Historical: IMDb 2000s


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List contains: 638 items, 1193.5 hours. (20 are missing runtime)

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Stephen Klancher
...has seen 316
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Lost (# 12)

Seen 105 times, Last seen February 13, 2023
Movie cover for Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day (1993) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
The joke is obvious but it's also the truth: I watched this movie over and over and over. This was one of a handful of movies we rewatched frequently growing up at my dad's house. I love Bill Murray and I love this movie.
Seen 117 times, Last seen February 12, 2023
Movie cover for The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz (1939) Releases on 1939-08-25
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I liked the Wizard of Oz and have often been excited to see newer takes on it. At some point my mom took me to see Wicked and I loved it. Though it turned out disappointing, I remember being excited over the SciFi variant Tin Man. Also, Zardoz. haha.
Seen 82 times, Last seen February 10, 2023
Movie cover for The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride (1987)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
We rented this movie at my dad's house when I was very young. So young in fact that I had no idea what the movie was called. I just had a vague memory of a really cool movie about a man in black with the storytelling grandfather as a frame for the adventure. In high school somehow this movie came up and I was excited to learn not only the title of the movie lost in my memories, but also that many other people liked it too. "As you wish" and "My name is Inigo Montoya" always make me smile.
Seen 105 times, Last seen February 9, 2023
Movie cover for The Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I'm not sure it forever deserves the top spot on IMDB, but definitely a good movie. I remember watching it on TV some night in Jr High when I was supposed to be working some project... let's see, do a diorama of a scene from 1984 or watch Shawshank? Hmm...
Seen 105 times, Last seen February 8, 2023
Movie cover for Cool Hand Luke
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Stephen Klancher: June 21, 2009
Aptly named... he's a cool character. The Lucy and 50 eggs scenes were fun. I liked the simple question he asked of god near the end: "You made me like I am; just where do I fit?"
Seen 112 times, Last seen February 7, 2023
Movie cover for Back to the Future
Back to the Future (1985)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I love the Back to the Future trilogy. Yes even the third one. I've always especially loved the music. Watching Predator at some point I was wondering why it was reminding me of Back to the Future... and it turns out the same guy did the music...
Seen 104 times, Last seen February 6, 2023
Movie cover for The Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski (1998) Releases on 1998-02-15
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Brett introduced me to Lebowski and I have since watched it many times. Love it.
Seen 93 times, Last seen February 4, 2023
Movie cover for Se7en
Se7en (1995)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
This movie did not strike me as much as most people I guess. Am I too desensitized? I just seem to remember Brad Pitt swearing a lot.
Seen 106 times, Last seen February 3, 2023
Movie cover for Office Space
Office Space (1999)
Seen 107 times, Last seen February 2, 2023
Movie cover for Pulp Fiction
Pulp Fiction (1994) Releases on 1994-10-14
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Very fun. Reading Quentin Tarantino and Philosophy (http://www.amazon.com/Quentin-Tarantino-Philosophy-Popular-Culture/dp/0812696344) made it even more so.
Seen 1651 times, Last seen January 30, 2023
Movie cover for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I love this movie. Would I zap my brain? Probably. Maybe I already did. How would I know? Whatever. I love this movie.
Seen 92 times, Last seen January 29, 2023
Movie cover for Lost
Lost (2004) Releases on 2010-06-23
Seen 98 times, Last seen January 24, 2023
Movie cover for Fight Club
Fight Club (1999)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
There's so much that is cool about this movie. But mostly the impact of the reveal the first time you watch it. The sort of Sixth-Sense change where you can then rewatch it as an entirely different experience.
Seen 100 times, Last seen January 19, 2023
Movie cover for The Matrix
The Matrix (1999)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
My parents (divorced) got in an argument over this movie. My dad wanted to take me to see it, but my mom, more strict at the time, didn't want it to happen. At some point she finally gave in, but then we had to go see it in the cheaper, crappier theater. It was still amazing, of course. And as Bob can attest, at any given time my dad's house on Mountain Oak probably had the DVD of this or Fifth Element playing. It's too bad they never made any sequels to this. <i>None. Never.</i>
Seen 119 times, Last seen January 18, 2023
Movie cover for Dude, Where's My Car?
Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)
Seen 112 times, Last seen January 7, 2023
Movie cover for Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I am very much a Star Wars fan. I've read about 40 books, played a handful of games, and seen most of what there is to see. There were some summers growing up where I was mostly watching the Star Wars trilogy and playing Mario 3.
2011-02-26 - Watched Star Wars Begins, the excellent fan-made documentary.
Seen 92 times, Last seen January 6, 2023
Movie cover for The Muppet Movie
The Muppet Movie (1979) Releases on 1979-06-22
Seen 117 times, Last seen December 31, 2022
Movie cover for The Fugitive
The Fugitive (1993)
Seen 84 times, Last seen December 27, 2022
Movie cover for Airplane!
Airplane! (1980)
Seen 15 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Aliens
Aliens (1986)
Stephen Klancher: January 17, 2008
Game over man! A totally different kind of cool than the first one. Plus like half of the sounds from StarCraft are from this movie.
Seen 274 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) Releases on 2002-05-16
Stephen Klancher: May 17, 2002
For what it's worth, Episode II is a zillion times better than Episode I.
Seen 994 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Releases on 2005-05-19
Stephen Klancher: May 19, 2005
I <3 Star Wars. Of course the original trilogy is better, but I still love this movie.
Seen 2413 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Releases on 2003-12-17
Stephen Klancher: December 17, 2003
Probably my favorite of the trilogy, but they are all fantastic.
Seen 288 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for How the Grinch Stole Christmas
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Seen 2465 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Gladiator
Gladiator (2000)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Fun movie... I always picture the "walking through the fields" sequence... Also, Battle!
Seen 2353 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Requiem for a Dream
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I love the theme music (Clint Mansell's "Lux Aeterna"). But man, remembering this movie just makes me think "life is terrible."
Seen 23 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Family Man
The Family Man (2000)
Seen 1923 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Seen 2177 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko (2001) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I remember getting mad because I was watching this at Alyson's house with a group where half of the people were really interested in the movie and the less interested half were making it hard to hear and enjoy it. Regardless it was fun. I always looked for more meaning in it than I was able to find though. But it created a great atmosphere and was a lot of fun to watch.
Seen 59 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for 8 Mile
8 Mile (2002) Releases on 2002-11-08
Seen 132 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Santa Clause 2
The Santa Clause 2 (2002)
Stephen Klancher: November 29, 2009
It's a holiday and I'm with family, so... it's a holiday family movie. I liked the original and watched it a lot growing up.
Seen 144 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Bad Santa
Bad Santa (2003)
Seen 1475 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Love Actually
Love Actually (2003)
Stephen Klancher: August 7, 2009
I have this memory that I was supposed to go see this movie with my girlfriend when it came out in theaters about 6 years ago. But we broke up that weekend or the week before or something. And then I didn't want to watch it for a long time because of that connection. And it's a good thing I didn't. Not only is it full of the sappy stuff that gets to me, but had Beatles and Dido music. The movie was carefully crafted to murder me. I'm glad I didn't watch it back then, and it wasn't lacking in effect on me even now.

That said, it was a fun movie with a zillion cool actors and very pretty girls. That was also a fault as there were way too many threads. There could have been fewer with more time devoted to them with greater effect, but still, fun overall.

"Well, because I thought it would be something worse."

[incredulous] "Worse than the total agony of being in love?"
Seen 1504 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for City of God
City of God (2002) Releases on 2004-02-13
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I got a hold of this movie because of Erin near the beginning of college, although I can't remember for certain if I watched it with her or not. The main impression I remember about this movie is that it was vivid both in color and content.
Seen 964 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Incredibles
The Incredibles (2004)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Pixar movies are pretty great. They do a great job of making either a kids movie that adults can enjoy or just a good movie which happens to be acceptable for kids as well.
Seen 281 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Elf
Elf (2003)
Stephen Klancher: November 28, 2009
It pains the OCD part of my brain to mark this as watched when I missed the beginning and was not in the room the whole time... It was alright. It's Will Ferrell, sometimes I think he's funny and sometimes not. It's probably mood as much as content with him.
Seen 1573 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Seen 121 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Punisher
The Punisher (2004)
Seen 1913 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Notebook
The Notebook (2004) Releases on 2004-06-25
Seen 1497 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Troy
Troy (2004)
Seen 197 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Polar Express
The Polar Express (2004)
Seen 2518 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Inglourious Basterds
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Stephen Klancher: August 23, 2009
Brad Pitt was fun but Col. Landa (Christoph Waltz) was great. Some of the violence was pretty gruesome even considering it was Terantino. It made me remember having read someone comparing the Nazis watching Nation's Pride cheering the violence against the Allied soldiers to the audience cheering the violence on screen against the Nazis. Anyway, the inferno was pretty impressive and the face projected on the smoke was creepy cool.
Seen 754 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Seen 182 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Room
The Room (2003)
Seen 104 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Four Christmases
Four Christmases (2008)
Seen 1289 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Iron Man
Iron Man (2008)
Stephen Klancher: May 3, 2008
Seen 2452 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Batman Begins
Batman Begins (2005)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
mmm, Batman. I've enjoyed Batman at every level of serious and silly, but this was a really good job of a more serious portrayal.
Seen 104 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Crash
Crash (2004)
Stephen Klancher: June 18, 2010
Engrossing and intense movie. Lot of good actors as well.
Seen 1873 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Mean Girls
Mean Girls (2004)
Seen 101 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Christmas with the Kranks
Christmas with the Kranks (2004) Releases on 2004-11-24
Seen 18 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Brick
Brick (2005)
Seen 2517 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Departed
The Departed (2006)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I think this is one of the finest remakes ever. I saw the original Infernal Affairs several years prior and loved it. But this version was excellent in its own right.
Seen 1713 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Watchmen
Watchmen (2009)
Stephen Klancher: March 10, 2009
I really enjoyed that movie. Visually awesome and some interesting characters. And with how much was supposedly removed from the theatrical cut, I look forward to the DVD. I had only read a few pages of the comic, but the beginning of the movie matched so well that it felt like deja vu.
Seen 328 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Zodiac
Zodiac (2007)
Seen 101 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) Releases on 2006-11-03
Seen 980 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Pan's Labyrinth
Pan's Labyrinth (2006) Releases on 2007-01-19
Stephen Klancher: January 27, 2007
This was disappointing to me because I wanted the whole movie to be like the fantasy scenes on which the trailer focused. Also "Pan's Labyrinth" became a pronouncement of intention to crush a man's face with a bottle as was done in this movie.
Seen 195 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Holiday
The Holiday (2006) Releases on 2006-12-08
Seen 1167 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Stephen Klancher: May 2, 2009
Fun combat scenes and I love Wolverine, but seriously, most scenes in this were just like "why is this happening?", "how does this make sense?" If not for characters I love, it would be easy to call this a bad movie. So as it stands it hurts to say it: This is a bad movie.
Seen 2522 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight (2008)
Stephen Klancher: July 19, 2008
Saw on the IMAX twice on the first Saturday after release. OMG so good! Got a picture of me with the Joker at the theater too.
Seen 997 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for There Will Be Blood
There Will Be Blood (2007)
Stephen Klancher: April 17, 2008
Omg he'll drink your milkshake. Really, he'll do it. I think there may have been a good movie here. But all I remember is that he'll drink your milkshake.
Seen 1963 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for No Country for Old Men
No Country for Old Men (2007)
Stephen Klancher: November 19, 2007
Wow, this was cool. The ending was kinda like, "wait, what?" but the bad guy Anton was very memorable. "What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?"
Seen 2514 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for The Prestige
The Prestige (2006)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I liked this a lot. Although I seem to remember that something about it lead to an argument. Whatever, very fun.
