Die Me, Dichotomy (2001) Airs on 2000-12-19
S2 - E22 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: December 31, 2009
The mirror scene in the beginning was absolutely amazing. Grunchlk and the doctor are cool. He's a diagnostician... now we've got House in Farscape. The scene in the neural cluster was a combination of touching and brutal. "Pilot, you're high." "I'm not higher or lower than I've ever been... my position is fixed!" "Tenth level Pa'u... pity. A twelfth could break this bond." Watching Aeryn's crash was brutal and John's breakthrough made it even more sad. The incredible thing about the episode is that even as a season finale, that wasn't the part it ended on. The web over his brain was creepy as was having to choose memories to lose. Aeryn dead, Scorpius has the chip, John is alone on the planet, the doctor is dead, and the speech center of John's brain is destroyed. Brutal.
Movie cover for Season of Death
Season of Death (2001) Airs on 2001-03-16
S3 - E1 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2010
The new intro is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I already had a very strong love of the previous intro and now it's evolved to something much darker. Terrifying and exciting. Scorpius controlling Grunchik was funny. Ah, I love Aeryn. That kind of trade is one way for me to absolutely not mind seeing Zhaan go. The pose and dramatic style of Crais's "FIRE!" was epic.
Movie cover for Suns and Lovers
Suns and Lovers (2001) Airs on 2001-03-23
S3 - E2 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2010
I love the character design of Moordil. My only though on the Chiana/Jothee thing is that whatever story gets him off the ship is fine by me.
Movie cover for Self-Inflicted Wounds - Could'a, Would'a, Should'a (1)
Self-Inflicted Wounds - Could'a, Would'a, Should'a (1) (2001) Airs on 2001-03-30
S3 - E3 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2010
Jool is annoying. The fact that Crichton can call Harvey to chat is pretty funny. "If he masters wormhole technology, what will he use it for?" "Faster delivery of pizzas!"
Movie cover for Self-Inflicted Wounds - Wait for the Wheel (2)
Self-Inflicted Wounds - Wait for the Wheel (2) (2001) Airs on 2001-04-06
S3 - E4 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2010
Stark has awesome little outbursts of insanity and rants of death... "Oh you want to cry, young creature? I will show you something that will make you cry forever..." Harvey: "Your distractions are many, while I'm totally dedicated to getting a measure of freedom." Zhaan's exit speech went a little long considering the dangerous situation they were in.
Movie cover for ...Different Destinations
...Different Destinations (2001) Airs on 2001-04-13
S3 - E5 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2010
Ooo, a fun "don't change the timeline"-episode. I liked the future perspective as it changed. First the prevailing language changed, then the existing population was decimated, then the surface of the planet was incinerated, then the entire planet was destroyed. Another brutal ending for Crichton... seeing that in the past they were calling "Crichton!" as the nurses were massacred.
Movie cover for Eat Me
Eat Me (2001) Airs on 2001-04-20
S3 - E6 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2010
"You and me buddy, good things are gonna happen. Good things!" The episode seemed sort of average, but the ending... oh my god...
Movie cover for Thanks for Sharing
Thanks for Sharing (2001) Airs on 2001-06-15
S3 - E7 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2010
It was amusing being able to truthfully say he wasn't there because it was the other Crichton. Also now the cast is split into two groups... each with their own Crichton.
Movie cover for Green Eyed Monster
Green Eyed Monster (2001) Airs on 2001-06-22
S3 - E8 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2010
Crichton got to say "That's no moon!" Awesome. The budong was pretty impressive. Stark continues to be insane and excellent. Tender moments between Aeryn and John necessarily remind that this is only one of the Crichtons...
Movie cover for Losing Time
Losing Time (2001) Airs on 2001-06-29
S3 - E9 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2010
Scorpy dreams of John! It'll be fun to see how his wormhole research works out. Weird! Oh man, modified Chiana was amazingly fun to watch. Just totally wow. "This ba-daaa wants yooou!" Also, DRD Pike!
Movie cover for Relativity
Relativity (2001) Airs on 2001-07-06
S3 - E10 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2010
Stark and Rygel were a fun pair in this. Poor Aeryn!
Movie cover for Incubator
Incubator (2001) Airs on 2001-07-13
S3 - E11 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2010
mmm, liquified pilot! Blue-hair, neon-eyed Asian nurse is hot. Scorpy in the chip with the echo of Crichton's mind... excellent. Giving Scorpius a full backstory makes him even more interesting and the Scarrans much more sinister.
Movie cover for Meltdown
Meltdown (2001) Airs on 2001-07-14
S3 - E12 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2010
Super crazy Stark floating above Talyn's new pilot chamber, and Aeryn in the sexy-mist.
Movie cover for Scratch 'n Sniff
Scratch 'n Sniff (2001) Airs on 2001-07-20
S3 - E13 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 10, 2010
The style of this was amazing right from the beginning. D'Argo dancing and everything made this so funny to watch.
Movie cover for Infinite Possibilities - Daedalus Demands (1)
Infinite Possibilities - Daedalus Demands (1) (2001) Airs on 2001-07-27
S3 - E14 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 10, 2010
The Ancients! Cool to see "Jack" back. And Harvey vs Crichton: "Gambled and lost..."
Movie cover for Infinite Possibilities - Icarus Abides (2)
Infinite Possibilities - Icarus Abides (2) (2001) Airs on 2001-08-03
S3 - E15 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 10, 2010
He's finally free... for a short time. Sad...
Movie cover for Revenging Angel
Revenging Angel (2001) Airs on 2001-08-10
S3 - E16 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 10, 2010
Incredible for its novelty value, but there should have been less cartoon time. That said, Scorpius and D'Argo as cartoons was very funny. And D'Argo's face the moment where the ship said Qualta blade was amazing.
Movie cover for The Choice
The Choice (2001) Airs on 2001-08-17
S3 - E17 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 15, 2010
Devastated grieving Aeryn was played very well.
Movie cover for Fractures
Fractures (2001) Airs on 2001-08-24
S3 - E18 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 15, 2010
Aeryn's cold reaction to seeing Crichton was pretty rough, and her confusion when this Crichton didn't remember the budong incident... Chiana's premonitions are getting more interesting. I liked the situation they created by pairing people and each sure of the their person's innocence. Crichton's dying message to his other self was cool. Pretty funny that he did the Rock, Paper, Scissors thing.