Seen 2057 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Avatar
Avatar (2009)
Stephen Klancher: January 9, 2010
The plot is basically FernGully, which isn't a major criticism, it just follows an unsurprising path. The visuals were amazing. The 3D was very cool, but even without that the environments were incredible. It made me think of exploring new areas in World of Warcraft for the first time.
Seen 10 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for In Bruges
In Bruges (2008)
Stephen Klancher: August 21, 2009
Wow. Fuck, that was a cool movie.
Seen 110 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Atonement
Atonement (2007)
Seen 18 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for Deck the Halls
Deck the Halls (2006) Releases on 2006-11-22
Seen 169 times, Last seen December 20, 2017
Movie cover for A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol (2009) Releases on 2009-11-06
Seen 16 times, Last seen December 19, 2017
Movie cover for American Beauty
American Beauty (1999)
Stephen Klancher: December 31, 2002
Fantastic movie. Many good quotables. I tend to rather watch something new instead of rewatching anything, but if I see this on I'm completely unable to pull myself away.
Seen 14 times, Last seen December 18, 2017
Movie cover for Vertigo
Vertigo (1958) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: July 4, 2008
Good movie, strong ending. I like James Stewart in anything though.
Seen 13 times, Last seen December 17, 2017
Movie cover for Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Peter Sellers is amazing. Just remember, "you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"
Seen 32 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Hellboy
Hellboy (2004) Releases on 2004-03-30
Stephen Klancher: August 3, 2014
Seen 481 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Seen 818 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Pride & Prejudice
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Seen 17 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I love Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford. I watched a lot of Star Wars and Indiana Jones while growing up. Just thinking about it makes me want to watch again...
Seen 226 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor (2001)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I remember leaving to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie and then just walking around the theater for a while. It was a looong movie and not good enough to warrant it. This song from Team America sums it up best:

I miss you more then Michael Bay missed the mark
When he made Pearl Harbor
I miss you more than that movie missed the point
And that's an awful lot girl
Seen 577 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can (2002)
Seen 146 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for The Lovely Bones
The Lovely Bones (2009)
Seen 1676 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for 300
300 (2006)
Seen 531 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for Stardust
Stardust (2007) Releases on 2007-08-10
Seen 294 times, Last seen December 16, 2017
Movie cover for The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Stephen Klancher: June 14, 2008
Seen 15 times, Last seen December 15, 2017
Movie cover for Casablanca
Casablanca (1942)
Stephen Klancher: August 4, 2003
I borrowed and watched this summer of 2002. Even then I had a vague idea that I wanted to see some of the most well known movies, with the IMDB top 250 as my idea for a good start.

I really enjoyed it! And so many elements or lines in it that could be called cliche now were actually their origin. This is the movie that solidified my interest in watching well rated "old movies." Compare to Citizen Kane.
Seen 17 times, Last seen December 12, 2017
Movie cover for Inception
Inception (2010) Releases on 2010-07-16
Stephen Klancher: July 17, 2010
Dreams within dreams... there was never a chance I wouldn't like this movie. It was incredibly fun.
Seen 14 times, Last seen December 11, 2017
Movie cover for Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
This was the one I watched least when I was younger. The slightly less familiarity has made it more attractive for rewatching in later years. Also it's Star Wars. <3
Seen 1359 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for American Psycho
American Psycho (2000)
Seen 121 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Cast Away
Cast Away (2000)
Seen 522 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Seen 75 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Howl's Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle (2004) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: July 5, 2008
I saw this with Julie when we went to Anime Expo.
Seen 334 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Stephen Klancher: July 15, 2008
Seen 20 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Punisher: War Zone
Punisher: War Zone (2008) Releases on 2008-12-05
Seen 13 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for 9
9 (2009) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: August 13, 2011
Cool visual style.
Seen 1552 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Into the Wild
Into the Wild (2007)
Stephen Klancher: April 22, 2009
Good movie. Better than I thought it would be from the description and suited my mood today.
Seen 1896 times, Last seen December 9, 2017
Movie cover for Twilight
Twilight (2008)
Seen 13 times, Last seen December 8, 2017
Movie cover for Schindler's List
Schindler's List (1993)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this in my 9th grade history class. Liam Neeson back when his only power was being German. No force, no lightsaber. But seriously, this is a serious movie. I don't remember much of the specifics at this point, but watching Life is Beautiful more recently made me think of watching this.
Seen 1539 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Memento
Memento (2000) Releases on 2000-10-11
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Showing events out of chronological order can range from confusing to really cool. Memento used it in a gimmicky way, but it turned out great.
Seen 1025 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Releases on 2003-10-10
Stephen Klancher: October 18, 2003
It was super exciting to go see this in the theater. I had watched other Tarantino movies over the previous year or two and introduced them to Brett sometime after we met. And seeing a movie like that in a theater down the street from a university makes for a fun crowd.
Seen 255 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Cars
Cars (2006)
Seen 1517 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Releases on 2003-07-09
Stephen Klancher: July 17, 2003
I had very low expectations for this movie, but people kept telling me that it was good... I loved it! But then the second one came out and seemed so pointless that, at the moment, I still haven't seen the third one.
Seen 53 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for EuroTrip
EuroTrip (2004) Releases on 2004-02-20
Seen 98 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Napoleon Dynamite
Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Releases on 2004-01-17
Seen 57 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Silent Hill
Silent Hill (2006) Releases on 2006-04-21
Seen 21 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for The Strangers
The Strangers (2008) Releases on 1969-12-31
Seen 6 times, Last seen December 2, 2017
Movie cover for Cook-Off!
Cook-Off! (2017) Releases on 2017-11-17
Seen 7 times, Last seen November 26, 2017
Movie cover for Bully
Bully (2001) Releases on 2001-12-12
Seen 6 times, Last seen November 26, 2017
Movie cover for Born Killers
Born Killers (2005) Releases on 2005-10-22
Seen 319 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Planet of the Apes
Planet of the Apes (2001)
Seen 1043 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Releases on 2002-12-18
Stephen Klancher: December 19, 2002
I loved the whole trilogy.
Seen 219 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Almost Famous
Almost Famous (2000)
Seen 199 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Gangs of New York
Gangs of New York (2002)
Seen 195 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Unbreakable
Unbreakable (2000)
Seen 59 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers (2001) Releases on 2001-08-31
Seen 190 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Black Hawk Down
Black Hawk Down (2001) Releases on 2002-01-18
Seen 116 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for The Machinist
The Machinist (2004) Releases on 2004-11-11
Seen 168 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for Saw
Saw (2004) Releases on 2004-10-29
Stephen Klancher: November 13, 2004
Seen 20 times, Last seen November 25, 2017
Movie cover for The Reader
The Reader (2008) Releases on 2009-01-09
Seen 29 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for Scary Movie
Scary Movie (2000) Releases on 2000-07-07
Seen 34 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for The Replacements
The Replacements (2000) Releases on 2000-08-11
Seen 1651 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for Snatch.
Snatch. (2000)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Oh man I loved this movie. So many cool characters and plenty of good music. I still need to rewatch it with the pikey subtitles someday.
Seen 234 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for Remember the Titans
Remember the Titans (2000)
Seen 1713 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta (2005) Releases on 2006-03-17
Stephen Klancher: March 17, 2006
I loved this movie. In terms of pure enjoyment coming out of the theater this ranks near the top for me. All kinds of cool.
Seen 54 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for Bronson
Bronson (2008) Releases on 0000-00-00
Seen 12 times, Last seen November 18, 2017
Movie cover for Dogtooth
Dogtooth (2009) Releases on 2009-11-11
Seen 60 times, Last seen November 12, 2017
Movie cover for Halloween II
Halloween II (2009)
Seen 90 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Corpse Bride
Corpse Bride (2005)
Seen 307 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Monsters, Inc.
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
One of the best kids movies for adults.
Seen 12 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Jason X
Jason X (2001) Releases on 2002-04-26
Seen 20 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Road Trip
Road Trip (2000) Releases on 2000-05-19
Seen 866 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Spirited Away
Spirited Away (2001) Releases on 2001-07-20
Stephen Klancher: April 6, 2003
I watched with in a theater in Bakersfield with my mom. I don't know if it was a rerelease or late after the release or if this is all they did in Bakersfield, but I seem to remember that it was only playing on this one screen in town and it was an abnormally small one.
I really enjoyed the animation and the fantasy of the whole setting.
Seen 260 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Seen 70 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for The Ring
The Ring (2002)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I remember sitting in a dark room after this movie finished and being in a totally freaked out state of mind. It did a good job of creating that feeling. Too bad the sequel couldn't keep it up.
Seen 55 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Coraline
Coraline (2009)
Seen 34 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Dawn of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Seen 147 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Halloween
Halloween (2007) Releases on 2007-08-31
Seen 12 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Saw II
Saw II (2005) Releases on 2005-10-28
Seen 154 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th (2009)
Seen 86 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Trick 'r Treat
Trick 'r Treat (2008)
Seen 52 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for The Mist
The Mist (2007)
Seen 12 times, Last seen November 11, 2017
Movie cover for Saw VI
Saw VI (2009)
Seen 5 times, Last seen November 3, 2017
Movie cover for What Lies Beneath
What Lies Beneath (2000)
Seen 66 times, Last seen November 3, 2017
Movie cover for Freddy vs. Jason
Freddy vs. Jason (2003) Releases on 2003-08-13
Seen 89 times, Last seen November 3, 2017
Movie cover for Monster
Monster (2003) Releases on 2003-11-16
Seen 56 times, Last seen November 3, 2017
Movie cover for Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) Releases on 2006-08-04
Stephen Klancher: September 16, 2006
Seen 8 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Thir13en Ghosts
Thir13en Ghosts (2001) Releases on 2001-10-26
Seen 10 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Cabin Fever
Cabin Fever (2002) Releases on 2002-09-14
Seen 69 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Van Helsing
Van Helsing (2004) Releases on 2004-05-07
Stephen Klancher: May 4, 2004
I saw this not long after having watched the anime Hellsing. I knew this wasn't related and I knew I wouldn't like it as much as the anime, but even with low expectations, this still disappointing. I seem to remember Frankenstein's monster being more interesting than most of the rest of the movie.
Seen 9 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for 30 Days of Night
30 Days of Night (2007) Releases on 2007-10-16
Seen 1161 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Transformers
Transformers (2007)
Seen 8 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Teeth
Teeth (2007) Releases on 2007-01-19
Seen 272 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Shooter
Shooter (2007) Releases on 2007-03-23
Seen 120 times, Last seen October 28, 2017
Movie cover for Jennifer's Body
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Stephen Klancher: September 20, 2009
That was actually a lot of fun. Way better than I expected. Creepy at some points, but mostly hilarious.
Seen 1299 times, Last seen October 26, 2017
Movie cover for Spider-Man
Spider-Man (2002)
Stephen Klancher: May 18, 2002
Seen 18 times, Last seen October 26, 2017
Movie cover for Miss Congeniality
Miss Congeniality (2000)
Seen 1360 times, Last seen October 26, 2017
Movie cover for Star Trek
Star Trek (2009)
Stephen Klancher: May 8, 2009
The casting in this was great. The actors felt so natural playing these very well established characters, perfectly mixing the feel of the old characters while still feeling brand new. IMAX + first day + surpassing expectations = <3
Seen 20 times, Last seen October 26, 2017
Movie cover for I Love You, Man
I Love You, Man (2009)
Stephen Klancher: September 10, 2009
Awkwardness reached dangerous levels at some points, but was a very funny movie.
"I still want to hang out despite that joke..."
Seen 238 times, Last seen October 14, 2017
Movie cover for Mulholland Dr.
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
Stephen Klancher: April 8, 2010
Very weird movie. Hard to look away though.
Seen 62 times, Last seen October 14, 2017
Movie cover for Minority Report
Minority Report (2002)
Seen 789 times, Last seen October 14, 2017
Movie cover for Oldboy
Oldboy (2003) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
This was a pretty mindfuck movie when I first saw it. I'd still like to watch the sequel/prequel at some point.
Seen 925 times, Last seen October 14, 2017
Movie cover for Up
Up (2009)
Stephen Klancher: June 14, 2009
That was a fantastic movie. Visually very pretty. The kid and the dog are a great counterpoint to the old man. Not many movies manage to be so happy and kid -friendly and actually be so amazing. I walked out of the theater happy!
Seen 965 times, Last seen October 14, 2017
Movie cover for The Hangover
The Hangover (2009)
Stephen Klancher: June 6, 2009
Very funny. In addition to the main guys, Mike Tyson and Ken Jeong were great!
Seen 489 times, Last seen October 8, 2017
Movie cover for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Stephen Klancher: September 6, 2008
Seen 130 times, Last seen October 7, 2017
Movie cover for The Patriot
The Patriot (2000) Releases on 2000-06-28
Seen 6 times, Last seen October 7, 2017
Movie cover for Rent
Rent (2005)
Stephen Klancher: August 4, 2008
Seen 97 times, Last seen October 7, 2017
Movie cover for The Village
The Village (2004)
Seen 135 times, Last seen October 7, 2017
Movie cover for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Whoops, I had a positive comment here because I thought it was the first one. I loved the first one. This one was nowhere near that. I have some vague desire to see the third one, but this movie severely weakened that desire.
Seen 18 times, Last seen October 7, 2017
Movie cover for Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
Seen 61 times, Last seen October 7, 2017
Movie cover for The House Bunny
The House Bunny (2008) Releases on 2008-08-22
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 30, 2017
Movie cover for Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) Releases on 2001-06-15
Stephen Klancher: June 23, 2001
Seen 27 times, Last seen September 30, 2017
Movie cover for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) Releases on 2005-04-29
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2005
Though, for me, it doesn't beat the old BBC mini series, this was still a fun version of Hitchhiker.
Seen 11 times, Last seen September 30, 2017
Movie cover for The Fountain
The Fountain (2006) Releases on 2006-11-22
Stephen Klancher: January 14, 2013
Seen 244 times, Last seen September 30, 2017
Movie cover for Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Stephen Klancher: March 16, 2011
Moments where it seemed a bit slow, but mostly hilarious.
Seen 39 times, Last seen September 30, 2017
Movie cover for Gone Baby Gone
Gone Baby Gone (2007)
Stephen Klancher: November 28, 2008
Second Blu-ray I watched. The movie builds to a choice with no right answer. Well made movie.
Seen 273 times, Last seen September 30, 2017
Movie cover for The Wrestler
The Wrestler (2008)
Stephen Klancher: February 25, 2009
Good movie because of how authentic the portrayal of the characters felt and how well they conveyed the desperation of parts of their world.
Seen 107 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for Not Another Teen Movie
Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
Seen 27 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for The Day After Tomorrow
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Seen 48 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for Serenity
Serenity (2005) Releases on 2005-09-30
Stephen Klancher: September 30, 2005
When I moved back to SD to start school in 2005 I was told I had a week to watch some series I hadn't heard of before we would go see the movie that came out of it. So then I watched Firefly and my life was improved.
Seen 780 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for Casino Royale
Casino Royale (2006) Releases on 2006-11-17
Stephen Klancher: November 18, 2006
Seen 142 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Seen 11 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for Fracture
Fracture (2007) Releases on 2007-04-20
Stephen Klancher: November 11, 2017
Seen 1116 times, Last seen September 23, 2017
Movie cover for Superbad
Superbad (2007)
Seen 194 times, Last seen September 18, 2017
Movie cover for Wet Hot American Summer
Wet Hot American Summer (2001) Releases on 2001-01-23
Seen 269 times, Last seen September 18, 2017
Movie cover for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Stephen Klancher: April 26, 2011
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 18, 2017
Movie cover for Death Note
Death Note (2006) Releases on 1969-12-31
Seen 131 times, Last seen September 18, 2017
Movie cover for Mamma Mia!
Mamma Mia! (2008)
Seen 20 times, Last seen August 19, 2017
Movie cover for Rock Star
Rock Star (2001) Releases on 2001-09-04
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 19, 2017
Movie cover for The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) Releases on 2003-05-15
Stephen Klancher: May 14, 2003
Not worthy of the original but I did like the scene with The Architect.
Seen 71 times, Last seen August 19, 2017
Movie cover for Holes
Holes (2003) Releases on 2003-04-11
Seen 205 times, Last seen August 19, 2017
Movie cover for Wedding Crashers
Wedding Crashers (2005) Releases on 2005-07-15
Stephen Klancher: August 18, 2005
Seen 1584 times, Last seen August 19, 2017
Movie cover for Sin City
Sin City (2005) Releases on 2005-04-01
Stephen Klancher: April 1, 2005
Super cool style and fun characters. I read one of the graphic novels at some point too. I remember watching it a second time in Stockton in a theater on UOP campus. That was the summer I had the construction job, so it probably made having some fun on a weekend trip even more enjoyable and memorable.
Seen 13 times, Last seen August 19, 2017
Movie cover for The Number 23
The Number 23 (2007) Releases on 1969-12-31
Seen 389 times, Last seen August 12, 2017
Movie cover for Tropic Thunder
Tropic Thunder (2008)
Stephen Klancher: August 25, 2008
Seen 54 times, Last seen August 12, 2017
Movie cover for Insomnia
Insomnia (2002)
Seen 159 times, Last seen August 12, 2017
Movie cover for King Kong
King Kong (2005)
Seen 252 times, Last seen August 12, 2017
Movie cover for Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Seen 152 times, Last seen August 12, 2017
Movie cover for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) Releases on 2008-12-25
Stephen Klancher: January 4, 2009
I did not enjoy this as much as many people, which is a shame because I was looking forward to it. But it was a decent movie. It started too slow... an hour in I didn't find myself caring about the characters yet. It got better after that point though.
Though perhaps I have myself to blame, as I do seem to remember texting back and forth with Jenith for a good bit of the beginning of the movie.
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 5, 2017
Movie cover for Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich (2000)
Seen 76 times, Last seen August 5, 2017
Movie cover for Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 5, 2017
Movie cover for Brothers
Brothers (2009)
Seen 7 times, Last seen July 30, 2017
Movie cover for St. Trinian's
St. Trinian's (2007) Releases on 2007-12-21
Seen 80 times, Last seen July 29, 2017
Movie cover for The Longest Yard
The Longest Yard (2005)
Seen 979 times, Last seen July 22, 2017
Movie cover for X-Men
X-Men (2000)
Seen 34 times, Last seen July 22, 2017
Movie cover for Mystic River
Mystic River (2003) Releases on 2003-10-15
Stephen Klancher: January 24, 2004
I saw this with my mom when it was in theaters. I forget much of the content of the movie at this point but I remember being impressed by it.
Seen 92 times, Last seen July 22, 2017
Movie cover for Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead (2004) Releases on 2004-09-24
Stephen Klancher: October 2, 2004
Seen 239 times, Last seen July 22, 2017
Movie cover for The Devil Wears Prada
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Random movie I watched with Punchie on a laptop in Arcadia.
Seen 70 times, Last seen July 15, 2017
Movie cover for Bring It On
Bring It On (2000)
Seen 52 times, Last seen July 15, 2017
Movie cover for War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds (2005)
Seen 76 times, Last seen July 15, 2017
Movie cover for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 8, 2017
Movie cover for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)
Stephen Klancher: July 25, 2010
It had a slow, but just right pace that keep me interested and not even notice two and half hours go by. The girl was pretty cool. Reminds me of another Swedish movie I saw, Let the Right One In: the same kind of pacing and focused on a "weird" girl. I'll be interested to see the other ones when the come out eventually.
Seen 137 times, Last seen July 8, 2017
Movie cover for The Passion of the Christ
The Passion of the Christ (2004) Releases on 2004-02-25
Stephen Klancher: March 24, 2004
Saw with Laura in Bakersfield over spring break.
Seen 27 times, Last seen July 1, 2017
Movie cover for The Mummy Returns
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Seen 54 times, Last seen July 1, 2017
Movie cover for Ocean's Eleven
Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 1, 2017
Movie cover for Notorious
Notorious (2009) Releases on 2009-01-16
Seen 20 times, Last seen July 1, 2017
Movie cover for The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)
Seen 117 times, Last seen June 24, 2017
Movie cover for Scooby-Doo
Scooby-Doo (2002)
Seen 85 times, Last seen June 24, 2017
Movie cover for Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
Seen 81 times, Last seen June 24, 2017
Movie cover for Apocalypto
Apocalypto (2006) Releases on 2006-12-08
Seen 171 times, Last seen June 17, 2017
Movie cover for Fast & Furious
Fast & Furious (2009)
Seen 49 times, Last seen June 10, 2017
Movie cover for King Arthur
King Arthur (2004) Releases on 2004-07-07
Seen 21 times, Last seen June 10, 2017
Movie cover for AVP: Alien vs. Predator
AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Stephen Klancher: February 11, 2009
Silly, but it's still a great "What If": What if Aliens and Predator were in the same movie? Definitely some fun visuals though.
Seen 20 times, Last seen June 4, 2017
Movie cover for 5-25-77
5-25-77 (2007) Releases on 2017-05-25
Seen 340 times, Last seen June 3, 2017
Movie cover for The Fast and the Furious
The Fast and the Furious (2001)
Seen 42 times, Last seen June 3, 2017
Movie cover for Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Releases on 2005-05-02
Seen 13 times, Last seen June 3, 2017
Movie cover for AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem
AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem (2007)
Stephen Klancher: February 12, 2009
That was a fun action movie with good one liners. Better in most respects than the first one. Most of the scenes were too dark. But man... Predaliens... awesome.
Seen 96 times, Last seen May 27, 2017
Movie cover for Training Day
Training Day (2001)
Seen 11 times, Last seen May 27, 2017
Movie cover for Hannibal
Hannibal (2001) Releases on 2001-02-09
Seen 47 times, Last seen May 27, 2017
Movie cover for Thirteen
Thirteen (2003) Releases on 2003-09-19
Seen 0 times, Last seen May 21, 2017
Movie cover for The Babysitters
The Babysitters (2007) Releases on 2011-05-13
Seen 62 times, Last seen May 20, 2017
Movie cover for Wanted
Wanted (2008)
Stephen Klancher: July 7, 2008
So bad and so good. All kinds of problems if you want to really take it seriously, but overall it's just really fun to see. Reminded me of Jumper a little in that regard, but this is far more fun.
Seen 198 times, Last seen May 13, 2017
Movie cover for The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
Seen 6 times, Last seen May 6, 2017
Movie cover for Bend It Like Beckham
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
Seen 98 times, Last seen May 6, 2017
Movie cover for 2 Fast 2 Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
Seen 15 times, Last seen May 6, 2017
Movie cover for Miracle
Miracle (2004) Releases on 2004-02-02
Seen 20 times, Last seen May 6, 2017
Movie cover for Idiocracy
Idiocracy (2006) Releases on 2007-01-25
Stephen Klancher: June 3, 2012
Some amusing moments, but only barely enough to be tolerable.
Seen 644 times, Last seen May 6, 2017
Movie cover for Slumdog Millionaire
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Stephen Klancher: February 15, 2009
Fantastic music and a very well put together movie. I can see why it was so well liked.