Movie cover for I-Yensch, You-Yensch
I-Yensch, You-Yensch (2002) Airs on 2002-01-21
S3 - E19 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 15, 2010
Interesting situation they put them in with Scorpy-Braca teaming up with Rygel-D'Argo. However, the robber characters made such annoying sounds that it affected how much I could enjoy the episode.
Movie cover for Into the Lion's Den - Lambs to the Slaughter (1)
Into the Lion's Den - Lambs to the Slaughter (1) (2002) Airs on 2002-01-24
S3 - E20 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 21, 2010
Amazing all over the place.
Movie cover for Into the Lion's Den - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (2)
Into the Lion's Den - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (2) (2002) Airs on 2002-01-28
S3 - E21 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 21, 2010
I really like the talk between Crichton and Scorpius with a fiery chasm between them... Also, "Traveling through wormholes ain't like dustin' crops..."
Movie cover for Dog with Two Bones
Dog with Two Bones (2002) Airs on 2002-01-31
S3 - E22 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 21, 2010
Wow... surprises... I was amused that no one knew who the old woman was. The moments where the Earth visions and reality blurred were very cool. And Rygel's moment where he acted almost as a narrator... "We're done..."
Movie cover for Crichton Kicks
Crichton Kicks (2002) Airs on 2002-06-07
S4 - E1 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 28, 2010
DRD 1812 and crazy composing Crusoe-Crichton were cool. The intro continues to evolve and amaze. "Look upward and share... the wonders I've seen." Newest crazy girl has nice eyes and can shift her gravity. Aeryn in a swimsuit, albeit in Crichton's mind.
Movie cover for What Was Lost - Sacrifice (1)
What Was Lost - Sacrifice (1) (2002) Airs on 2002-06-14
S4 - E2 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: January 28, 2010
Braca against Scorpius is kinda just No.
Movie cover for What Was Lost - Resurrection (2)
What Was Lost - Resurrection (2) (2002) Airs on 2002-06-21
S4 - E3 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 2, 2010
"Killed" and buried, still no reason to think he's gone. Very funny looking scene as all of the girls are about to escape from the cell. Jool improved a lot over her stay.
Movie cover for Lava's a Many Splendored Thing
Lava's a Many Splendored Thing (2002) Airs on 2002-06-28
S4 - E4 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 2, 2010
Vomit plays a pivotal role here. Also swimming in lava, that was cool.
Movie cover for Promises
Promises (2002) Airs on 2002-07-12
S4 - E5 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 6, 2010
Very good to have Scorpius and Aeryn back... but at the loss of Harvey. Again.
Movie cover for Natural Election
Natural Election (2002) Airs on 2002-07-19
S4 - E6 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 11, 2010
Giant metal-eating space plant! Points for that, but overall not a great episode.
Movie cover for John Quixote
John Quixote (2002) Airs on 2002-07-26
S4 - E7 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 11, 2010
Trippy and weird. I love the "still in the game" element. And the Chiana switch. And "Honey, the butler's dead." And the trouble with Scorpius? Just a problem with his door.
Movie cover for I Shrink Therefore I Am
I Shrink Therefore I Am (2002) Airs on 2002-08-02
S4 - E8 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 16, 2010
John and Scorpy teamup! Also, Scaran ruling class and shrink wars.
Movie cover for A Prefect Murder
A Prefect Murder (2002) Airs on 2002-08-09
S4 - E9 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 16, 2010
The other offworlder was cool looking. Reminded me of Gaara of the Sand. The priest was pretty crazy looking too. Also, he had a surprise buzzsaw, useful for random decapitation.
Movie cover for Coup By Clam
Coup By Clam (2002) Airs on 2002-08-16
S4 - E10 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 16, 2010
The clams linking people and being mistaken for space madness is a pretty funny idea. The doc is a pretty funny looking dude too.
Movie cover for Unrealized Reality (1)
Unrealized Reality (1) (2002) Airs on 2002-08-23
S4 - E11 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 18, 2010
This was an amazing episode. The character Crichton nicknamed Einstein was very cool. I liked the pure black eyes. The weird sort of repeating interview style was very interesting too. The Scaran-ruled Earth, and the unrealized reality with everyone switched... and Crichton's ending "Oops..."
Movie cover for Kansas (2)
Kansas (2) (2002) Airs on 2002-12-30
S4 - E12 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 18, 2010
So weird seeing them finally on Earth. Especially Aeryn and Pip. Aeryn learning English and trying to understand how to fit in has been cute. So umm... Chiana and young John... Also they did the Back to the Future disappearing thing.
Movie cover for Terra Firma (3)
Terra Firma (3) (2003) Airs on 2003-01-06
S4 - E13 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 18, 2010
Movie cover for Twice Shy
Twice Shy (2003) Airs on 2003-01-13
S4 - E14 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 18, 2010
Giant spider! D'Argo can't get mad and John wants to give up... weird.
Movie cover for Mental as Anything
Mental as Anything (2003) Airs on 2003-01-20
S4 - E15 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2010
I like that Crichton was whistling the theme from Great Escape.
Movie cover for Bringing Home the Beacon
Bringing Home the Beacon (2003) Airs on 2003-01-27
S4 - E16 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2010
hmm, lot of interesting stuff... the Peacekeeper/Scaran meeting... fake Aeryn... Chi no longer gray...
Movie cover for A Constellation of Doubt
A Constellation of Doubt (2003) Airs on 2003-02-10
S4 - E17 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2010
This was a really fun episode. I believe this was the last that was actually filmed, which makes sense because a lot of the content is in character interviews, which is pretty enjoyable and often funny.
Movie cover for Prayer
Prayer (2003) Airs on 2003-02-17
S4 - E18 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2010
His only clue... is a single word he heard in a reality that doesn't exist.
Movie cover for We're So Screwed - Fetal Attraction (1)
We're So Screwed - Fetal Attraction (1) (2003) Airs on 2003-02-24
S4 - E19 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2010
Aeryn Sun! Harvey 2.0! Rescue Scorpius?
Movie cover for We're So Screwed - Hot to Katratzi (2)
We're So Screwed - Hot to Katratzi (2) (2003) Airs on 2003-02-25
S4 - E20 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2010
I love saying the name Katratzi. Katratzi! Also Katratzi kinda looks like a Death Star.