Seen 74 times, Last seen May 6, 2017
Movie cover for Death Proof
Death Proof (2007)
Stephen Klancher: May 20, 2007
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 29, 2017
Movie cover for Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) Releases on 2001-06-15
Seen 13 times, Last seen April 29, 2017
Movie cover for The Midnight Meat Train
The Midnight Meat Train (2008) Releases on 2008-08-07
Seen 20 times, Last seen April 29, 2017
Movie cover for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008) Releases on 2008-08-28
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 29, 2017
Movie cover for RocknRolla
RocknRolla (2008)
Stephen Klancher: August 11, 2010
Ridiculously fun movie. Plenty of things to like, especially if you like other Guy Ritchie movies, but one of the things I loved most were the invincible Russians in the chase scene.
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 22, 2017
Movie cover for Moulin Rouge!
Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 22, 2017
Movie cover for 3:10 to Yuma
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Seen 58 times, Last seen April 22, 2017
Movie cover for Brokeback Mountain
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Seen 36 times, Last seen April 22, 2017
Movie cover for P.S. I Love You
P.S. I Love You (2007) Releases on 2007-12-21
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 15, 2017
Movie cover for Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004) Releases on 2004-09-24
Seen 5 times, Last seen April 15, 2017
Movie cover for Mini's First Time
Mini's First Time (2006) Releases on 2007-08-09
Seen 21 times, Last seen April 10, 2017
Movie cover for Coyote Ugly
Coyote Ugly (2000) Releases on 2000-07-31
Seen 93 times, Last seen April 10, 2017
Movie cover for Blow
Blow (2001)
Seen 7 times, Last seen April 10, 2017
Movie cover for Brideshead Revisited
Brideshead Revisited (2008) Releases on 2008-08-15
Seen 34 times, Last seen April 8, 2017
Movie cover for Chicago
Chicago (2002) Releases on 2003-01-24
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 8, 2017
Movie cover for Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation (2003) Releases on 2003-10-03
Stephen Klancher: February 5, 2004
Seen 5 times, Last seen April 8, 2017
Movie cover for Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 8, 2017
Movie cover for Deja Vu
Deja Vu (2006) Releases on 2006-11-22
Seen 57 times, Last seen April 2, 2017
Movie cover for A Knight's Tale
A Knight's Tale (2001)
Seen 175 times, Last seen April 2, 2017
Movie cover for X2
X2 (2003) Releases on 2003-05-02
Stephen Klancher: May 2, 2003
Seen 173 times, Last seen April 2, 2017
Movie cover for The School of Rock
The School of Rock (2003) Releases on 2003-10-03
Stephen Klancher: October 9, 2003
Seen 450 times, Last seen April 2, 2017
Movie cover for X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Releases on 2006-05-26
Stephen Klancher: May 28, 2006
Seen 112 times, Last seen April 2, 2017
Movie cover for The 40 Year Old Virgin
The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
Seen 20 times, Last seen March 26, 2017
Movie cover for Frailty
Frailty (2001)
Seen 101 times, Last seen March 26, 2017
Movie cover for The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera (2004) Releases on 2005-01-21
Stephen Klancher: January 8, 2005
I grew up on the London recording and I loved seeing this movie.
Seen 372 times, Last seen March 26, 2017
Movie cover for XXX
XXX (2002) Releases on 2002-08-09
Seen 13 times, Last seen March 26, 2017
Movie cover for Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006) Releases on 2006-11-22
Stephen Klancher: November 27, 2006
Seen 67 times, Last seen March 26, 2017
Movie cover for Sky High
Sky High (2005) Releases on 2005-07-24
Seen 306 times, Last seen March 26, 2017
Movie cover for Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2010
I enjoy Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, so this was inevitably fun. I haven't read any of the books, but if I had to guess I would say this is more identifiable as a Guy Richie movie than a Sherlock Holmes story. There was even a boxing scene that looked like it was right out of Snatch and in my mind I was hearing "Golden brown, textured like sun..."
Seen 185 times, Last seen March 19, 2017
Movie cover for Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 11, 2017
Movie cover for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Stephen Klancher: November 12, 2011
Slow but enjoyable.
Seen 301 times, Last seen March 11, 2017
Movie cover for The Blind Side
The Blind Side (2009)
Seen 541 times, Last seen March 11, 2017
Movie cover for Taken
Taken (2008)
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2009
I guess I saw this before it came out in theaters. I didn't even know that when I was watching it at home. A lot of implausible things in the "story", but oh well, still an enjoyable action movie. But I kept wanting to know: why doesn't he just use his lightsaber??
Seen 19 times, Last seen March 5, 2017
Movie cover for Road to Perdition
Road to Perdition (2002)
Seen 1773 times, Last seen March 5, 2017
Movie cover for Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo (2003)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
The main thing I remember about this movie was that it had very pretty color. And I think I watched it with a few other people in the common room of our floor of my freshman dorm.
Seen 13 times, Last seen March 5, 2017
Movie cover for Dragonball Evolution
Dragonball Evolution (2009)
Stephen Klancher: June 4, 2009
As a fan of Dragonball (Z at least) I can't help but enjoy it some. And my expectations were already so low that disappointment was nearly impossible. What was left was just the fun of seeing things and characters I enjoyed. I can't believe they had Christine from Phantom of the Opera as Bulma and Chow Yun-Fat as Roshi. Chi Chi was really cute. No Krillin unfortunately. Bulma did have her Dragonball radar and her capsule transportation. So, yeah, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, but I couldn't help but watch it. Kamehameha ftw!
Seen 70 times, Last seen February 25, 2017
Movie cover for Resident Evil
Resident Evil (2002) Releases on 2002-03-15
Seen 82 times, Last seen February 25, 2017
Movie cover for Underworld
Underworld (2003) Releases on 2003-09-19
Stephen Klancher: September 24, 2003
Seen 13 times, Last seen February 25, 2017
Movie cover for The Last Samurai
The Last Samurai (2003) Releases on 2003-12-05
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2004
Seen 49 times, Last seen February 19, 2017
Movie cover for A Walk to Remember
A Walk to Remember (2002) Releases on 2002-01-23
Seen 27 times, Last seen February 19, 2017
Movie cover for Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
Seen 41 times, Last seen February 19, 2017
Movie cover for Resident Evil: Extinction
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Releases on 2007-09-21
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 19, 2017
Movie cover for Knowing
Knowing (2009)
Seen 19 times, Last seen February 11, 2017
Movie cover for The Beach
The Beach (2000) Releases on 2000-02-02
Seen 5 times, Last seen February 11, 2017
Movie cover for The Ring Two
The Ring Two (2005)
Seen 7 times, Last seen February 5, 2017
Movie cover for Signs
Signs (2002)
Seen 102 times, Last seen February 5, 2017
Movie cover for Old School
Old School (2003) Releases on 2003-02-21
Seen 37 times, Last seen February 5, 2017
Movie cover for Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
Stephen Klancher: April 20, 2008
Pretty damn funny. Also very cool to see having stayed at Turtle Bay in those same rooms and eaten at the same restaurants and bars.
Seen 14 times, Last seen February 5, 2017
Movie cover for xXx: State of the Union
xXx: State of the Union (2005) Releases on 2005-04-27
Seen 6 times, Last seen January 29, 2017
Movie cover for Chapter 27
Chapter 27 (2007) Releases on 2007-12-15
Seen 28 times, Last seen January 22, 2017
Movie cover for Ocean's Twelve
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Seen 6 times, Last seen January 22, 2017
Movie cover for Underworld: Evolution
Underworld: Evolution (2006) Releases on 2006-01-20
Stephen Klancher: January 27, 2006
Seen 6 times, Last seen January 22, 2017
Movie cover for Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)
Seen 13 times, Last seen January 22, 2017
Movie cover for Doubt
Doubt (2008) Releases on 2008-10-30
Seen 57 times, Last seen January 14, 2017
Movie cover for Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde (2001) Releases on 2001-07-13
Seen 111 times, Last seen January 14, 2017
Movie cover for Superman Returns
Superman Returns (2006) Releases on 2006-06-28
Stephen Klancher: June 30, 2006
Seen 6 times, Last seen January 14, 2017
Movie cover for Bee Movie
Bee Movie (2007)
Seen 13 times, Last seen January 14, 2017
Movie cover for Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (2008) Releases on 2008-07-25
Seen 57 times, Last seen January 7, 2017
Movie cover for Children of Men
Children of Men (2006)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I remember thinking halfway through watching this movie that it had built a very interesting situation. And then it just lost my interest. It built an interesting world though. The death of the worlds youngest person in the beginning immediately grabbed my attention.
Seen 37 times, Last seen January 7, 2017
Movie cover for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Seen 171 times, Last seen January 7, 2017
Movie cover for Step Up
Step Up (2006) Releases on 2006-08-11
Seen 12 times, Last seen December 31, 2016
Movie cover for The Terminal
The Terminal (2004) Releases on 2004-06-09
Seen 6 times, Last seen December 31, 2016
Movie cover for Black Snake Moan
Black Snake Moan (2006) Releases on 2007-03-02
Seen 77 times, Last seen December 31, 2016
Movie cover for Fred Claus
Fred Claus (2007) Releases on 2007-11-09
Seen 75 times, Last seen December 25, 2016
Movie cover for My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Seen 6 times, Last seen December 25, 2016
Movie cover for Lucky Number Slevin
Lucky Number Slevin (2006) Releases on 2006-04-07
Seen 91 times, Last seen December 25, 2016
Movie cover for Hairspray
Hairspray (2007)
Seen 13 times, Last seen December 25, 2016
Movie cover for Nativity!
Nativity! (2009) Releases on 0000-00-00
Seen 175 times, Last seen December 18, 2016
Movie cover for Enchanted
Enchanted (2007)
Seen 30 times, Last seen December 11, 2016
Movie cover for O Brother, Where Art Thou?
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) Releases on 2000-12-22
Seen 6 times, Last seen December 4, 2016
Movie cover for Burn After Reading
Burn After Reading (2008) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: September 15, 2008
Seen 13 times, Last seen November 26, 2016
Movie cover for The Lizzie McGuire Movie
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) Releases on 2003-05-02
Seen 226 times, Last seen November 26, 2016
Movie cover for 2012
2012 (2009)
Stephen Klancher: May 15, 2011
Watched much of this while hanging out at my dad's house one afternoon.
Seen 63 times, Last seen November 20, 2016
Movie cover for The Da Vinci Code
The Da Vinci Code (2006) Releases on 2006-05-19
Stephen Klancher: May 30, 2006
Seen 6 times, Last seen November 20, 2016
Movie cover for The Pacifier
The Pacifier (2005)
Seen 26 times, Last seen November 13, 2016
Movie cover for 28 Days Later...
28 Days Later... (2002) Releases on 2003-06-27
Stephen Klancher: June 27, 2003
Went for a run in the morning with my friend Nick, then we got drinks at Sonic, played GTA:Vice City, and went to see this movie.
Seen 38 times, Last seen November 13, 2016
Movie cover for The Amityville Horror
The Amityville Horror (2005)
Seen 32 times, Last seen November 13, 2016
Movie cover for Angels & Demons
Angels & Demons (2009) Releases on 2009-05-15
Seen 509 times, Last seen November 13, 2016
Movie cover for Zombieland
Zombieland (2009)
Stephen Klancher: October 3, 2009
Zombie humor! The cameo was amazing.
Seen 31 times, Last seen November 6, 2016
Movie cover for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Releases on 2003-10-15
Seen 88 times, Last seen November 6, 2016
Movie cover for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
Stephen Klancher: November 7, 2008
Seen 5 times, Last seen November 6, 2016
Movie cover for Pandorum
Pandorum (2009) Releases on 2009-09-25
Stephen Klancher: April 7, 2011
A fun and appropriate movie to watch as I near the end of Dead Space 2.
Seen 49 times, Last seen October 24, 2016
Movie cover for Bridget Jones's Diary
Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Releases on 2001-04-13
Seen 5 times, Last seen October 24, 2016
Movie cover for Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatcher (2003) Releases on 2003-03-21
Seen 19 times, Last seen October 24, 2016
Movie cover for The Devil's Rejects
The Devil's Rejects (2005) Releases on 2005-05-11
Seen 5 times, Last seen October 18, 2016
Movie cover for How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
Seen 74 times, Last seen October 18, 2016
Movie cover for The Dreamers
The Dreamers (2003) Releases on 2003-09-01
Seen 24 times, Last seen October 18, 2016
Movie cover for A Cinderella Story
A Cinderella Story (2004) Releases on 2004-07-10
Seen 5 times, Last seen October 18, 2016
Movie cover for The Uninvited
The Uninvited (2009) Releases on 2009-01-30
Seen 30 times, Last seen October 12, 2016
Movie cover for Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Releases on 2004-11-19
Seen 53 times, Last seen October 12, 2016
Movie cover for Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 25, 2016
Movie cover for The Blair Witch Project
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 25, 2016
Movie cover for Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000) Releases on 2000-10-27
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 25, 2016
Movie cover for World Trade Center
World Trade Center (2006) Releases on 2006-08-09
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 25, 2016
Movie cover for United 93
United 93 (2006)
Seen 117 times, Last seen September 18, 2016
Movie cover for The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Identity (2002) Releases on 2002-06-14
Seen 679 times, Last seen September 18, 2016
Movie cover for The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Whole trilogy was pretty fun.
Seen 35 times, Last seen September 11, 2016
Movie cover for The Count of Monte Cristo
The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Stephen Klancher: July 23, 2008
Seen 13 times, Last seen September 11, 2016
Movie cover for Sweet Home Alabama
Sweet Home Alabama (2002)
Seen 53 times, Last seen September 11, 2016
Movie cover for The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Supremacy (2004) Releases on 2004-07-23
Stephen Klancher: August 4, 2004
Seen 102 times, Last seen September 11, 2016
Movie cover for Step Brothers
Step Brothers (2008)
Stephen Klancher: July 28, 2008
Funny at the moment but pretty forgettable.
Seen 30 times, Last seen September 11, 2016
Movie cover for The Road
The Road (2009)
Stephen Klancher: November 8, 2010
This did a good job creating the desolate environment in the movie, but then felt like it didn't do much with it from there. Disappointing.
Seen 119 times, Last seen September 4, 2016
Movie cover for The Aviator
The Aviator (2004)
Seen 84 times, Last seen August 28, 2016
Movie cover for Ratatouille
Ratatouille (2007)
Stephen Klancher: September 24, 2007
I took my little sister Maddi to see this. Pretty good for a family movie.
Seen 132 times, Last seen August 28, 2016
Movie cover for Mr. Nobody
Mr. Nobody (2009) Releases on 2009-09-12
Stephen Klancher: January 1, 2015
Very cool.
Seen 97 times, Last seen August 28, 2016
Movie cover for Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) Releases on 2008-10-31
Seen 215 times, Last seen August 28, 2016
Movie cover for Cloverfield
Cloverfield (2008) Releases on 2008-01-16
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 21, 2016
Movie cover for Stick It
Stick It (2006) Releases on 2006-04-28
Seen 649 times, Last seen August 14, 2016
Movie cover for Gran Torino
Gran Torino (2008)
Stephen Klancher: January 18, 2009
That was the best movie I've seen in a while. Clint Eastwood is still a badass and the rest of the cast played great as well.
Seen 13 times, Last seen August 7, 2016
Movie cover for The Island
The Island (2005) Releases on 2005-07-11
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 7, 2016
Movie cover for Inside Man
Inside Man (2006) Releases on 2006-03-24
Seen 43 times, Last seen August 7, 2016
Movie cover for I Am Legend
I Am Legend (2007)
Seen 5 times, Last seen July 31, 2016
Movie cover for Ice Age
Ice Age (2002)
Seen 14 times, Last seen July 31, 2016
Movie cover for Ocean's Thirteen
Ocean's Thirteen (2007)
Seen 5 times, Last seen July 25, 2016
Movie cover for Return of the Ghostbusters
Return of the Ghostbusters (2007) Releases on 2007-10-26
Seen 14 times, Last seen July 23, 2016
Movie cover for Fargo
Fargo (1996) Releases on 1996-04-05
Seen 10 times, Last seen July 22, 2016
Movie cover for Wild Strawberries
Wild Strawberries (1957)
Stephen Klancher: June 20, 2009
Eerie dreams.
Seen 14 times, Last seen July 21, 2016
Movie cover for Blade Runner
Blade Runner (1982)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this and only thought it was ok. I found out later that the Director's Cut which I watched was lacking the narration of the original. I often really enjoy narration in movies and might have enjoyed this more if I had a clearer understanding of what was going on in some parts. Maybe someday I'll have to rewatch the original version.
Seen 10 times, Last seen July 19, 2016
Movie cover for 2001: A Space Odyssey
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I think I watched parts of this in my Physics class in high school, then came home and watched the rest. I think there was no justification other than that Mr Loritz just wanted to watch the movie.
Seen 5 times, Last seen July 19, 2016
Movie cover for National Treasure
National Treasure (2004)
Stephen Klancher: May 25, 2008
Seen 36 times, Last seen July 19, 2016
Movie cover for American Gangster
American Gangster (2007)
Stephen Klancher: November 2, 2007
Seen 616 times, Last seen July 19, 2016
Movie cover for WALL·E
WALL·E (2008)
Stephen Klancher: July 27, 2008
I saw this with Tim and his wife at the tail end of its theater run. Cute movie and the first half or so is another good example of how much can be communicated with no verbal dialog.
Seen 14 times, Last seen July 18, 2016
Movie cover for Lawrence of Arabia
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Stephen Klancher: July 2, 2008
I remember my mom telling me for a long time that this was her favorite movie, so I was excited to watch it. Very cool epic.
Seen 609 times, Last seen July 17, 2016
Movie cover for The Lives of Others
The Lives of Others (2006)
Stephen Klancher: August 20, 2008
Seen 14 times, Last seen July 13, 2016
Movie cover for Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane (1941)
Stephen Klancher: February 12, 2008
Overrated. Compare to Casablanca because they are both "old movies" (1 year apart) and both always ranked high on movie lists.
Seen 19 times, Last seen July 13, 2016
Movie cover for Man on Fire
Man on Fire (2004)
Seen 28 times, Last seen July 13, 2016
Movie cover for Alpha Dog
Alpha Dog (2006) Releases on 2006-01-27
Seen 14 times, Last seen July 12, 2016
Movie cover for Django Unchained
Django Unchained (2012) Releases on 2012-12-25
Stephen Klancher: January 5, 2013
Seen 13 times, Last seen July 10, 2016
Movie cover for City Lights
City Lights (1931)
Stephen Klancher: October 20, 2008
A few lol moments. I'm not very into silent films. I think the main role they should play in modern times is a lesson for filmmakers: You can communicate without saying something directly in dialog.
Seen 20 times, Last seen July 5, 2016
Movie cover for Ali
Ali (2001) Releases on 2001-12-25
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 5, 2016
Movie cover for Hearts in Atlantis
Hearts in Atlantis (2001) Releases on 2001-09-28
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 5, 2016
Movie cover for Charlie Bartlett
Charlie Bartlett (2007) Releases on 2008-02-22
Seen 101 times, Last seen July 5, 2016
Movie cover for Terminator Salvation
Terminator Salvation (2009)
Stephen Klancher: May 23, 2009
This is a great movie if you love explosions. I'd trade a lot of explosions for some plot about time paradoxes, or characters with motivations, or some other reason to be interested in the conflict behind the explosions. Perhaps some kind of explosions for plot elements barter system could be worked out... a post-apocalyptic movie economy perhaps?

I think the best thing about this movie was that looking forward to it made me watch the series, which, with a much smaller explosion budget had to create interesting character conflict and X-Files style "small piece of the puzzle" mysteries. The other advantage is that from now on I will be looking at the Rotten Tomato score before seeing a movie.
Seen 39 times, Last seen July 5, 2016
Movie cover for Orphan
Orphan (2009)
Seen 4 times, Last seen June 28, 2016
Movie cover for DOA: Dead or Alive
DOA: Dead or Alive (2006) Releases on 2007-06-15
Seen 16 times, Last seen June 27, 2016
Movie cover for 12 Angry Men
12 Angry Men (1957)
Stephen Klancher: October 19, 2007
I actually saw the 1997 version first (Tony Danza!), but I love them both. Such a great thing to have a story focused down to pretty much one room and just watching the characters interact. I liked this (both versions actually) a lot.
Seen 11 times, Last seen June 25, 2016
Movie cover for The Godfather: Part II
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Stephen Klancher: January 2, 2004
I can't say I remember a lot about this movie other than the fact that I watched with Bob not long after college started. And that he heard the third movie was bad so he refused to watch it... so this is where we stopped.
Seen 13 times, Last seen June 24, 2016
Movie cover for The Godfather
The Godfather (1972) Releases on 1972-03-24
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I don't remember much about this movie directly. The main thing I remember is a comment from a friend while we all watched it together the summer before college. My girlfriend at the time was either disinterested or bothered by the violence, whereas I thought it was a cool movie. By my friend's observation, this was the first time in a long time that I insisted on an opinion contrary to hers. I don't remember being that bad, but the observation was memorable, and this movie reminds me of it.
Seen 120 times, Last seen June 23, 2016
Movie cover for Jurassic Park III
Jurassic Park III (2001)
Seen 43 times, Last seen June 23, 2016
Movie cover for Moon
Moon (2009) Releases on 2009-07-10
Stephen Klancher: August 8, 2010
Pretty cool, although I feel like once the viewer understands what is going on there wasn't much in the way of twists or surprises. Still fun to watch though.
Seen 1 times, Last seen June 22, 2016
Movie cover for Zootopia
Zootopia (2016)
Seen 1 times, Last seen June 21, 2016
Movie cover for Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Stephen Klancher: December 30, 2015
Seen 1 times, Last seen June 20, 2016
Movie cover for Room
Room (2015)
Stephen Klancher: March 31, 2017
Seen 1 times, Last seen June 19, 2016
Movie cover for Wild Tales
Wild Tales (2014) Releases on 2014-05-17
Seen 1 times, Last seen June 18, 2016
Movie cover for Inside Out
Inside Out (2015)
Seen 1 times, Last seen June 17, 2016
Movie cover for The Martian
The Martian (2015)
Seen 3 times, Last seen June 16, 2016
Movie cover for Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Seen 4 times, Last seen June 15, 2016
Movie cover for Rush
Rush (2013)
Seen 99 times, Last seen June 14, 2016
Movie cover for The Hurt Locker
The Hurt Locker (2008)
Stephen Klancher: April 4, 2010
Intense, fun to see scenes.
Seen 4 times, Last seen June 14, 2016
Movie cover for The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Stephen Klancher: January 3, 2014
Funny, but I'm kind of bothered by glamorizing this guy.
Seen 6 times, Last seen June 13, 2016
Movie cover for Whiplash
Whiplash (2014) Releases on 2014-01-16
Seen 2 times, Last seen June 11, 2016
Movie cover for Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Stephen Klancher: August 12, 2014
Incredibly fun! All the more so since I went in thinking this was a bunch of characters unknown to me, and then finding out I knew half of them from the Infinity Trilogy.
Seen 5 times, Last seen June 10, 2016
Movie cover for Gone Girl
Gone Girl (2014)
Stephen Klancher: October 5, 2014
Seen 5 times, Last seen June 8, 2016
Movie cover for The Imitation Game
The Imitation Game (2014) Releases on 2014-12-25
Stephen Klancher: September 8, 2017
Seen 55 times, Last seen June 7, 2016
Movie cover for Hulk
Hulk (2003)
Seen 14 times, Last seen June 7, 2016
Movie cover for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Incredibly fun movie and I love both Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer.