"John wearing a nuke, offering to sell wormhole technology: I can leap tall galaxies in single bound!" "Referring to John: He's crazy! Aeryn: Isn't it fun?"

"It is beer O'clock, where's my riot!"
Movie cover for We're So Screwed - La Bomba (3)
We're So Screwed - La Bomba (3) (2003) Airs on 2003-03-03
S4 - E21 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2010
I like the explanation for why Harvey is back. Scorpius looked really disappointed by the fact that John would have left him to die.

To Scorpius: I do admire your compartmentalization of duplicity.

Sikosu's secret was pretty cool.

John: I can't believe it, I left a nuclear bomb on the elevator. Chiana: Don't worry, you've done worse...

Regarding John's decsion to drop a nuke down the elevator shaft: Oh... god, we should have voted...
Movie cover for Bad Timing
Bad Timing (2003) Airs on 2003-03-10
S4 - E22 of Farscape
Stephen Klancher: February 23, 2010
"Previously on Farscape" showing the scenes from every episodes was really cool. So the fact that they are talking about Scarans conquering Earth and it had relationship subtext was pretty funny. Calling home from the moon was cool. That last alien was really cool looking, but that ending so much just "We're canceled anyway, fuck you!" It even finishes by saying "To Be Continued..."

Still an amazing series.

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