Seen 47 times, Last seen June 7, 2016
Movie cover for Juno
Juno (2007)
Stephen Klancher: May 2, 2008
Seen 10 times, Last seen June 7, 2016
Movie cover for 12 Years a Slave
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Seen 10 times, Last seen June 6, 2016
Movie cover for Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver (1976)
Stephen Klancher: April 26, 2008
Seen 12 times, Last seen June 4, 2016
Movie cover for Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke (1997)
Seen 12 times, Last seen June 3, 2016
Movie cover for North by Northwest
North by Northwest (1959)
Stephen Klancher: June 22, 2008
Seen 15 times, Last seen June 2, 2016
Movie cover for Toy Story
Toy Story (1995)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Pixar is always pretty solid and Tim Allen plus Tom Hanks make for some fun recognizable voice acting.
Seen 13 times, Last seen May 31, 2016
Movie cover for Braveheart
Braveheart (1995)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Hmm, I'm not 100% I've seen the beginning of this movie. See this was the second rated R movie I ever saw, with the first being the movie Speed. My mom was on her honeymoon and I was with cousins and other family at a hotel whereever we were on the coast. So we got away with renting rated R movies. I watched Speed in one room and went to the next room and joined them in watching Braveheart. I mostly just remember the iconic, "You can take our lives, but you can never take our freedom!" Also I saw a statue of William Wallace in front of a castle years later. I should rewatch it someday just because now I know and love Patrick McGoohan.
Seen 198 times, Last seen May 31, 2016
Movie cover for Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four (2005)
Seen 184 times, Last seen May 31, 2016
Movie cover for Zoolander
Zoolander (2001)
Seen 21 times, Last seen May 31, 2016
Movie cover for Just Friends
Just Friends (2005) Releases on 2005-11-23
Seen 605 times, Last seen May 29, 2016
Movie cover for Million Dollar Baby
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Stephen Klancher: July 4, 2009
Excellent movie! A lot like Gran Torino. Those three are fantastic actors. Some really hard to watch scenes, but just very good.
Seen 606 times, Last seen May 28, 2016
Movie cover for Hotel Rwanda
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Stephen Klancher: December 6, 2008
That is an intense movie.
Seen 11 times, Last seen May 26, 2016
Movie cover for Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train (1951)
Stephen Klancher: April 5, 2009
Solid main characters made this a lot of fun to see. I kept seeing Bruno as Bill Murray and Guy as Alan Cumming. Bruno was a great clever-psycho bad guy. And that ending had to be the most dangerous merry-go-round in the world.
Seen 14 times, Last seen May 24, 2016
Movie cover for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I always liked James Stewart in this and It's a Wonderful Life.
Seen 6 times, Last seen May 24, 2016
Movie cover for Queen of the Damned
Queen of the Damned (2002) Releases on 2002-02-22
Seen 12 times, Last seen May 23, 2016
Movie cover for Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I had heard every joke long before I actually saw this, so while it was funny, it was underwhelming and not very memorable.
Seen 11 times, Last seen May 22, 2016
Movie cover for Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I probably watched this most of the trilogy. Which means I watched it a ton.
Seen 7 times, Last seen May 21, 2016
Movie cover for The Lion King
The Lion King (1994)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Back in the good old days of Disney movies... Scar was a great villain and the song Be Prepared is incredible.
Seen 13 times, Last seen May 20, 2016
Movie cover for Cinema Paradiso
Cinema Paradiso (1988) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this with my mom in Bakersfield at some point. I remember hearing the title and not thinking I was interested, until either I looked it up or she told me it was on the IMDb list... now it was part of the mission! The movie itself was okay...
Seen 15 times, Last seen May 18, 2016
Movie cover for The Green Mile
The Green Mile (1999)
Stephen Klancher: December 15, 1999
I don't remember being impressed with this.
Seen 174 times, Last seen May 17, 2016
Movie cover for Daredevil
Daredevil (2003) Releases on 2003-02-14
Stephen Klancher: February 15, 2003
Seen 20 times, Last seen May 17, 2016
Movie cover for The Human Centipede
The Human Centipede (2009) Releases on 2009-08-30
Seen 14 times, Last seen May 15, 2016
Movie cover for Alien
Alien (1979)
Stephen Klancher: January 15, 2008
I thought I had seen it before. Finally saw for sure now that I'm going through all the Alien and Predator movies with Nick.

Very cool movie.
Seen 10 times, Last seen May 13, 2016
Movie cover for It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
This was our Christmas movie growing up with my dad and it has ingrained a like of Jimmy Stewart in my brain.
Seen 12 times, Last seen May 12, 2016
Movie cover for The Truman Show
The Truman Show (1998)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I loved this movie. The only problem was it gave me a more specific scenario for my general paranoia to latch on to. Clearly my life is full of people behind the scenes watching and manipulating my life. If I tune my radio just right I might be able to hear their radio chatter...
Seen 9 times, Last seen May 11, 2016
Movie cover for Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon (1975)
Stephen Klancher: March 24, 2010
Slow, as the Netflix description suggested, but enjoyable.
Seen 15 times, Last seen May 9, 2016
Movie cover for Gandhi
Gandhi (1982) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: January 20, 2010
I learn more from Hollywood than I ever did from school. Seems like some of this stuff would have been cool to learn more about in a history class.
Seen 11 times, Last seen May 9, 2016
Movie cover for Barbershop
Barbershop (2002) Releases on 2002-08-07
Seen 44 times, Last seen May 9, 2016
Movie cover for The Proposal
The Proposal (2009)
Seen 608 times, Last seen May 8, 2016
Movie cover for Mary and Max
Mary and Max (2008) Releases on 2009-04-09
Stephen Klancher: December 11, 2010
Weirdly funny and endearing. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.
Seen 12 times, Last seen May 5, 2016
Movie cover for My Neighbor Totoro
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Stephen Klancher: April 21, 2010
Cat-bus is awesome. Most of what I like in this movie is better done in Spirited Away. But still this was a relaxing movie with good animation and occasionally good music too.
Seen 14 times, Last seen May 4, 2016
Movie cover for Annie Hall
Annie Hall (1977) Releases on 1977-04-20
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this while doing other things and I'm never sure if that means I'm not giving something a fair chance, but I didn't care for this movie.
Seen 16 times, Last seen April 30, 2016
Movie cover for It Happened One Night
It Happened One Night (1934)
Stephen Klancher: July 7, 2009
I was amused at the Walls of Jericho motif and the fact that they asked for a trumpet at the end. This time, dear, he gave a damn.
Seen 48 times, Last seen April 27, 2016
Movie cover for 17 Again
17 Again (2009)
Seen 27 times, Last seen April 20, 2016
Movie cover for Elektra
Elektra (2005) Releases on 2005-01-08
Seen 84 times, Last seen April 20, 2016
Movie cover for Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Stephen Klancher: July 13, 2008
Saw this in the theater with Julie. It was surprisingly funny.
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 6, 2016
Movie cover for Chicken Little
Chicken Little (2005)
Seen 11 times, Last seen April 1, 2016
Movie cover for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I knew I had enjoyed Unforgiven and Shane, but this was the movie which convinced me: I really enjoy westerns! I watched this with a girl I met on a bus. She forgot her purse and I argued with the bus driver and made him wait until she came running up from the previous bus stop. Obviously the only thing to do was invite her over for dinner and a western right?
Seen 14 times, Last seen March 30, 2016
Movie cover for The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) Releases on 2005-05-31
Seen 29 times, Last seen March 30, 2016
Movie cover for Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) Releases on 2006-11-03
Stephen Klancher: November 9, 2006
I did think this was funny, but I clearly did not think it was as funny as the rest of the theater.
Seen 129 times, Last seen March 30, 2016
Movie cover for Ip Man
Ip Man (2008) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: July 26, 2011
Badass character.
Seen 20 times, Last seen March 22, 2016
Movie cover for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I remember being so pleased when I watched this and, without looking at the subtitles, I understood the phrase "I don't know" spoken in Chinese.
Seen 13 times, Last seen March 15, 2016
Movie cover for The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl (2008) Releases on 2008-02-29
Seen 20 times, Last seen March 15, 2016
Movie cover for Babel
Babel (2006) Releases on 2006-11-10
Stephen Klancher: November 23, 2006
Seen 36 times, Last seen March 15, 2016
Movie cover for Blood Diamond
Blood Diamond (2006) Releases on 2006-12-08
Stephen Klancher: December 26, 2006
Seen 13 times, Last seen March 15, 2016
Movie cover for Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road (2008) Releases on 2008-12-15
Seen 3 times, Last seen March 14, 2016
Movie cover for Interstellar
Interstellar (2014)
Stephen Klancher: April 9, 2017
Seen 26 times, Last seen March 8, 2016
Movie cover for Couples Retreat
Couples Retreat (2009)
Seen 7 times, Last seen March 6, 2016
Movie cover for The Apartment
The Apartment (1960)
Stephen Klancher: December 13, 2008
Early in the movie I felt annoyed that Lemmon felt too much like his comedy character in Some Like It Hot, but overall both he and MacLaine were great in this movie.
Seen 7 times, Last seen March 4, 2016
Movie cover for Modern Times
Modern Times (1936)
Stephen Klancher: November 8, 2008
Seen 11 times, Last seen March 1, 2016
Movie cover for The Maltese Falcon
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
One of the early "old" movies that I watched. Enjoying it firmed up the notion that I would actually go through the IMDb list.
Seen 618 times, Last seen February 25, 2016
Movie cover for The Secret in Their Eyes
The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
Stephen Klancher: July 18, 2010
The last of my initial watch through of the IMDb Top 250. Decent movie. Memorable to me near the end is the line "Tell him at least to talk to me."
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 16, 2016
Movie cover for Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006) Releases on 2006-09-07
Seen 10 times, Last seen February 10, 2016
Movie cover for Network
Network (1976) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: April 25, 2010
A lot of cool moments throughout this. I enjoyed watching Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde just recently and she and William Holden were great in this.
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 9, 2016
Movie cover for The X Files: I Want to Believe
The X Files: I Want to Believe (2008) Releases on 2008-07-25
Stephen Klancher: September 29, 2016
Seen 198 times, Last seen February 9, 2016
Movie cover for Knocked Up
Knocked Up (2007)
Seen 67 times, Last seen February 9, 2016
Movie cover for Rocky Balboa
Rocky Balboa (2006) Releases on 2006-12-20
Seen 9 times, Last seen February 4, 2016
Movie cover for Jaws
Jaws (1975) Releases on 1975-06-20
Stephen Klancher: February 16, 2009
Body in the boat scared the fuck out of me. That was an intense movie.
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 2, 2016
Movie cover for The Ladykillers
The Ladykillers (2004) Releases on 2004-03-26
Seen 48 times, Last seen January 26, 2016
Movie cover for House of Wax
House of Wax (2005) Releases on 2005-04-26
Seen 62 times, Last seen January 19, 2016
Movie cover for Constantine
Constantine (2005)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I saw this in a free screening at UCSD before it came out. I thought it was very cool. I very much liked both the villainous angel and the whole "devil will collect him personally" thing.
Seen 6 times, Last seen January 19, 2016
Movie cover for The Wedding Date
The Wedding Date (2005) Releases on 2004-05-16
Seen 40 times, Last seen January 19, 2016
Movie cover for Kill Bill: Vol. 2
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Releases on 2004-04-16
Stephen Klancher: April 16, 2004
Different flavor than the first, but still quite fun.
Seen 368 times, Last seen January 19, 2016
Movie cover for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Seen 5 times, Last seen January 12, 2016
Movie cover for Jumper
Jumper (2008)
Stephen Klancher: February 16, 2008
Seen 242 times, Last seen January 12, 2016
Movie cover for Quantum of Solace
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Stephen Klancher: November 15, 2008
Seen 7 times, Last seen January 6, 2016
Movie cover for The Cat in the Hat
The Cat in the Hat (2003)
Seen 13 times, Last seen January 6, 2016
Movie cover for The Family Stone
The Family Stone (2005) Releases on 2005-11-26
Seen 83 times, Last seen December 29, 2015
Movie cover for Peter Pan
Peter Pan (2003) Releases on 2003-12-25
Seen 48 times, Last seen December 15, 2015
Movie cover for Irreversible
Irreversible (2002) Releases on 2002-05-22
Seen 73 times, Last seen December 8, 2015
Movie cover for Die Another Day
Die Another Day (2002)
Seen 89 times, Last seen December 8, 2015
Movie cover for Hitman
Hitman (2007) Releases on 2007-11-21
Seen 111 times, Last seen December 1, 2015
Movie cover for The Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door (2004) Releases on 2004-04-09
Seen 13 times, Last seen November 17, 2015
Movie cover for The Others
The Others (2001) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: May 18, 2002
Seen 6 times, Last seen November 17, 2015
Movie cover for Halloween: Resurrection
Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Releases on 2002-07-12
Seen 4 times, Last seen November 16, 2015
Movie cover for The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Seen 52 times, Last seen November 10, 2015
Movie cover for Paranormal Activity
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Seen 55 times, Last seen November 3, 2015
Movie cover for The Last House on the Left
The Last House on the Left (2009)
Seen 27 times, Last seen October 20, 2015
Movie cover for This Is England
This Is England (2006)
Seen 9 times, Last seen October 18, 2015
Movie cover for Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Awesome movie.
Seen 40 times, Last seen October 13, 2015
Movie cover for The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D (2005) Releases on 2005-06-10
Seen 20 times, Last seen October 6, 2015
Movie cover for Public Enemies
Public Enemies (2009)
Stephen Klancher: July 2, 2009
Didn't grab me as much as I would have hoped for something with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale.
Seen 11 times, Last seen September 29, 2015
Movie cover for Spy Kids
Spy Kids (2001) Releases on 2001-03-30
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Between some flight where this was playing and the fact that Maddi loves this movie, I've seen it. There is a decent cast in this movie. Alan Cumming, Antonio Banderas, and Danny Trejo are all cool.
Seen 13 times, Last seen September 29, 2015
Movie cover for Never Back Down
Never Back Down (2008) Releases on 2008-03-04
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 22, 2015
Movie cover for Hard Ball
Hard Ball (2001) Releases on 2001-09-14
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 22, 2015
Movie cover for Zathura: A Space Adventure
Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) Releases on 2005-11-06
Seen 13 times, Last seen September 22, 2015
Movie cover for The Happening
The Happening (2008) Releases on 2008-06-11
Seen 20 times, Last seen September 22, 2015
Movie cover for Up in the Air
Up in the Air (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 15, 2015
Movie cover for The Transporter
The Transporter (2002)
Seen 66 times, Last seen September 15, 2015
Movie cover for Mission: Impossible III
Mission: Impossible III (2006) Releases on 2006-05-05
Stephen Klancher: July 3, 2006
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 8, 2015
Movie cover for Next
Next (2007)
Seen 27 times, Last seen September 1, 2015
Movie cover for Mission: Impossible II
Mission: Impossible II (2000)
Seen 19 times, Last seen September 1, 2015
Movie cover for 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 1, 2015
Movie cover for Hachi: A Dog's Tale
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) Releases on 2009-06-13
Seen 12 times, Last seen August 25, 2015
Movie cover for Enemy at the Gates
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 25, 2015
Movie cover for Disturbia
Disturbia (2007) Releases on 2007-04-04
Seen 5 times, Last seen August 18, 2015
Movie cover for Smokin' Aces
Smokin' Aces (2006) Releases on 2006-12-09
Seen 63 times, Last seen August 12, 2015
Movie cover for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Releases on 2003-07-02
Stephen Klancher: July 5, 2003
I don't remember a ton about it, but I seem to remember liking it more than many people did. I liked the "inevitability" ending.
Seen 28 times, Last seen August 12, 2015
Movie cover for Artificial Intelligence: AI
Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
Seen 14 times, Last seen August 12, 2015
Movie cover for Changeling
Changeling (2008)
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2010
Seemed decent but I was falling asleep.
Seen 13 times, Last seen July 28, 2015
Movie cover for Red Dragon
Red Dragon (2002)
Seen 41 times, Last seen July 28, 2015
Movie cover for White Chicks
White Chicks (2004) Releases on 2004-06-23
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 28, 2015
Movie cover for Accepted
Accepted (2006) Releases on 2006-08-18
Seen 13 times, Last seen July 28, 2015
Movie cover for Grandma's Boy
Grandma's Boy (2006) Releases on 2006-01-06
Stephen Klancher: January 6, 2006
I loved this movie. One of very few movies I went to see a second time in the theater.
Seen 35 times, Last seen July 21, 2015
Movie cover for Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt (2001) Releases on 2001-04-11
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 21, 2015
Movie cover for Shallow Hal
Shallow Hal (2001) Releases on 2001-11-09
Seen 93 times, Last seen July 14, 2015
Movie cover for She's the Man
She's the Man (2006) Releases on 2006-03-17
Seen 6 times, Last seen June 30, 2015
Movie cover for High Fidelity
High Fidelity (2000)
Seen 13 times, Last seen June 9, 2015
Movie cover for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Releases on 2003-07-11
Seen 0 times, Last seen June 7, 2015
Movie cover for Boyhood
Boyhood (2014) Releases on 2014-08-15
Stephen Klancher: August 19, 2017
Seen 7 times, Last seen May 20, 2015
Movie cover for Men in Black II
Men in Black II (2002)
Seen 15 times, Last seen May 20, 2015
Movie cover for Super Troopers
Super Troopers (2001)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I watched this first year of college while playing Counter Strike, so I don't remember it quite as well as if I were paying attention. Though it was full of fun shenanigans...
Seen 6 times, Last seen May 12, 2015
Movie cover for The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries (2001)
Seen 20 times, Last seen May 12, 2015
Movie cover for Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen May 5, 2015
Movie cover for Good Luck Chuck
Good Luck Chuck (2007) Releases on 2007-06-13
Seen 21 times, Last seen April 21, 2015
Movie cover for Into the Blue
Into the Blue (2005) Releases on 2005-09-30
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 21, 2015
Movie cover for Death Race
Death Race (2008) Releases on 2008-08-21
Seen 519 times, Last seen April 8, 2015
Movie cover for District 9
District 9 (2009)
Stephen Klancher: January 25, 2010
Incredibly fun and interesting style. Especially in the beginning which was heavy on the news/documentary style. The explosions from the alien weapons were incredibly satisfying and the aliens themselves were fun to look at. One of the things I thought was most interesting was that much of the movie played like a story about refugees in Africa. They just so happened to be from another planet.
Seen 58 times, Last seen March 27, 2015
Movie cover for Secretary
Secretary (2002) Releases on 2002-01-11
Seen 16 times, Last seen March 27, 2015
Movie cover for The Brothers Grimm
The Brothers Grimm (2005) Releases on 2005-08-26
Seen 9 times, Last seen March 27, 2015
Movie cover for Hitch
Hitch (2005)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I wasn't expecting much of this but I was surprised that it was actually pretty funny.
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 17, 2015
Movie cover for 1408
1408 (2007) Releases on 2007-06-12
Seen 79 times, Last seen March 17, 2015
Movie cover for He's Just Not That Into You
He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 10, 2015
Movie cover for 21 Grams
21 Grams (2003)
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 10, 2015
Movie cover for Savage Grace
Savage Grace (2007) Releases on 2007-05-18
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 10, 2015
Movie cover for Munich
Munich (2005) Releases on 2006-01-06
Seen 27 times, Last seen March 10, 2015
Movie cover for Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette (2006) Releases on 2006-10-20
Seen 42 times, Last seen March 3, 2015
Movie cover for John Tucker Must Die
John Tucker Must Die (2006) Releases on 2006-07-27
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 24, 2015
Movie cover for The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) Releases on 2004-11-14
Seen 71 times, Last seen February 10, 2015
Movie cover for Big Fish
Big Fish (2003) Releases on 2004-01-09
Stephen Klancher: April 3, 2004
Almost more than the movie itself, I remember that after we saw this at the theater on campus at UCSD Brett and I went to Wendy's. I do remember the movie being quite fanciful, which is totally up my alley.
Seen 12 times, Last seen January 27, 2015
Movie cover for The Road to El Dorado
The Road to El Dorado (2000) Releases on 2000-03-31
Seen 26 times, Last seen January 13, 2015
Movie cover for Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum (2006)
Seen 26 times, Last seen January 13, 2015
Movie cover for Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)
Seen 12 times, Last seen January 6, 2015
Movie cover for Team America: World Police
Team America: World Police (2004) Releases on 2004-10-15
Stephen Klancher: October 26, 2004
Fuck yeah!
Seen 26 times, Last seen January 6, 2015
Movie cover for Bridge to Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia (2007) Releases on 2007-02-10
Seen 72 times, Last seen January 6, 2015
Movie cover for Pineapple Express
Pineapple Express (2008)
Stephen Klancher: January 19, 2009
Definitely some funny moments, but a much better stoner movie is Grandma's Boy.
Seen 34 times, Last seen December 8, 2014
Movie cover for Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd
Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (2003) Releases on 2003-06-13
Seen 28 times, Last seen November 24, 2014
Movie cover for Green Street Hooligans
Green Street Hooligans (2005) Releases on 2005-09-09
Seen 15 times, Last seen October 5, 2014
Movie cover for Defiance
Defiance (2008)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 28, 2014
Movie cover for Cheaper by the Dozen
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003)
Seen 13 times, Last seen September 28, 2014
Movie cover for The Princess and the Frog
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Seen 20 times, Last seen September 28, 2014
Movie cover for Lords of Dogtown
Lords of Dogtown (2005) Releases on 2005-06-03
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 21, 2014
Movie cover for From Hell
From Hell (2001) Releases on 2001-09-08
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 21, 2014
Movie cover for Just Married
Just Married (2003) Releases on 2003-01-08
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 21, 2014
Movie cover for Walk the Line
Walk the Line (2005)
Stephen Klancher: May 7, 2008
Seen 27 times, Last seen September 14, 2014
Movie cover for World's Greatest Dad
World's Greatest Dad (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 7, 2014
Movie cover for Dead Silence
Dead Silence (2007) Releases on 2007-03-16
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 7, 2014
Movie cover for The Spirit
The Spirit (2008) Releases on 2008-12-25
Seen 332 times, Last seen September 7, 2014
Movie cover for (500) Days of Summer
(500) Days of Summer (2009)
Stephen Klancher: January 31, 2010
Fun movie that does a great job of mixing many different styles. It has for me some of the same appeal of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I like the wise little sister. The list of her traits he loves later paired with the same list that he hates. The black & white "love documentary" parts. I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, but to me she will always be Dorthy from the high-potential, low-results mini-series Tin Man.

Also, it seems like I like any decent movie with the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype.
Seen 13 times, Last seen August 31, 2014
Movie cover for One Hour Photo
One Hour Photo (2002)
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2003
Seen 13 times, Last seen August 31, 2014
Movie cover for August Rush
August Rush (2007) Releases on 0000-00-00
Seen 13 times, Last seen August 31, 2014
Movie cover for RV
RV (2006) Releases on 2006-04-28
Seen 35 times, Last seen August 31, 2014
Movie cover for TMNT
TMNT (2007) Releases on 1969-12-31
Seen 14 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for Maid in Manhattan
Maid in Manhattan (2002) Releases on 2002-12-13
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for Death to Smoochy
Death to Smoochy (2002)
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for Robots
Robots (2005)
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for The Final Cut
The Final Cut (2004) Releases on 2004-02-11
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for House of D
House of D (2004) Releases on 2004-05-07
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for Man of the Year
Man of the Year (2006) Releases on 2006-10-13
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 24, 2014
Movie cover for Old Dogs
Old Dogs (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 17, 2014
Movie cover for Ella Enchanted
Ella Enchanted (2004)
Seen 13 times, Last seen August 17, 2014
Movie cover for Step Up 2: The Streets
Step Up 2: The Streets (2008) Releases on 2008-02-14
Seen 6 times, Last seen July 13, 2014
Movie cover for Cheaper by the Dozen 2
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) Releases on 2005-12-21
Seen 15 times, Last seen July 13, 2014
Movie cover for Hard Candy
Hard Candy (2005) Releases on 0000-00-00
Seen 2 times, Last seen July 11, 2014
Movie cover for Black Swan
Black Swan (2010) Releases on 2010-12-17
Stephen Klancher: December 20, 2010
That was crazy amazing. All I knew going in was there was ballet and it was supposed to be good. Totally surprising and totally insane... the qualities I like most in a movie.
Seen 20 times, Last seen July 6, 2014
Movie cover for Splice
Splice (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen June 22, 2014
Movie cover for Definitely, Maybe
Definitely, Maybe (2008) Releases on 2008-01-24
Seen 6 times, Last seen June 22, 2014
Movie cover for My Sister's Keeper
My Sister's Keeper (2009)
Seen 3 times, Last seen May 28, 2014
Movie cover for Gravity
Gravity (2013)
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 28, 2014
Movie cover for Click
Click (2006)
Seen 287 times, Last seen April 21, 2014
Movie cover for Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) Releases on 2004-07-09
Stephen Klancher: July 17, 2004
Milk was a bad choice!
Seen 7 times, Last seen April 7, 2014
Movie cover for Whip It
Whip It (2009)
Seen 36 times, Last seen March 31, 2014
Movie cover for Beowulf
Beowulf (2007) Releases on 2007-11-05
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 24, 2014
Movie cover for Alexander
Alexander (2004) Releases on 2004-11-16
Seen 20 times, Last seen March 10, 2014
Movie cover for Antichrist
Antichrist (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen March 10, 2014
Movie cover for About a Boy
About a Boy (2002)
Seen 8 times, Last seen March 3, 2014
Movie cover for Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Releases on 2006-08-18
Stephen Klancher: September 9, 2006
Seen 14 times, Last seen February 24, 2014
Movie cover for Capote
Capote (2005)
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for The Savages
The Savages (2007)
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for We Are Marshall
We Are Marshall (2006) Releases on 2006-12-22
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)
Stephen Klancher: October 19, 2008
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for Along Came Polly
Along Came Polly (2004) Releases on 2004-01-12
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for Synecdoche, New York
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Stephen Klancher: September 7, 2009
Wow, that was really cool. I'll probably need to watch that again some time to be able to follow more of it, but I really enjoy that kind of almost dreamy uncertain continuity. Eternal Sunshine probably still my favorite, but I really enjoy these movies written by Kaufman.
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for Charlie Wilson's War
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 17, 2014
Movie cover for Pirate Radio
Pirate Radio (2009) Releases on 2009-11-13
Seen 8 times, Last seen February 10, 2014
Movie cover for The Dukes of Hazzard
The Dukes of Hazzard (2005)
Seen 6 times, Last seen January 27, 2014
Movie cover for The Butterfly Effect
The Butterfly Effect (2004) Releases on 2004-01-23
Seen 27 times, Last seen January 20, 2014
Movie cover for 13 Going on 30
13 Going on 30 (2004) Releases on 2004-04-14
Seen 7 times, Last seen December 23, 2013
Movie cover for Invictus
Invictus (2009)
Seen 55 times, Last seen November 25, 2013
Movie cover for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) Releases on 2009-09-18
Seen 7 times, Last seen November 12, 2013
Movie cover for Monster House
Monster House (2006) Releases on 2006-06-15
Seen 7 times, Last seen November 12, 2013
Movie cover for An Education
An Education (2009)
Seen 14 times, Last seen November 4, 2013
Movie cover for Seed of Chucky
Seed of Chucky (2004) Releases on 2004-11-12
Seen 6 times, Last seen October 21, 2013
Movie cover for Precious
Precious (2009) Releases on 2009-11-20
Seen 40 times, Last seen October 7, 2013
Movie cover for The Chronicles of Riddick
The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) Releases on 2004-06-03
Seen 33 times, Last seen October 7, 2013
Movie cover for Pitch Black
Pitch Black (2000) Releases on 2000-02-18
Stephen Klancher: September 7, 2013
Seen 5 times, Last seen September 30, 2013
Movie cover for The Emperor's New Groove
The Emperor's New Groove (2000)
Seen 5 times, Last seen September 30, 2013
Movie cover for Lilo & Stitch
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
I'm going to count this as watched but I think I stopped watching midway because it was not good. Maybe I should already know I'm too old for Disney movies, but this does not compare to the old ones.
Seen 27 times, Last seen September 23, 2013
Movie cover for All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) Releases on 0000-00-00
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 9, 2013
Movie cover for Hollywoodland
Hollywoodland (2006)
Seen 6 times, Last seen September 2, 2013
Movie cover for Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights (2004) Releases on 2004-10-06
Seen 6 times, Last seen August 5, 2013
Movie cover for The Fourth Kind
The Fourth Kind (2009)
Seen 5 times, Last seen July 29, 2013
Movie cover for Final Destination 3
Final Destination 3 (2006) Releases on 2006-02-09
Seen 13 times, Last seen July 15, 2013
Movie cover for Tears of the Sun
Tears of the Sun (2003) Releases on 2003-03-03
Seen 15 times, Last seen July 15, 2013
Movie cover for Yes Man
Yes Man (2008)
Seen 8 times, Last seen July 1, 2013
Movie cover for Valhalla Rising
Valhalla Rising (2009) Releases on 2009-09-04
Seen 8 times, Last seen June 24, 2013
Movie cover for Law Abiding Citizen
Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Seen 21 times, Last seen May 11, 2013
Movie cover for Ma Mère
Ma Mère (2004)
Seen 11 times, Last seen May 6, 2013
Movie cover for Garden State
Garden State (2004)
Seen 9 times, Last seen April 15, 2013
Movie cover for Madagascar
Madagascar (2005)
Seen 6 times, Last seen April 8, 2013
Movie cover for Evan Almighty
Evan Almighty (2007)
Seen 7 times, Last seen April 8, 2013
Movie cover for Inuyasha the Movie 4: Fire on the Mystic Island
Inuyasha the Movie 4: Fire on the Mystic Island (2004)
Seen 28 times, Last seen March 11, 2013
Movie cover for Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Stephen Klancher: May 4, 2009
Still fun.
Seen 1 times, Last seen February 26, 2013
Movie cover for The 85th Annual Academy Awards
The 85th Annual Academy Awards (2013)
Seen 5 times, Last seen February 25, 2013
Movie cover for Pendragon: Sword of His Father
Pendragon: Sword of His Father (2008)
Seen 6 times, Last seen February 18, 2013
Movie cover for Primer
Primer (2004)
Stephen Klancher: September 2, 2010
That was an amazingly cool movie.
Seen 12 times, Last seen February 11, 2013
Movie cover for The Collector
The Collector (2009)
Seen 8 times, Last seen January 21, 2013
Movie cover for Sexy Beast
Sexy Beast (2001) Releases on 2001-01-12
Seen 1 times, Last seen January 15, 2013
Movie cover for The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards
The 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2013) Releases on 2013-01-13
Seen 120 times, Last seen December 31, 2012
Movie cover for 3 Idiots
3 Idiots (2009)
Seen 6 times, Last seen December 31, 2012
Movie cover for Bitch Slap
Bitch Slap (2009) Releases on 2009-11-06
Seen 27 times, Last seen December 10, 2012
Movie cover for New Moon
New Moon (2009)
Seen 7 times, Last seen November 26, 2012
Movie cover for Layer Cake
Layer Cake (2004)
Stephen Klancher: February 21, 2011
Like a Guy Ritchie style movie done by someone else. Great music throughout. I love the songs "Ordinary World" and "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood".
Seen 3 times, Last seen November 3, 2012
Movie cover for The Revenant
The Revenant (2009) Releases on 2012-08-24
Seen 7 times, Last seen October 16, 2012
Movie cover for Seven Pounds
Seven Pounds (2008) Releases on 2008-12-19
Seen 6 times, Last seen October 8, 2012
Movie cover for Solomon Kane
Solomon Kane (2009) Releases on 2009-12-23
Seen 0 times, Last seen September 24, 2012
Movie cover for The 64th Primetime Emmy Awards
The 64th Primetime Emmy Awards (2012) Releases on 2012-09-23
Seen 27 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Hera Pheri
Hera Pheri (2000) Releases on 2000-03-31
Seen 594 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Amores Perros
Amores Perros (2000)
Stephen Klancher: October 18, 2009
Life is messy.
Seen 568 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Salinui chueok
Salinui chueok (2003)
Seen 489 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Swades: We, the People
Swades: We, the People (2004)
Seen 212 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.
Munnabhai M.B.B.S. (2003) Releases on 2003-12-19
Seen 226 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for A Moment to Remember
A Moment to Remember (2004) Releases on 1969-12-31
Seen 548 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Departures
Departures (2008) Releases on 2008-09-13
Seen 304 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Dil Chahta Hai
Dil Chahta Hai (2001)
Seen 595 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for The Best of Youth
The Best of Youth (2003)
Seen 364 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Rang De Basanti
Rang De Basanti (2006) Releases on 2006-01-26
Seen 372 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Like Stars on Earth
Like Stars on Earth (2007) Releases on 1969-12-31
Seen 207 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for A Wednesday
A Wednesday (2008) Releases on 2008-09-05
Seen 595 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Downfall
Downfall (2004) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: October 11, 2008
Decent movie in its own right, but the internet meme of subbing over Hitler scenes never ceases to amuse me.
Seen 595 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for Amélie
Amélie (2001)
Stephen Klancher: July 21, 2008
Seen 595 times, Last seen September 17, 2012
Movie cover for The Pianist
The Pianist (2002) Releases on 1969-12-31
Stephen Klancher: August 26, 2008
Seen 323 times, Last seen July 7, 2012
Movie cover for Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2004) Releases on 2003-09-19
Stephen Klancher: January 4, 2011
Odd, but a calm slow movie suited me today.
Seen 383 times, Last seen April 30, 2012
Movie cover for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
Stephen Klancher: March 18, 2010
Especially in the beginning, some of this was really hard to watch because it was through his perspective and his vision would dim, his eye would wander, and of course he would blink a lot. But then there are worse ways to spend time than watching beautiful women smiling and making eye contact while reciting the alphabet in French. Interesting movie overall.
Seen 438 times, Last seen April 18, 2012
Movie cover for My Sassy Girl
My Sassy Girl (2001) Releases on 2001-07-27
Stephen Klancher: SEEN
Punchie convinced me to go to this at the Korean film festival at UCSD. I loved it and have watched it several times since. It strengthened my existing interest in foreign films and made me realize that Romantic Comedy wasn't necessarily a synonym for "shitty movie."
Seen 1 times, Last seen February 28, 2012
Movie cover for The 84th Annual Academy Awards
The 84th Annual Academy Awards (2012) Releases on 2012-02-26
Seen 284 times, Last seen February 15, 2012
Movie cover for Philanthropy
Philanthropy (2002) Releases on 2002-03-15
Seen 1 times, Last seen January 17, 2012
Movie cover for The 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards
The 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2012) Releases on 2012-01-15
Seen 279 times, Last seen November 28, 2011
Movie cover for Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo
Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo (2004)
Seen 1 times, Last seen September 20, 2011
Movie cover for The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards
The 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards (2011) Releases on 2011-09-18